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Western Carolinian Volume 49 Number 05

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  • wcu_publications-11578.jpg

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  • u Western Carolinian August 24, 1984 Intramural Round-Up MEN'S ACTIVITIES Softball Skills Softball Waterpolo lag Football Pentathlon lag Football Swim Meet Howling Iennis "Singles" & "Doubles" Table Tennis "Singles" & "Doubles" 4-Wall Racquetball "Doubles" Badminton "Singles" & "Doubles" 4-Wall Handball "Singles" Arm Wrestling Pocket Billiards Cross Country WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES Softball Skills Softball Waterpolo Floopball Pentathlon 1 loopball Swim Meet Bowling Pocket Billiards I able Tennis "Doubles" Tennis "Singles" & "Doubles" Badminton "Singles" 4-Wall Racquetball "Doubles" Arm Wrestling 1-Wall Racquetball "Singles" Cross Country Basketball Accuracy FITNESS PROGRAMS Run & Stay Fit Swim & Stay Fit SIGN —EPS All sign-ups begin at 8:00 am and end at 3:00 pm RUN & STAY FIT Begins Wednesday, August 22 Ends Wednesday, April 24 SWIM & STAY Fll Begins Wednesday, August 22 Ends Wednesday, April 24 SOFTBALL Begins Wednesday, August 22 Ends Thursday, August 30 TAG FOOTBALL FLOOPBALL Begins Thursday, September 27 Ends Thursday, October 7 WATERPOLO Begins Wednesday, October 10 Ends rhursday, October 25 UNIT MANAGERS MEETINGS (MEN & WOMEN) Mandator} to attend meetings held in Reid Gym 21 & 22 1. Softball Wednesday. August 29 at 4:00 pm 2. Tag Football Wednesday, October 3 at 4:00 pm 3. Floopball Wednesday, October 3 at 5:00 pm INTRAMURAL ASSISTANTS MEETINGS Attendance required room 21 & 22 in Reid Gym 1. SOFTBALL Wednesday, August 29 at 4:00 pm 2. FOOTBALL/FLOOPBALL Wednesday, October 3 at 4:00 - 5:00 pm Scholarship Aid Now Being Offered By Scholarship Institute Washington, D.C--The Scholarship Research Institute of Washington, D.C, an organization specializing in aiding students and their parents in their efforts to locate funds for college,is itself offering three (3) $1000 scholarships. This represents their second annual offering and ap- picants must meet the criteria outlined below: Undergraduate Fulltime student G.P.A. of 2.0 or abo\e For application and information, students should write to: Scholarship Research Institute P.O. Box 50157 Washington, D.C. The deadline for ap- pications is December 10, 1984. Aw at dees will be notified by January 15, 1985. Recipients selected based upon their academic performance, leadership abilities, college and community activities. These awards are for the the and Sprng Semester of 1984-85 school year may be used for any expense related directly 0r indirectly to the pursuance of any academic major at the undergraduate level. RESEARCH PAPERS 14,789 to choose from — all subjects! Rush $2 for the current, 306-page catalog. Custom research & thesis assistance also available. Research, 11322 Idaho Ave., #206 JCT, Los Angeles, CA90025 (213) 477 8226. Stray-Gat Security Stray-Cat Security is accepting new members. Each applicant must be reliable, responsible and willing to work some late night hours. For more information, attend our first meeting on August 29, 1984. The place is the Catamount Room on the second floor of the UC. The time is 5:00 p.m.. We welcome returning members back and invite all interested people to attend. If you are genuinely interested, contact Robert Colgan through SGA offices; phone 227-7299. For your pharma ceutical needs: WCU NOTEBOOKS and other school supplies Ambassador Back-to-School Calendars, posters Stickers & cards. Shower Shoes New Popular Colognes and Aftershaves Pangburn and Pennsylvania Dutch Candies Cosmetics Gifts All for your convenience in Cullowhee Film and Film Developing At Cullowhee Drugs and Gifts 293-9522 9-6 M-F 9-5 Sat. Closed Sunday ABB'S T-SHIRTS Now located on Old Cullowhee Rd. Next to Subwich DESIGN YOUR OWN, WEAR IT HOME "T-Shirts | "Hats "Visors 'Plaques "License Plates "Pillow Cases WHAT EVERY STUDENT SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LEASING A TELEPHONE AND LEASING A CHICKEN. Yes, there are differences. And we think you should know what they are. Ask yourself these questions. WHEN YOU LEASE A CHICKEN, DO YOU GET THREE MONTHS FREE DURING THE SUMMER? Probably not. But when you lease your telephone from AT&T this fall, you won't pay any lease charges next summer. You can use your phone at home, and bring it back to school in the fall. DO LEASED CHICKENS COME IN A SELECTION OF COLORS AND STYLES? No. Chickens don't come in many colors. But the AT&T telephone you lease this fall comes in a variety of colors and three popular styles ARE LEASED CHICKENS REPAIRED FREE? M H| ^^^m^ Don't kid yourself. Repairing a chicken is a delicate process that requires the work of expensive professionals However, in the off chance your AT&T leased telephone needs repairs, we'll fix it absolutely free when you visit any of our AT&T Phone Centers. ARE LEASED CHICKENS SHIPPED DIRECTLY TO YOU? Ship a chicken? Don't be silly. However, your AT&T leased telephone will be shipped directly to you after one call to 1-800-555-8111, or you can pick up your phone at any of our AT&T ^^^B Phone Centers. ONE FINAL QUESTION: DOES IT COST THE SAME TO LEASE A CHICKEN AS TO LEASE A tt TELEPHONE THIS FALL? Hardly. While we have no hard data on the exact cost of leasing a chicken, we can tell you with some certainty that the cost of leasing a telephone this fall is far less than you might think. The decision to lease a chicken or a telephone, ofcourse, rests with you. But should you opt for the telephone, remember: you get three months free next summer, and you can take the phone home with you. There's a choice of colors and styles, free repair, and we'll ship you the phone or you can pick it up at any of our AT&T Phone Centers. It doesn't cost much either. And that's something to crow about. AT&T Consumer Sales and Service. To order your telephone, call 1-800-555-8111 for delivery right to your door or for information concerning AT&T Phone Center locations. AT&T Asheville Store 800 Fairview Road Valid with the following restrictions: 1. You must be registered for 12 accredited hours for thc 1984 fall term. 2, Valid only to students billed by AT&T Consumer Sales and Service. 3. Delinquent accounts are void from offer 4 Limit I hones per account. 5. Offer expires 72 months from lease initiation date. 6. This offer is not valid for permanent year-round resident students. 7. The three free months will not begin until you have paid for the first nine months of vour I S AM t I hones are FCC registered. We provide repair service for all telephones sold at AT&T Phone Centers. Only telephones equipped with Touchtone dialing can access certain long distance services and networks. Copyright AT&T Con ' eaSeb j h S rvk-e 1984

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).