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Western Carolinian Volume 44 Number 12

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  • PAGE 18/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/NOVEMBER 9, 1978' Carolinian opinion and commentary Travis responds to Lagano •From Page 20 unnecessary, but if the students here are to maintain access to these cars, some form of rigid control must be in effect. By using a motor pool account the comptroller can verify that the trips made were justifiable. Otherwise, these cars could conceivably be used for any purpose as the comptroller could not deny usage. So, if someone needed to a ride home and had additional funds in their account, they could reserve and use a state vehicle, at the students expense! As Al Lagano said, many of the ideas he expressed are not new. In fact several of the changes he suggested, which were practical, (such as the media fund and the education fund) had previously been written up by Vice President Phil Cates. Why were these not credited to Phil Cates? These will be presented in the form of a proposed senate resolutions to the senate in the near future. Al Lagano offered three reasons why the senate made no ammendments to the 1978 budget: 1) It was a perfect piece of legislation and could not be improved upon. 2) The student senate really didn't give a damn about the budget or the clubs and organizations. 3) The senate froze due to the large number of people present and decided to let the Finance Committee take the blame. Obviously no legislation written by a man is 'perfect'! This in itself rules out the first reason. If the senate didn't "give a damn." then I" think the budget would have been accepted quickly and we all could have gone home. Instead, the senate spent close to two and one half hours reviewing and intensively questioning the budget. Surely this is not a sign of not caring! As for the senate "freezing" again, if this were true no questions and review of the budget would have taken place. I also don't believe the senate would have unanimously voted to let these people speak to, and ask questions of the senate! I would like to offer a fourth reason to the students for the senate not ammending the budget: 4) Definitely there were areas where an ammend- ment to increase a club's budget would have been appropriate. Unfortunately, a second ammendment to reduce the budget of another club by the same amount would have had to follow. At best you could help one club only by seriously hurting another club. I honestly didn't, and still don't, see any club's or organizations' budget that could have stood another cut. Al Lagano had some good suggestions and criticisms. I only regret that he resigned from the senate at the beginning of the year. I'm sure he will be missed by the senate, and I'm glad he is trying to keep the senate on its toes. J'm sure he would agree with me, its reassuring for senators to know there are people who notice and care what we're doing. In conclusion, 1 would like to apologize to the clubs and organizations that received appropriations. I sincerely wish there had been a bigger "pie" so you could have each received the size "slice" you deserve and need. Although its no consolation now, next year's budget will be significantly larger, and I'm sure so will your budgets. Also special appropriations can be be made next semester as funds are available. If you need these, please present your need to the comptroller who will bring it before the Finance Committee. If the funds are there (and some funds almost always are), and the need is legitimate, we should be able to help. If any students, clubs, or organizations have questions regarding this year's budget, please come by and see me. My office hours are from 2-3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday at the student government offices in the university center. I hope that this letter has cleared some of the issues surrounding the 1978 budget, or at least accurately presented another viewpoint. I hope that perhaps now I won't need to wear a hat and black trenchcoat on campus! Sincerely, Ben Travis Beam retorts Dear Mr. Travis, Realizing that you are a member of what you have referred to as the "now infamous Finance Committee," I was surprised that you felt I indirectly questioned your integrity or the integrity of the Finance Committee or the executive officers of the Student Government Association. My remarks were not directed to any individual but rather to a feeling of petty politics which definitely exists on this campus. I am sorry that you incorrectly interpreted my remarks. The only person who apparently is questioning your integrity or the integrity of the Finance Committee or the executive officers of the SGA is yourself, Mr. Travis. 1 challenge you to disprove my comments on campus petty politics. My comments are based on undisputed facts which I will gladly discuss with you. I am disappointed that you, Mr. Travis, did not choSse to speak to me about this matter prior to writing your letter. I could have easily cleared up your misconceptions. As to your remark about getting benefits from being on the Finance Committee, all I can say is that this is your problem, not mine. The purpose of being on the Finance Committee is to benefit the students, not to benefit individual committee members. The Student Association, for Government and Legal Affairs (SAGLA) is a fine organization which represents the diverse interests of the student body. I invite all students to attend a forum sponsored by SAGLA entitled "Student Government Association—How Effective Is It?" Thursday November 16, from 7-8:30 p.m. in Forsyth Auditorium. SGA president Wanda Nelson, SGA vice president Phil Cates, SGA comptroller Roger McKinney, The Western Carolinian editor David Jackson and WWCU general manager Dave McElvein will be on hand as panelists to answer any questions from concerned students. Come early, prepared with questions, as we are expecting a large number of students to be in attendance. Very truly yours, Doug Beam President—Student Association for Government and Legal Affairs [SAGLA] P.S. A special thanks go to Carolinian News Editor AI Lagano for a well-written editorial. Mr- Lagano's experience anrl knowledge concerning the Finance Committee yielded a refreshingly innovative commentary. Lagano praised Dear Editor, After reading news editor Al Lagano's very affective, outstanding, logical, thought-provoking editorial of Nov. 2,1 have only one question: Why did you ever resign from SGA, Al? Sincerely, Chip Hammond TITLE MATCH MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING XcZ/i^S MAIN EVENT mw Je GREG VALENTINE VS MID ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING PAUL JONES FABULOUS MOOIHR vs. SINDY JONES BARON VON RASCHKE vs. JOHNNY WEAVER MR. X 1 MR. X 2 vs. JAY YOUNGBLOOO ABE JACOBS ADMISSION RINGSIDE $5.00 GEN. ADM. ADULT $4.00 GEN. ADM. CHILD $2.00 AT SYLVA WEBSTER HIGH SCHOOL SYLVA, NX. FRIDAY, NOV. 10 th. 8:15 pn SPONSORED BY SYLVA WEBSTER BAND BOOSTERS

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).