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Western Carolinian Volume 52 Number 23

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  • The Western Carolinian 7 April 10, 1987 Students Decide, ■from page one Bracy "were recruited separately by women who worked in the embassy." The women then introduced them to Soviet intelligence officers. These officials said theat the two guards were "physically and psychologically seduced by Soviet agents who played on their loneliness. According to sources, Lonetree "became involved sexually with a Soviet woman who worked as a translator at the embassy, and Bracy ... was involved with an embassy cook." Pentagon sources claim that Bracy was "administratively reduced in rank from sergeant last August for fraternizing with a woman form Moscow." Lonetree and Bracy's actions have been called "a crucial breach of security." The embassy houses the State Department's operations and is the command post for the CIA's Moscow operation. This is the Marines first spy case in 38 years and they are considering shortening duty tours for guards at some sensitive posts." The current system has most marine guards serving "two 15-month tours of duty, first at a lonely or especially stressful post such as Moscow or Kabul, (or) Afghanistan, and then at missions such as Paris orVienna, where life is relatively easy." The requirements for a Marine guard are that they must be "unmarried enlisted personnel who promise to remain single during their 30 months abroad." About 1,4000 Marines stand guard at 134 US embassies around the world. The Marine Corps, as related by the March 31 Charlotte Observer, "will replace all 28 security guard at the USEmbassy in Moscow with other Marines as a special precaution." The United States is concerned, moreover, about information given to Israel by Jonathan Pollard, a former US Navy analyst. After Air Force officer Aviem Sella was indicted in the US on "charges of hiring convicted spy Jonathan Pollard," he resigned March 29 as head of Israel's most prestigious air force base, according to Israel television. In his resignation letter, Sella said that he was "acting to prevent a deterioration in Israel-US ties." He had been promoted to head Tel Nof air force base on the eve of the March 4 sentencing of Pollard, a 32-year old Jew, "to life in prison for selling Israel hundreds of classified US military documents in 1984-85." The March 4 New York Times reported that Sella would face a maximum of life in prison and a $500,000 fine if convicted of spying. US attorney Joseph E. diGenova said that espionage as a "political offense" was "exempted under extradition treaties and that therefore General Sella could not be extradited to stand trial" in the US. If he came fo the US voluntarily, however, he would be arrested and tried. The State Department, as noted by diGenova, had been involved in the decision to indict Sella and had fully supported it. "Sella, 46, a pilot by profession, is believed to have hired Pollard ... while on study leave in the United States." The hiring was done in connection with a secret Defense Ministry unit known as te Scientific Liaison Bureau. When Pollard was arrested in 1985, Israel called it a "renegade" operation; however, the Scientific Liaison Bureau was disbanded. Pollard claimed, in a presentencing statement, that his activities were "known to high- ranking Israelis." Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin said that this claim of Pollard was "total nonsense." Some Justice Department officials "complained they were misled in their investigation by the Israelis." On the other hand, the Israelis and their supporters "have been angered that American official sought to prosecute the cases in well-publicized criminal proceedings" instead of "resolving them through quiet, diplomatic talks." One State Department official says that this is the first time "that an Israeli official has been indicted in the United States." Nathan Lewin, Sella's Washington lawyer, had no comment on the ruling. The Justice Department is "seeking to revoke the immunity" initially granted to three other Israelis "described in the indictment as part of the spy ring with" Jonathan Pollard. A Justice Department spokesman said that the three Israelis had engaged in a 'massive deception and cover-up,' one of which was Rafael Eitan. Eitan was a former chief of operations of Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service, and also a former adviser on terrorism to Prime , Ministers Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, federal officials say that the two other conspirators are Yosef Yazur, a former science attache at the Israeli Consulate in New York; and Irit Erb, a former secretary at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. On March 29 a London newspaper reported that Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger "acknowledged in a secret 41- page affidavit he submitted during Pollard's trail that the United States spies against Israel and other 'friendly countries.'" Weinberger, however, publicly denied that the US spied against Israel. In the affidavit, he suggested that Pollard 'had done immense damage' to US intelligence-gathering in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa. The Times of March 29 said Pollard "provided Israel with details of US intelligence operations in South Africa and that Israeli passed the information on to South African authorities." Weinberger suggested that Pollard has exposed at least one American agent working in South Africa. US officials had been seeking "independent assessments of So th Africa's ability to resist economic sanctions and of the effectiveness of a long-standing arms embargo." As related by The Charlotte Observer of March 30, "South Africa and Israel are often reported to have close although unacknowledged ties." Maybe there is a substitute for Subscribe toThe Wall Street Journal, and enjoy student savings of up to $48. That's quite a bargain, especially when you consider what it really represents: Tuition for the real world. pTo subscribe, call 800-257-1200,* Ext. 1066 toU-free"! tniil 10 The Wall Streer Journal 500 3rd Ave W . Sealllr WA 98119 The Will Street Journal. 2000 NOMINATED ACADEMY AWARDS! Including: BEST PICTURE, BEST ACTOR and BEST DIRECTOR. PLATJrlN TOM BERENGER WILLEM DAFOE Shows 7 & 9:15 Tuesday Night Special Reduced Admission For Vietnam .Veterans For This Picture —~mm—mmmmmmw^0'i Shows 7:15 & 9:15 Sunday Matinees- m at 2 p.m. Takepffwijh trie original cast. I s 1 s 3 ti S 1 V 9 3 u V A 1 0 3 H 3 a 1 y V 1 3 N V N V 1 1 1 N 0 i s s 1 IAI 3 U V 1 ■ 1 d V uB lo N O U d ■ s d V 1 sis IAJ 3 H 0 V S i s 0 IAI 1 VMS 9 V U ■m s 3 d 1 d|S l N 3 a IS 3 b 3 0 d| |N 3 s 1 Ml uN N V N M olals 3 X V Jjms a o b d ■ N 3 a V 1JB3 i N 1 V s s lis 1 s 3 tiMl d 0 V sl [3]Nl3|a] l| |0 s d i ■ i N V |a|3|N|3|A| 1 1 N 3 a 3 A V 1 p MvTiaiH 1 1 3 H 1 a N 3 N o |s 1 0 V J3 3 H V 3 U O M FANTASTIC HAIR STYLING STUDIO $5.00 off on all perms & curls Good through April 16th with coupon. owner: Faye Taylor Shows 7 & 9 If you think you'll get put alive, you must be dreaming. ON ELM STREETS Dream Warriors* LAST MINUTE PRODUCTIONS April 11, 1987 The "Pub" with Redd Alert 8:00 to 12:00 pm GRANDROOM $1.00 April11-12, 1987 River Cleanup & Water Safari (f 4 Free D 6 9:00 am 9 (7V Open Mike Night 8:00 pm CHEROKEE ROOM Acts sign up 2nd floor UC LMP office sign up first floor U.C. April 13, 1987 We Can Make You Laugh d GRANDROOM FREE All contestants will recieve a t-shirt 8:00 pm contestants sign up 2nd floor UC LMP office Day Climbing Trip 8:00 am - 6:00 pm $10.00 students Price includes: Transportation, equipment, guides. Sign Up first Floor U.C. April 25, 1987 April 26, 1987 Canoe Trip 9:00 am to 6:00 pm $10.00 students I! •. ' i A V\ April 14, 1987 Doubles Billiards Tournament 7:00 pm \ GAMEROOM $1.00 f) come with a partner or be paired up. 9 May 10-24, 1987 Canyonlands Backpacking Trip Stops along the way include: Grand Canyon Chaco Canyon Indian Ruins Blanc hard Springs Caverns $125.00 students $175.00 non-students Price includes: Transportation, equipment, lodging, meals enroute & on the trail, and Park fees For more informatiom, contact: Billy Zink at LMP at 227-7479 or 227-7250.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).