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Western Carolinian Volume 72 Number 03

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  • Valley Balleyhoo By Rachel Mitchell + WCnewsmagazine At the beginning of every year, before classes start, the UC lawn is host to the Balley Valley Whoo event. This single gathering introduces new students to the clubs, organizations and whatever else might be of interest at Western with tons of free stuff. For new students, joining an organization is the fastest way to make friends and to get involved. For a freshman who doesnt know anyone on campus, joining a group of other people who have the same interests can help to ease the stress of being in a new place. Devin Conover, a sophomore at Western, said, I didnt go to Balley Valley Whoo my freshman year. It was a big mistake. | missed out on joining some great organizations because | was too lazy to go. Joining an organization has a list of benefits including a resume builder, having the opportunity to go places or just being with people who have the same interests. Clubs range from the English, Anthropology and Criminal Justice clubs which are associated with majors on campus to the Catamount, Last Minute Productions and the Arts Student League. There are also organizations whose goals are to help students throughout the stressful year. The Womens Center, Relay- 4-Life, Sexual Assault Support Services and IT Services are there to let students know that they are there to help. Then there are the companies that are well known hangouts of Western students. The Fun Factory, Pizza Hut and Papas Pizza are a few of the local businesses that are well known trademarks by students. Probably the best part about Balley Valley Whoo is the free stuff. Organizations try _ to induce students to join by giving away free pens, stress balls, food, brochures, calendars, rubber ducks, pizza coupons, more pens, magnets, mouse pads and tons more. Every year these organizations give away new stuff, but the best are taken first, so getting there early is important. In the past years, some organizations such as Base Camp Cullowhee gave students a chance to see what they have to offer with a swimming pool and a couple of kayakers. There are also new additions to Balley Valley Whoo. One of this years added organizations will be the Western Carolinian which will be giving away pens, notepads and tons of stress balls. Every year the Balley Valley Whoo grows larger as new organizations emerge and more students attend. It is the only chance to see nearly every campus organization together, with tons of free stuff and new faces to meet. lagazine a Ul | SLNAIASR SNAWNVTD

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).