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Western Carolinian Volume 72 Number 03

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  • sl Advice to Freshmen We Feel For You, Freshmen By Kayla Lynch WCnewsmagazine You incoming freshmen have it pretty rough. You land here from your first flight from your nest back home, and you're greeted with all sorts of crazy situations. You've got to make sure your financial aid is up to par, squeeze your entire life into one side of a 15 5.5 x 10 0 room, rent more books than you know what to do with, and...oh yeah make some friends! It's understandable that freshmen might have a hard time coping with being bombarded with so much stress. So, heres a guide from your friendly junior newspaper writer on how to make it through your freshmen year in one piece. Eating is a way a lot of people cope with stress. Some people get stressed and don't take care of themselves and skip eating altogether while others go on food overload. This is where the Freshman 15 comes in. Its not just about eating a bunch of calories, but you have to think about how many you are drinking, too. A lot of freshmen party a lot the first semester theyre here. Its not that hard to pack on the pounds when you eat when you're bored, too. Luckily at Western, we have a great fitness center with fun programs that can help you combat the Freshman 15, and a variety of dining choices. Also on our team for healthy students is Karen White, our resident nutritionist in the Bird Building. WesternCarolinian She is very helpful when it comes to weight management, emotional eating, and diet/stress management, and is a great asset to have for all of us here at Western. She runs a program specifically for weight loss called Weight Loss Wednesdays. You can contact her at 227-2088. Now you need some friends. A great way to start off is to get to know people on your hall. Your RA will have a hall meeting before your classes start so you and your hallmates can meet each other. The biggest event for freshmen to meet friends at is Valley BallyHoo. It's a huge event right before classes start that showcases all the groups, organizations, and things to do here in Cullowhee. Last year at Valley BallyHoo, over 140 groups and organizations were displayed. There is a ton of free stuff and information on all the things you can get involved with here, and its where you can sign up to become part of student organizations, which is where you'll make a lot of new friends. Even if you dont go, you can still get involved in student organizations; a lot of them have facebook groups or posters around campus for events. Sometimes having such a _ crazy schedule can wreak havoc on your mental health. After all, you're probably not getting enough sleep at night (atleast 8 hours), stressing over juggling your studies and your playtime, and adjusting to a new lifestyle...all this might leave you feeling just a little overwhelmed. Learning to manage your time wisely, how to stay organized and how to say no to some demands for your time is a good start to keeping stress under control. Quite often prolonged stress can lead to anxiety and/or depression, and severe cases can lead some to flunk out or not return to school the next academic year. Thankfully, we have a wonderful Counseling Center at Western, also located in the Bird Building. It never hurts to talk about the stress you are feeling, and the counselors are very professional and knowledgeable on issues that college students might be going through. Contact the Counseling Center at 227-7469 In closing, its best to just be prepared to feel completely unprepared. Surround yourself with people who care about your success and create a positive atmosphere for yourself. There are plenty of support networks here if you choose to utilize them. Remember, if you study hard, then you can party hard. Good luck!

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).