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Western Carolinian Volume 51 Number 09

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  • VOLUME FIFTY-ONE NUMBER NINE 20 APRIL, 1986 P.O. BOX 66 CULLOWHEE, N.C. 28723 (704) 227-7267 **IN OUR FIRST YEAR OF EDITORIAL FREEDOM** COLLEGES ON TAP Anti- Apartheid Protests Intensify The American Committee on Africa, which helps coordinate campus anti- apartheid efforts, says more than 200 protestors were arrested during demonstrations in 35 states during its National Weeks of Action, which ended April 6. Among the campuses where outbreaks occurred were: Reed, Brown, Rhode Island, Purdue, Michigan, Wisconsin, Boston, Wyoming, City U. of New York, Texas A&M, Iowa State, Texas, Carnegie Mellon, Pitt, Chicago, American, Georgia State, Alabama A&M, Kansas, Washington, Utah and North Carolina. . Congress Taketh Away From Aid, But May Giveth Again Soon Congress has agreed to a plan that would cut 735 million dollars from the Guaranteed Student Loan program over the next three years, make banks issue GSL payments in small increments instead of in lump sums and have banks send GSL checks directly to the colleges, not the students. I n the next two weeks the Senate will debate two bills to give back to Pell Grants and other college programs the money lost when Gramm-Rudman cuts took effect on March 1. Prof Withholds Students' Grades To Protest Low Pay U. Wisconsin-Superior has suspended Asst. Prof. Robert Edwards, who has withheld the grades of 100 poli sci students to protest an "inadequate" pay raise. "I haven't been dealt with in a fair manner," Edwards says. "The only power a laborer has is the withholding of his services." Texas-El Paso Student Government, Stuck In Apathy, May Now Be Illegal Half the school's twelve student senators have quit or moved on, and consequently all the government's actions— including the funding of all student groups— are probably illegal, Student Supreme Court Justice Mark Marquis said. But the student court can't do anything about the problem because it no longer has enough judges to hear a case. Animal Rights At U of F Snoopy carried a sign reading "Don't Drown Me," and Garfield was suspended two feet off the ground in a body harness, as more than 100 animal lovers protested animal experiments by U. of Florida researchers. One UF researcher proposed drowning 42 dogs to determine whether the Heimlich Maneuver removes water from the lungs— an experiment Heimlich himself calls "needless and cruel," because it has already been proven to work. An Ounce Of Prevention... Students either don't know much about birth control, or they pass it up because it is "unromantic," according to a recent Gallup Poll of more than 600 collegians at 100 campuses. The poll found that 32% believe withdrawal will protect women from pregnancy and, of the women who take birth control pills, a third take older, more dangerous pills containing high estrogen levels. Sixty percent had some sex education in high school, but 50% of this group say they could have used more information. More Bad News For Aid Recipients Interest payments on Guaranteed Student Loans will double under Reagan's budget plan, according to the United States Student Association. The increase will mean students will have to pay almost $4,000 more to finance four years of college. Thanks again, Ron. JWAWW^WMW^MrV^rWVUWVVW ... the very last issue of Spring Bloom County... Berke is back All new Religion section... No Kidding Those fabulous Classifieds... Wow. Why no Soccer at WCU... See Neff page five. Maybe Schrof... Maybe not Dawkins Named To Top Western Carolinian Post On Friday March 21,1986 the Publications Board of the Western Carolinian made Western Carolina University history by naming Andrew Dawkins 1986-87 Editor-in-Chief of the Western Carolinian. The unanimous selection of Andrew marks the very first time that a black,and an International student has been named to head the student newspaper. Andrew, who ca me to Western back in June 1983 from St Catherine, Jamaica, is a 25 year old Junior majoring in Psychology. A published Poet, and Author, Andrew begun writing for the Western Carolinian in 1985 after a stay at WWCU 91FM where he was a discjockey and newscaster. He has been responsible for the newspaper interviews with WCU students like Greg Capps, and visiting Dr.Martin Crawford. Amemberof the Mortar Board Senior Honor Society, and Pi Gamma Mu (International Honor Society for the Social Sciences), Andrew describes himself as a people person. He hopes to bring to his new job his experience gathered from working with young people in various capacities in Jamaica. When first approached to run for the post of Editor-in-Chief, Andrew's initial response was to gently dissuade the folks who were urging him to seriously consider their proposal. However, after giving it some more thought, and encouraged by those around him who perhaps recognized his abilities better than he did.he decided to go for it with gusto. Andrewwants several things for the newspaper. First of all he wants to improve upon the very good job already being done by the present Editor.Randy Rosenthal. Andrew ■■■■■■MMMIRMMiMMHMMMMa // believes that Randy has done an excellent job in making the newspaper a lot better than it was inpastyears. He wants to continue with this very positive stride and make the newspaper "more "There are 4, 5, 6 thousand viewpoints on campus...l would not cons ider excluding viewpoint(s)... "open-minded edi torial policy../' aaequate in its reflection of the concerns, hopes, and achievements of the university students, faculty, and staff, as well as those who call Cullowhee home." He hopes to "foster a better sense of ''...first time a black, and an international student has been named to head the student newspaper. // community by involving students from a wide cross section directly in the operations of the newspaper." Andrew envisions a situation in which students, on Thursday afternoons will be eagerly awaiting the arrival of the newspaper because "its contents will be written by them about themselves, ana issues they are directly concerned with locally as well as nationally and internationally." He hopes to "promote better relationships.a better understanding and appreciation between various groups on campus; blacks and whites; yankees and southerners; americans and international students etc.." He plans to be openminded as far as Editoral policy is concerned since, he says, he realizes that there are about 4,5 or 6 thousand different viewpoints on campus and he would not consider excluding any viewpoint simply because it might differ from his. He only demands that those who wish to make contributions to the paper "keep within the i Doundries of decency, truth, and , dignity, and that no contributor offend the established rules of good grammar." Those are the only restrictions he will impose on those »#\o which to write for the paper. . -1 Andrew plans to have fun putting out a paper that he hopes 1 every WCU student can be proud tofclalm as his/hers. He, however, ' recognizes that he can't do it by himself and therefore appeals to those who have the skills as writers, artists, cartoonists, photographers, layout persons etc., to join the staff. And those who don't necessarily want to participate actively should feel free to stop him anytime, anywhere to let him know what i they'd like to see, or not see in the paper. Andrew urges participation on either level and illustrated his attitude towards those who offer only unconstructive criticism with this quote from H.G.Well's dialogue between Peter and God; "Why do you suffer all these cruel and unclean things ? asked Peter. You don't like it ? said the Lord God, without any sign either ot apology or explanation. No, said Peter. Then change it, said the Lord God. But how are we to change it ? If you have no will to change it,you have no right to critize it, said the Lord God, leaning back with the weariness of one who had to argue with each generation from Job onward - precisely the same arguments." Andrew, as well as Business Manager Randy (1986-87), hope to institute regular open houses in the offices of the Western Carolinian. He wants to open up the facilities to students and make the lounge area a place where students can relax, unwind, read a newspaper, or simply gather to "shoot the bull." "Let's Have Fun Doing This!" "I want to make myself readily available to my staff as well as to the students on campus," he said. "Afterall, it's the students' paper, and I want them to bea vital part of it. We are in the process of selecting students for Fall'86 to fill various positions. If you are interested in becoming a staff member go by the CAP Center to pick up an application form and let us hear from you." "Let's aim for the perfect college paper!" Andrew continued, ''we might not achieve it, but as Robert Browning said;'A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a Heaven for?' And let's have fun doing this!" he concluded. Interesting Results of W.C Study "I LOOK FOWARD TO READING THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN EACH WEEK' 60% 60% I WOULD LIKE TO BECOME INVOLVED WITH THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER" Clark Wins SGA Presidency By Carl Brickman Cliff Clark, the newry-elected SGA President, is looking forward to an exciting year for many reasons, as he said yesterday: "My transition will be a smooth one because I've been in the offices all year this year as Vice—President. It will be much better for the students." Among his plans includes the implementation of an honor code among the STRONGLY AGREE AGREE UNDECIDED DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE STRONGLY AGREE AGREE UNDECIDED DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREI ■■■■■■ WWCU Elects New Officers The reins of power have changed hands at WWCU-91FM, the campus radio station. Station elections were held on April 1 for Business Manager and Program Director and April 9 for General Manager. The newly elected officers are Stuart Condie-Station Manager, Kenny Reed-Program Director, and Beth Young-Business Manaaer Stuart Condie is senior radio/television major who has been actively involved at WWCU for nearly three years. As Station Manager, Condie will be responsible for overseeing the operations of 91-FM which include: ordering equipment, handling public relations within administration, and determining overall station policy. Most importantly, this position carries with it alot of responsibility and experience which Condie can take with him upon graduation Condie, currently the "morning man" at WWCU says, "it's a tough job, but after getting up at 3:0TTIn the morning anything is possible." Denny Reed is the man responsible for the sound and image that WWCU projects. Reed's duties Include: hiring on-air personnel, determining the musical format and reacting to listener feedback. Reed has many plans for WWCU in the upcoming school year. He would like to see more album oriented rock in the daytime hours, a rearrangement of the weekend schedule andxi SEE WWCU ON PAGE FIVE + students, and a Superior Court that will deal with student violations with other students, or with some other conflicting area in the university. Clark feels SEE CLARK PAGE THREE ^ WCU Forms AIDS Task Force ^VVWWUSArVWWWWWWWVWWWVW On February 27,1986 the W.C.U. Task Force on AIDS Committee met with Dick Robinson, the assistant to the President of the University of North Carolina System, and a team of specialists equipped to assist the university in dealing with the subject of Acquired Immune Deficiency Disease Syndrome (AIDS). Mr. Robinson is the legal council to President William Friday and heads the University System Task Force in North Carolina. The purpose of this initial visit was to ensure that a broad cross section of campus leadership had access to relevant information concerning AIDS. Members of the W.C.U. Task Force include: Faculty J.C. Alexander Susan Dyal Fred Hinson Jim Holland Richard Kucharski Mary Sue Maginnis Barbara Mann Joel Milner Dr. Donald P. O'Neal Students Richard Griffin Lynette James Randy Rosenthal Todd Davis Community Jean Harris, R.N. CJ. Harris Community Hospital Lewis Beck, R.N. Jackson County Health Dept. William Aldis, M.D. Chief of Medical Staff CJ. Harris Community Hospital The Task Force on AIDS is a program designed by The American College Health Association in response to the growing awareness of the AIDS epidemic among American institutions. According to ACHA the primary response of colleges and universities to the epidemic must be education. Because there is no specific therapyfor AIDS or AIDS- related conditions, the most important goals for the institutions will be those of increasing awareness and providing education to prevent further spread of the disease. ACHA recommends that the organization and completion of effective educational programs about AIDS be an actMty of the highest priority of all institutions of higher learning. Such programs must address not only undergraduate students, but also graduate and professional students; they must reach not only residential students, but also commuters. Educational programs about AIDS should also be available to students in junior and community colleges and in programs of continuing education. Furthermore universities and colleges should provide AIDS education for institutional employees, faculty and staff. North Carolina is the first state to form a statewide institutional task force for the sole purpose of combating the AIDS epidemic. Because universities and colleges are a prime target for AIDS, there is a great need for education about the disease in these area. In a letter addressed to Chancellor Coulter, President William Friday asked that the following basic policies be adopted, publicized, ana implemented at Western Carolina University so that the institution is better equipped to address knowledgeably and consistently the concerns engendered by this disease. (1) The campus will assume responsibility for conducting an ongoing educational campaign designed to reach all campus constituencies (students and employees), to provide basic information about AIDS. (2) Persons inflicted with the AIDS virus (whether active AIDS, AIDS—related complex, orsero-positive virus) will not be excluded from enrollment or employement, or restricted in their access to university services or facilities, unless medically- based judgements in individual cases establish that exclusion or restriction is necessary to the welfare of the individual or to the welfare of other members of the university community. (3) Persons who know that they are inflicted by AIDS virus should be urged to share that information, on confidential basis, with the Director of the Student Health Service, so that the University can respond appropriately to their health and educational needs. (4) Persons who know, or have reasonable basis for believing, that thev are infected are expected to SEE AIDS PAGE TWO ^

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