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Western Carolinian Volume 52 Number 23

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  • The Western Carolinian 3 April 10, 1987 TROUBLESHOOTER Potholes Trip Up Student Dear Editor: I'm a student here at Western, and I would like to inform those who are responsible for the potholes or the dug-out at the intersection of the driveway at Moss Apartments and Highway 107 that it is dangerous and needs their immediate attention. This place is dark and dangerous to pedestrians and i would like fo see some immediate action taken on the matter. Recently, I fell and hurt my leg and back. As a result I was unable to attend classes. I believe this is due to negligence on the part of those in question. Name Withheld Who is responsible for the maintenance of the above mentioned driveway}' Well, Mr. Willis of tie local maintenance office for the North Carolina Division of Highways checked into this matter for The Western Carolinian TroubleShooter. After examining the driveway, he informed the TroubleShooter that this was in actuality private property and the responsibility of the owner to maintain and repair. While it is outside the bounds of The Western Carolinian to provide legal advise, we were referred to the publication Wf.b: ter's Real Estate Law m Nonh Carolina and the following is an excerpt from subsection 67 which talks about Landlord's Obligations and subsection 70 ■ Remedies. (Webster's Real Estate Law can be found in the Hunter Library). "• 6 7. Same Obligations. — Landlord's The Act sets forth the following obligations of a landlord: (I) tt> comply wnh current applicable building and housing codes: 12) to make all repairs ami do whatever is necessary r<> put und keep the premises m a fit and habitable condition; (J) 10 keep the common areas of the premises in safe condition; (4) to "maintain in good and safe working order and promptly repair alt electrical, plumbing,, sanitary, heating ventilating, air conditioning, and other facilities and appliances supplied or required to be supplied by him provided thai notification of needed repairs is made to the landlord in writing by the tenant except in emergency situations." Although no reported Court of Appeals or Supreme Conn ca.scsextsi interpreting lite Act. u seems clear thai die general obligation to keep die premises in a Jit and habitable condition will plug any gaps that might exist m die enumeration of specific obligations m other /mils if ihe same statute, /he admonition to "do whatever is necessary" to render lite premises habitable speaks for Letters to the Editor Open Letter to Chancellor Coulter The Editor: p To The Western Carolinian: After completing this letter, I decided that I would like to ask you to print rt in our school newspaper, ft may be of some interest to the students and faculty of this university, as they may have had to face similar situations. I would appreciate response from anyone who either agrees or disagrees, and I will gladly organize any response I get and see that other voices besides my own are heard. Thank you. Dear Chancellor Coulter: am writing this letter to you because I am quite upset at having to miss my psychology class today. I am one of the few students at this university who actually likes going to class and participating as an active member in my own education. I am a sophomore and I am very fortunate to be able to make high marks because I have no family to put me through school. I am attending this university on grants, as well as an academic scholarship. Mr. Hardesty has been very patient and very helpful to me in finding the money to pay for school. I think you can see that I take fhe opportunity to get an education very seriously. This semester 1 was lucky enough to get a psychology class with Dr. J. Charlesworfh. He takes interest in all of his students, and likes to push us to use our full potential. He has encouraged me to find out more about fhe field of education as a possible major. Needless to say. I do not like to miss his class. This morning, however. I did have to miss his class. I live in a small apartment off campus with my fiance. After dropping my fiance off for his class, I had an hour before my psychology class. I could not find a space to park my car. I cannot afford parking tickets for parking in unauthorized areas, and I have already had to do that a few times I have less than $10.00 in the bank until we get paid for our workstudy hours, and that money is tightly budgeted for our rent and electricity. Food is a luxury that occasionally we have to give up to pay our parking debts. This is not a joke, and rt is also not written in the heat of anger, i just think that it is unfair. I have worked, and do work hard to make my life bearable, and hopefully, my future better So fhe fact that I have to either miss class, or go hungry to park somewhere is simply unacceptable. I am sure there are a few more like me, and I take it upon myself to speak for them as well when i ask you to please give this letter some thought. I would sincerely appreciate a response - whic h is neither a joke nor written in the heat of anger. Western Carolinian 170)1 tn-TSal Western Carolina University I' 0 Box WiCtillouhK-; North Ciirnlinu 2tf7Zt Andrew Dawkins Editor in Chief Randy Rosenthal Business Manager ASSOC/A TE EDITORS Sports Editor Billy Graham People Editor Margaret Crites News and Entertainment Editor Erin Miltnei Edwin Carlton Photographer TYPESETTERS Chief Typesetter Hand Horn Marvel la Daniels Lisa Cable Bob Bold Kim Morris Kirk Mitchell WRITERS Chris Gets Lena Coggins William Thorpe Margaret Crites Scott Stalmasek Daniel Breen Martha MacAfee Tim Barton Melissa Knobletl Muffle Utt Karen Utt Shelly Hopkins Anne Thompson LAYOUT STAFF Chief Layout Artist Scon Stalmasek Michelle Davis Paul Skinner Kirk Nelsen Billy Graham Lindsay Hill Margaret Crites PROOF READER DISTRIBUTION MANAGERS Lindsay Hill and Paul Skinner Sharon Smith SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR Michelle Karen Davis Ad Design Gray Erlacher Special Assistant to Business Manager Cheryl Das itself. To the extent tliat the Act reqtares compliance with building and housing codes and then makes this obligation mutually dependent with the tenant's obligation to pay rent and maintain the dwelling unit it makes die tenant an enforcer of die codes. Concerning the fourth obligation of the landlord set forth above, a special requirement of a written notice (except in emergency situations) is added. Presumably, ihe sweeping general obligation to keep the premises habitable will require that ihe landlord repair those defects or substandard conditions within the landlord's personal knowledge regardless of whether or not written notice of the matter in question has been received. Ihe nonce requirement . will have utility, however, in a number i>f situations such as where only the tenant knows j of the problem or where the landlord j has been ignoring the problem. « 70. Same — Remedies. The Acl provides: "Any right or obligation declared by this Chapter is enforceable by civil actum, in addition to other remakes id law and equity." Ihe term "action" is defined as including "recoupment, counterclaim, defense, set off and any other proceeding unhiding an action for -possession.* ERIN MILLNER .............. * and consideration, Suia Anne Riden PO Box 805 Cullowhee, NC Offended Senator The Editor: I am writing in reply to the Offended Senator' letter in the April 2, 1987 issue. ;.-, As a student, and a senator, I feel it was printed in bad taste. It is obvious that the motives behind the letter in question were to discredit Mr. Geis. Granted, Mr. Geis's campaign tactics have been somewhat questionable, but the matter at hand is still a private one. You should know. Mr Dawkins, that putting Mr. Breen on an assignment dealing with the election would cause such a reaction as there has always been a great amount of tension between the two people in question. You should also know, as both Mr. Geis and Mr. Breen are on your staff, that arguments like the one mentioned in the letter from the "Offended Senator" are not rare between the two. Not only am I surprised that you would place Mr. Breen on the election assignment, but I am also quite annoyed that you would allow such a matter (which proves to be trivial between Mr. Breen and Mr. Geis) to go public. The battle for SGA President has been a cruel one, as I am sure you are aware of, and I was surprised to find The Western Carolinian caught up in it. It could not have been possible for you to be unaware of the effects a letter like that could have on a candidate's campaign. I was under the impression that the Western Carolinian was supposed to be an unbiased spectator, but 1 have been proven wrong. Again I will say fhe letter was printed in bad taste. Now which Senator is "offended"? Sincerely, Paula Manczuk An Open Letter to the Student Body Dear Fellow Western Carolina Students: You made a big decision on Wednesday. You elected your Student Government Association president. First, I would like to applaud you tor coming out in such numbers. Almost 1,300 people voted, one of the best turnouts ever at Western and one of the best, percentage wise, among the UNC system's campuses. I am disappointed by your decision, but i would like to congratulate my opponent, Everette Colby, on a well-run, classy - campaign. He set a standard by which I could have run my own campaign, and I wish him the best of luck next year as he attempts to break into the SGA offices and work tor you. That brings me to my next point. I have spoken with Mr. Colby, and I have fold him that 1 would be receptive to working for him next year In SGA and helping him with getting used to the office. 1 will also assist Vice President-elect I've Come to America By VIVEK KUMAR PANDEY SPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR America greeted me with the most severe snowstorm it had had in several years. Result: I had a deep-freeze coming from a mild tropical winter to sub-zero snowstorm. As if that wasn't enough I was left stranded in Maine for a day before I could land at JFK (New York) and after one more stranding at Charlotte I finally arrived at WCU about 36 hours later than scheduled. It was a Saturday afternoon and I had a day and a half to relax before beginning school so I settled myself in a comfortable couch in the lounge and focused my attention on the news coming on the TV. ABC was running its weather forecast which said that temperatures for the next few days would be around 30 to 37 degrees. I was amazed because those are the temperature ranges we have during summer in India. And then I realized that the Americans measured their temperatures in degree fahrenheit and not in the metric centigrade scale. There was more to come when I discovered miles and gallons and ounces and pounds. Man! It kept my head pounding. I just could not figure out how many grams made a pound or how many ounces made a liter. Of course I've grown wiser now and I don't try any more conversions. I know a hundred cents make a dollarand hence I won't end up messing up in my classes at the Business School or my finances. The very next day I went out on the streets for a stroll. It has long been my habit to get out on the sidewalks and walk for hours on end, just gasping lungfuls of fresh air and observing whatever sights the neighborhood has to offer, whenever I have nothing else to do. Some people call it an idiosyncrasy of mine and you may have your own opinion but I am relieved to realize that when my day came to "hit the roads" I would be more at home than most other people. Well, I started walking on the sidewalks and enjoying the January chill. I could sense something strange about the vehicles moving on the roads but I could not tell what it was until I tried crossing the road at one point and almost got run over because I was looking the wrong way. And then it dawned on me that the vehicles were strangely keeping to the right hand side of the road. It would probably come as a suprise to you but the fact is that people in India drive on the left hand side of the road. They are not breaking any regulations but the rules say so. I would state the Indian traffic rule as "Right is wrong and left is right". Sounds paradoxical, doesn't it? Well those are the rules not only in India but in many other countries of the world including Britain and Japan. As a result vehicles in the latter countries have their steering and controls on the right hand side; but not here. Now that I've come to America I've formed for myself a different guideline which says "Right is right so leave the left." And I hope by the time I come to be driving on American roads I would be able to say "Right is right so I've left the left." So much for my observations of differences. The best and most comfortable thing I found about America is it's people. Americans differ in color and construction much like Indians do. Most Americans are either white or black and there are a very few in between, except for the Cherokee "Indians" who are for the most part brown (even though they are described as "Red Indians" in the western cowboy movies). But that is another story which I shall leave for another time. Most Indians (the Indians from India) have colors varying between these two extremes. I happen to be an exact replica of an average Indian and have a light brown skin. Hence any American could tell at a glance that I am a foreigner, but that has never caused me any problems. Most Americans I've met so far have been very understanding and nice to me. Well! I think that is lovely. I think I am going to enjoy my stay over here. I love you, America and I love you, Americans. The Message Is the Medium; The Medium Is the Message Samuel Hale Perhaps some of you, like my daughter, can sit in front of a television set completely absorbed by what is on the screen and oblivious to what else may be going on in the room. Do you believe what you hear and see on TV? --what the advertisers say, - what the progra ms say life is like as on the soaps, the cops and robbers stories, or the sit-coms? What do we believe? Do we question any of the news analyses? What is the truth? I go through all this to ask, "Why should we be so surprised to find out that religion on the media turns out to be a hype job, too? Why should we be so surprised to find out that what is going on in television religion (as with Tammy and Jim Bakker and Oral Roberts, along with the supporting cast of Falwell and Swaggart - in the latest incidents) is no different than what we find true for the media in general? When programming is prepared for an effect - whether to sell a product, raise money, win voter approval, or sway public opinion - it remains just that - an effect! An effect - not truth; an effect - not reality. A long time ago, a man named Marshall McCluen wrote that, "The message is the medium; and the medium is the message". We must remember that. Television is the medium and the medium becomes the message. Viewing television is very passive. And when it is passive, it becomes an effective means to brainwash. It brainwashes because we watch what comes on without questioning. The medium itself requires that what we see be unreal. It has to be unreal because what we see is staged. Even news reports are staged (e.g., crowds at a demonstration perform for the cameras). Sometimes, the untruth and unreality get caught up with - our president's recent exposure about the Iran-contra affair, the Bakkers' soap opera, Oral Robert's bad and manipulative theology. But these exposures won't stop what is inherent in Ihe nature of the television media. It is still staged. If is not reality. What I wish could stop is our passive absorbing of what the media offers as answers to questions about values, lifestyle (and purpose), and reality. Now, in all fairness to television, there are, of course, many places other than it to experience staged (whether planned or spontaneous) effects. We as individuals can do it. Our churches are constantly tempted and, more often than we like to admit, succumb. We of the Christian faith must constantly search and test for truth and reality. When we succumb to efforts to make effects (whether as individuals or groups or churches), instead of demanding reality, we deny God and choose the way of the lie and of death. Buta certain one said, "I am the truth". Thus, as believers we do not need to be afraid of truth. In fact, we must demand it. That includes our obligation to be real people - not pretending we have it all together, or having all the answers. Sam Hale is Presbyterian Campus Minister. My love for this university comes ahead of everything else, and i would like to continue to serve you. the student body next year, as I have over the last three years of being at Western. I have enjoyed being your vice president this past year and have worked to prove that. I hope 1 can continue to work for you, and 1 want the student body fo know that f will be glad to assist any student in my remaining time as vice president and next year as well. Lastly, I would like to salute every person who has helped me with my campaign and everyone who has helped me over the past year especially. There are just too many people to name, and to name any one of them would do injustice to the others. Their support of me has kept me going, and it has meant as much as anything else could have meant. I am proud of some of my accomplishments as a student and as the student body vice president. One of my more meaningful accomplishments, however, has nothing to do with winning or losing, although if has much to do with campaigns, it is the coming together of different peoples, my different types of friends, for one cause. Their work on behalf of me is the warmest memory I'll ever have at this university. People who didn't know each other, who had nothing in common, became friends and worked for fhe same cause. Such an effort is beautiful to watch and to father. I hope you enjoy experiences like this. You can only be better from them. Good luck next year. Christopher Geis Student Body Vice President 7W0 MINUTES MTH TNE BIBLE BY CORNiUUS R. STAM PRES. BEREAN BIBLE SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60633 A FORGIVENESS THAT CANNOT BE REVOKED Centuries before Christ, the Psalmist said: "If Thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniq- uties . . . who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee. . ." (Psa. 130:3,4). It is doubtful whether the Psalmist understood the basis upon which a just God, through the ages, has so graciously forgiven sins, but this has since been revealed in the Epistles of Paul. There we read: "God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you" (Eph. 4:32). But this is only part of the truth, for God forgives sinners, not merely because Christ desires this, but because Christ paid for their sins and purchased their redemption. Thus Ephesians 1:7 declares: "In | Christ] we have redemption, through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace." And thus Paul could proclaim to his hearers in the synagogue at Pisidian An- tioch: "Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the Law of Moses" (Acts 13:38,39). Obviously such forgiveness can never be rescinded or revoked, for it is based upon the full and complete payment of our whole debt of sin by "the precious blood of Christ." Sad to say, many people do not feel they need forgiveness, for they have not seen themselves as they truly are in the sight of a holy God, but those who are conscious of their sins and are willing to say with the prodigal son: "1 have sinned," may experience the peace and joy of sins forgiven by faith in Christ who paid sin's penalty for us. Here is forgiveness that can never be revoked because it is based on the "one offering [of Christ at Cal- very]" by which our Lord "hath perfected forever them that are sanctified [i.e., set apart as His own]" (Heb. 10:14).

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).