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Western Carolinian Volume 45 Number 15

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  • Page 4/ I HE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/December 6, 1979 From Page 1 Iran - a state of week a feeling of unity is being formed throughout the United States. Not since World War II has the entire nation been together on a single issue and patriotism is no longer an empty word. Most of the world is on the side of the Americans for a change and we are looked on for the first time in years as the victim rather than the aggressor. Yet the situation after a week stays relatively the same for the captives and will continue to remain constant for the next few days. Then around the middle of the week signs of hope appear. Nov. 14-In a seemingly compromising move, Iran's Foreign Affairs Chief, Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, stated that if the United States would return the Shah's wealth to Iran and form an international probe to study the Shah's regime, then the hostages may be released. In Iran the students holding the hostages took a different attitude than that of the government refusing to go along with what Bani-Sadr had said. The students repeated that they would not back down from their original demand of returning the Shah for trial. The question is now raised: Who is in charge in Iran? Nov. 15-Iran's assets (reportedly around 5 billion dollars) are frozen by Presidential order after Iran threatens to withdraw their money from American banks. In Iran a spokesman for the regime stated that 35 non-American hostages may be freed soon. Americans would not be freed until the Shah is returned. Nov. 16-Iran's oil contracts with the U.S. are cancelled by the Iranian government. Iran is responsible for just 4 percent of our imported oil and does not impose a major threat to the availability of oil in the U.S. Also there is confusion again in Iran as to the truth of the announcement that women and black hostages are to be freed. The students reject the idea. Nov. 17-It is announced that some women and blacks will be released on Sunday, 14 days after they have been held hostage. It is stated that they are being freed because they (women and blacks) have a high standing in the Islamic religion. It is also suggested by members of the press and the State Department that this move may be an attempt to split the unity that is holding the nation together here in the United States, If so, then they are wrong as Jesse Jackson states that "We (the blacks) will not be used as pawns against our country." Also leaders of the ERA movement state that "We are Americans first and women second." Nov. 18-Iranian Ambassador to the United States, Agah, is interviewed on Face the Nation. Agah contended that the announcement that the Shah was sick was in reality just another lie to the Iranian people. Also he stated that the Iranians in the United States as well as Iran are "willing to die for this cause." He went on further saying that the Ayatollah had complete control over the situation and that he was "the most popular leader in the entire world and in the history of mankind." George Herman, of CBS, asked if the capture of the embassy and the holding of the hostages was just in fact a ploy used by Khomeini to divert attention away from Iran's domestic problems. Iran is facing 25 percent unemployment, 40 percent inflation and- the military is in a shambles as 5f> percent of the men 3JC DO- DOC StlC 3<>C DOC rxjc: recruited have deserted. Agah denied this idea but stated that wnen the matter of the Shah and hostages is resolved that Iran will "invite the U.S. to continue to have diplomatic and industrial relations with their countrs." Later that day 13 of the hostages were released and sent back to the United States. The situation was worsened in one aspect when it was suggested that the lives of the remaining hostages might be in more danger now as it was announced that the remaining hostages may possibly be tried under Islamic justice. Back in the United States week three was beginning and while the government was not planning to place an embargo on the Iranian people, the Longshoreman's Union placed their own embargo on Iran by refusing to load any food on ships bound for Iran. The United States ships some 500 million dollars of food a day to Iran. Nov. 19-After a day of hope Sadeq Ghotbzadeh, a member of the ruling revolutionary council, warned that "the ordeal could last months or years." Nov. 21-President Carter states that as of now the United States will not rule out military action if the hostages are harmed. This is a change from his previous statement saying that the U.S. would not intervene militarily. In Saudi Arabia officials were fearing that the situation in Iran was leading to problems in their own nation. Moslems believed to be Iranian pilgrims killed several pcoole.while taking oyer a Mosque in Mecca. Nov. 22-A Pakistani attack on the U.S. embassy resulted in the death of two American soldiers. Thousands of Pakistanis were apparently responding to the report (rumored to have been started by the Ayatollah) that the Americans were responsible for the attack on the Mosque in Mecca. In Iran three more non-American hostages were freed. Foreign minister Ban! - Sadr and Iranian students contradict themselves - Who controls Iran? Nov. 26-Iranian Foreign Minister Bani-Sadr announced that he would fly to New York to take part in the UN Security Council debate concerning the situation in Iran. The trip was later postponed due to the observance ot an emotional Holy period which does not end for a week. Rep. George Hansen was allowed to visit the hostages and reported that aside from one cold and a case of chicken pox the hostages appeared to be in good health. Nov. 27-The UN started its meetings on the Iran situation despite protest from Iran to wait until the end of the week. In Iran Khomeini urged his Islamic followers to learn how to handle weapons and unite against the U.S. or "We will disappear for good." Nov. 28-The UN meeting on the Iranian situation was adjourned till Saturday as a compromise to the government of Iran. At home President Carter told congressional leaders that the release of the hostages would not "wipe the slate clean between the U.S. and Iran." While in Iran Khomeini stated that any UN decision would be dictated byihe US government. Nov. 29-Iranian Foreign Minister Bani-Sadr, who 3CK seemed to be weakening in his stance, was replaced by Sadegh Gotdzadeh who is described to be a hardliner. Nov. 30-Dec. 2-The crisis is at a stalemate. The United States has sent two carrier task forces to be placed within striking distance of Iran. Khomeini states that the hostages will be killed beifore the U.S. Navy could intervene. On Sunday the Shah was moved from New York to a hospital near San Antonio Texas after Austria rejected his plans to fly there. The U.S. embassy in Libya was attacked by pro-Iranian demonstrators who were shouting slogans in support of the Ayatollah. About 2000 protestors ransacked two floors of the embassy'in Tripoli and set fire to some of the furniture. All 12 Americans escaped unharmed. Dec. 4-After a month 49 Americans are still being held captive by the Iranian government. It has been rumored that some of the hostages have been moved away from the embassy. If that is true then why have they been separated? The answer may be long in coming as in all probability the release of the hostages. As the second month enters, however, we must remember that we have to stick together and stand behind our President in this time of crisis. We must be prepared to stand up to the nation of Iran and let them know in no uncertain terms that we will not be subject to political blackmail. We can no longer afford the luxury of being a paper lion. DOC zhk: DO- BOOK RENTAL DEPARTMENT H STUDENTS WHO WISH TO TURN IN BOOKS, PURCHASE A TEXT, OR PAY FOR LOST BOOKS CAN AVOID THE RUSH BY GOING BY THE BOOK RENTAL DEPARTMENT THESE SPECIAL HOURS: M3N.-FRI., DEC. 3rd thru 7th. HOURS FOR WEEK OF FINALS: M3N.-FRI., DEC. 10th thru 14th 8:00AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM i L cost U_=__XK All books must be returned within five working days after the last day1- of final exams. Students not complying with this time limit will be subject to a $12.50 fine, if the books are returned within the first two weeks of Spring Semester. Students who do not return their books within the first two weeks will be required to purchase the books at replacement cost. -fs >fV " MM "« *** JOIN THE HOT LUNCH BUNCH At The Cat house Tues-Fri 11:30-2:00 Dally Specials plus Hamburgers, Sandwiches Soups, Hot Plates Supper 5-8:30 Call 293-5442 ;H""ui'U'uiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiuuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiim <t STOVE WOOD SPLIT WOOD FIRE WOOD Let My Wood Light Your Fire REASONABLE PRICES DELIVERED TOM ALBERT 293-5980 DOC Dt*C DOC doc doc niniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii || Milium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillMililiiliniliinr;

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).