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Western Carolinian Volume 39 Number 27

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  • THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Thursday November 29, 1973 Page 3 Faculty Approves Constitution By An Ovei^vhelniing Majority by Dwight Sparks A new faculty constitution was overwhelmingly approved at a general faculty meeting yesterday. the governance guidelines the faculty will follow. The old constitution was replaced since it conflicted with the governing document of the University The new document establishes ol North Carolina. Residence Halls Close Friday Of Exam Week WCU's residence halls will be closed for the Christmas holidays at 5:00 p.m. on December 7. Students who plan to stay on campus on the night of December 7 must make prior arrangements with the directors of their residence halls. When dormitory residents leave for vacation they should be certain that their room windows are closed and locked, that the radiator is turned ON, that the lights are turned off, and that the room doors are locked, The windows must be closed and the radiators must be left on to avoid freeze damage. List year a number of radiators froze and burst, damaging some student property. Students who are moving out of the residence halls for good should notify the Housing Office before December 5 in order to receive a full room deposit refund of $54, Between December 5 and December 21, half of that amount will be refunded upon request, and after that no refund request will be honored. Those who are vacating rooms must also remove all of their possessions from the rooms, since all property found in vacant rooms will be donated to charitable organizations, The residence halls will reopen at 12 noon on January 1. Traffic Fines Must Be Paid By End Of Qtr. Fines are due for all campus traffic tickets before the end of the quarter, If an offender fails to pay, his privileges for parking on campus will be revoked and his sticker voided. Any vehicle parked on campus in violation of this provision is subject to impoundment and the owner subject to further disciplinary action. APPROPRIATIONS ORGANIZATION Ambulamtc Club Am. Home Ec. Assoc, art Students League Bands Biology Club Catamount Camp Shelton Cheerleaders Choral Organizations CIRUNA Economics Club Forensics Society Geology Club Gymnastics Troupe U« Club Motor Pool Nat'! Education Association (art) NOMAD Organization of Ebony Students Outing Club (Hiking) Photography Club Poli-Sci Ijiw Assoc. Psychology Club Ski Club Social Services Org. Student Affiliates Am. Chem. Society SGA Student Wives Club UCB University Orch. University Players Veterans Assoc. WCAT weu health Careers Western Carolinian TOTALS ORIGINAL REVISED RE - REVISED AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT $2L'0.1M) $220.00 50.00 $0 $100.00 $100.00 SO S50.00 S50.00 $7300.00 $8500.00 $7300.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $21102 $29202 $27620 $1500 $0 $475.00 $500.00 $500.00 $600.00 $3300 $2700 $2500 $3933 $3433 $3900 $100 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $81)0,00 $400 $100 $600 $50.00 $150.00 $250 $200.00 $200.00 $300 $250 $250 $4152 $4150 $4150 $0 $100 $100 $1200 $1200 $1200 $700.00 $400.00 $575.00 $100 $100 $ 100. $200 $200 $200 $400 $350 $400 $0 $50 $50 $131.00 $81 $100 $150 $100 $75 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 $14200 $14564 $14160 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $1150 $1150 $1150 $1000 $800 $700 $6000 $5000 $5900 $600 $300 $445 $4800 $4800 $4800 $15(1 $100.00 $100.00 $13500 $13500 $13500 $99,538 $102,000 $102,000 The faculty voted 150 to 16 to approve the constitution. Six members abstained. The vote culminatedan eight- month task by a special ad-hoc committee assigned to draw up a new constitution and by-laws, The committee chairman was Dr. Marilyn Jody , Knglish professor and woman's activist. After the faculty approved the proposed document she said, "This committee has spent many, manv hours on this document with the hope of getting one appropriate to our status as a constituent member of the University of North Carolina." The constitution and by-laws will become effective upon approval of Dr, Hugh McEniry, acting chancellor of WUU, His approval seems certain. There had already been three public hearings on the new document. The faculty - administration senate unanimously approved it two weeks ago, Other committee members who worked on the constitution include: Dr. Guy Dureh- field. education professor; Dr, Joe Dodson, education professor; IV, John Hergner, dean of the school of education and psychology; Dr. Jim Horton, biology professor: Dr. than Carpenter, political science professor, Dr, Maurice Morrill, graduate school dean; Dr. Dan Sossoman, history professor; and Dr. Kay Ainsley, education professor, Chorus Will Sing Tonite The University Chorus, a 120 - member singing group directed by Orville Wike and accompanied by Deborah Dt- vis will present a concert of Christmas music in the UC Grandroom tonight at 8:15 p.m, "Fanfare for Christmas Hay," by Martin Shaw will begin the program, which will feature soloist Donna Whittaker and a brass ensemble directed by David Mills, Guest soloist I-cith Wike will sing "Omnipotence" by Schubert and will join the women's chorus in "La- udate Dominum," Numbers by a women's chorus and a men's chorus will be followed by "Star Song," by David Krahenbuhl, sung by a small mixed ensemble, The program will conclude with two selections from Handel's MESSIAH, "And He Shall Purify," and the "Halleluja Chorus," I I | 'jrjRrcrsH; I With every one serving Italian Food these days it's ni-ce to know there's unique quality in Pitt* HWWTFTFE iHMi [I U. ■ i ■ k It It FINEST DISHES I^sagna Ravioli Veal Parmesan Spaghetti BALSAM RD. | WAYNESVILLE, N, C. Ooen 4dpi til - Closed Sunday ORDERS TO GO Phone 456-7977 Full 4-Channel Quadrosonic Receiver, 4 Speakers (10",4", 3") Choice of Turntable or 2/4 Channel Tape Deck • Free Set headphones • Complete Package $489 including tax • above in stereo $379 plus tax Phone 456-3835 Special ends Dec. 15 Not subject to availability- deposit will guarrantee price. C°UlD THIS Y0« <&> AD? COMPOSE AND IAY IT OUT? ENTER ITS COST IN A JOURNAL? THEN MIGHT NEED Y0UI I ko^L 11 ope"lng m Ad ^m and Book- al^f hf h reql'ire littlc experience. We also have an opening in Advertising Composition and Uyout which requires expeVicnTe a, d knowledge m Off-set Printing and and Ad ia- A^'"1-1 3nd Practices' A" PoStions na,Yh i£Pli m P?™onatthe Business Department of the Western Carolinian from 1:00 to 3^00 p" THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS When you change into something more comfortable, do it with style. What better choice than this alligator insignia shirt with the new hemmed open sleeve for added comfort? You'll look like a man at his ease, feel like it, too, 100% cotton imported from France: choose white, yellow, copen blue, red, or navy. Sizes m. 1, xl, xxl. 414,00. X stfVSJ >N Only at SCHULMANS DEPT. STORE in s„i,a

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).