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Western Carolinian Volume 20 (89) Number 10 (02)

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  • B2 april 2, 2019 What WHEE do: A Ruth Dahl Staff Writer * For anyone who loves reading and meeting lo- cal and national authors, the spring literature festival will be held March 21-28 in the A.K. Hinds University Cen- ter theater. The festival will highlight Western North Carolinas unique literary heritage and aim to secure that heritages place on the nations lit- erary stage. Authors who will be present at the fes- tival include Marilynne Robinson, Silas House, Laurie Jean Cannady and many more, The mountain heritage center at WCU is host- ing an exhibit intitled T Want You: Western North Carolina in World War I. The exhibit focuses specifically on propaganda and the important role it played in gathering American support, shaping Ameri- can identity, and encour- aging average citizens to see themselves and their CAMPUS LIFE communities as vital parts of the nation. The exhibit includes stories of local individuals who participated in the war effort as well as a section of recreated trench, a hospital scene mimick- ing hospitals that were situated in the region, a selection of military hardware, and a selfie opportunity with the tall- est U.S. soldier. For any World War I enthusiasts or for anyone interested, the exhibit will be ongo- ing from 10-4 Monday through Friday until April 26 at the mountain heritage center. Tuesday, April 2 * Who doesnt like get- ting on stage and singing their favorite songs with their friends? There will be a karaoke night from 7-8 p.m. in the A.K. Hinds University Center Illusions. Jackson county public library is starting craft therapy for people to enjoy an evening of up- cycle crafting from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The get-to- The Western Carolinian gether will be on the first Tuesday of each month and each month will have a different theme. Wednesday, April 3 Student researchers will be presenting at the research and scholarship celebration on April 3-4. The undergraduate expo- sition will be from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on April 3 and will include a poster preview, a welcome ad- dress, a faculty panel, a keynote speaker, a recep- tion and celebration, and a display of undergradu- ate and graduate posters. The graduate research symposium will be from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on April 4 and will include research poster presenta- tions, oral presentations and an academic paper competition. Graduate students who wish to register for the sympo- sium should contact Jan Stanfield in the graduate school for more infor- mation. Undergraduate students who wish to register should complete Club corner: the Fem Ruth Dahl Staff Writer Western Carolina hosts a great number of diverse student organizations. One such organization is FEM in STEM which celebrates female students in the science, technol- ogy, engineering and math fields at Western Carolina. The organiza- tion, however, is not just limited to these areas. Sydny Young, a biology major concentrating in pre-med and president of the club said, If you ever need a helping hand in any suet, related or - not, we'll help you find what you need if we cant do it ourselves. FEM in STEM isa community support system that has meetings, study sessions, panels, guest < oe es and even a book club. The club recently hosted the interim chancellor, Dr. Allison Morrison Shet- lar who spoke about her challenges as a woman in science. Shelby Watson, the chair of panels and committees said, We recently had the chancel- lor come and talk...and we can go and talk to her and get her story and... t on a name basis with er. The organization has members who are study- ing marine biology, sO they recently took a trip to an aquarium in Ten- nessee. The book club is cur- rently reading Lab Girl and meets every three weeks to talk about the pook. FEM in STEM meetings are great for anyone look- ing to relax, meet people in similar fields, receive help with school work, eat snacks, get involved with the community and much more. FEM in STEM was - Started at the beginning of the fall 2018 semester and already has over 100 members in many differ- ent majors. The goal of forming FEM in STEM was to create something on campus for young women scientists where nothing like it existed before. The club is not ex- clusive to women either. While it is focused on emales in fields it is open to anyone, man or woman, in any major that is looking for academic help or just a support system. Young said We help each other out, we tutor each other, we have each others back, we always find stuff for us to get involved in. STEM fields, like many other disciplines, have traditionally been male focused and in recent decades women have stepped forward to take their place in such fields. Several members of the FEM in STEM club stated that they are the es Crossword puzzles provided by ( Used with permission. the r\h form found on the WCU web- site by searching research at WCU and clicking undergraduate research exposition. Thursday, April 4 * Western Carolina Universitys next First Thursday Old-Time and Bluegrass Series event will feature Ol Dirty Bathtub performing at 7 p.m. at HomeBase in Cullowhee. The concert and jam session is free and open to the public. Friday, April 5 Last minute produc- tions will be hosting two free showings of Beauty and the Beast at 7 p.m. and at 10 p.m. in the A.K. Hinds University Center theater. Saturday, April 6 In Honor of NC beer Month, join City Lights Cafe, Balsam Falls Brew- ing, Innovation Brewing, Mad Batter Food and Film and The Cut Cock- tail Lounge for the Sylva Brew Hop. Ticket Hold- in only woman or one of just a few women in their classes. For this reason, women in STEM fields are discriminated against quite often. Jala Bogard, a molecu- lar hear and forensic biology double major, and chair of t-shirts for the club said, There are a lot of obstacles we have to jump over just because we're women and its defi- nitely a man dominated field. You have to con- stantly prove yourself. Young added to this saying, Its difficulty at its finest. ril2-A ers visit each of these places and taste 2 local or regional beers. The Brew Hop will take place from 3-7 p.m. Tickets cost $25- $35. * Last Minute Produc- tions is hosting a bus trip to Dollywood for festival of nations from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on April 6. Tickets go on sale March 23 and are for $20 for WCU students. Tickets include the bus ride and admission and can be purchased at the A.K. Hinds University Center guest services desk. * Catamount softball will be taking on Samford at 1 p.m. in Cullowhee. Come out and cheer on your Catamounts! * Catamount baseball will be playing against Wofford beginning at 2 p.m. in Hennon Stadium. Head out and cheer on your Catamounts! Mad Batter Food & Film will be hosting a free showing of Aqua- man at 7:30 p.m. This movie follows the mas- ter of the seas, Arthur Curry, as he comes into become part of this club have much to gain from becoming a member. There is a sense of com- munity and support. Young said, were so alone, like without this I barely would know any- one, not just know anyone but feel like I have anyone I could possibly relate to, This club gives women who feel alone in their field a group of like-mind- ed people to work with and help each other out. Joining FEM in STEM is also a great networking Opportunity. he organization helps build leadership Puzzle and solution from pril 9 le as defender of the oceans, Aquaman, and is rated PG-13. n April There will be a com- munity chorus concert in the Coulter Recital Hall from 4 6 p.m. * Balsam Falls Brew- ing Co. will be hosting Feud Time Trivia from 6-8 p.m. This trivia is a survey-based game with up to six players per team with four rounds of fun. Tuesday. April 9 There will be an off- campus housing fair tak- ing place on the UC lawn from 11 a.m. 2 p.m. There will be housing information, giveaways and free food. Catamount softball will be taking on North Carolina A&T at 3 p.m. at home. Come out and cheer on your Cata- mounts! Catamount baseball will be taking on Appala- chian State at home at 5 p.m. Come out and cheer on your Catamounts! EM community and responsibility skills as well. Members of the club can be very involved with helping plan events, organizing meetings, or making club t-shirts. For anyone interested in Epis involved with F in STEM, their website is affiliate.wcu. edu/feminstem/ and the schedule of upcom- | ing meetings can be found there. If interested in getting on the email list to find out about all upcoming events, contact the faculty advisor, Julie Barnes whose email ad- dress can also be found on the clubs website. The aim of Sudoku is to complete the entire grid using the numbers 1-9. Each number can only be used once in each row, once in each column, and once in each of the 3x3 boxes. Visit for further tips and help on how to play -- and good luck! Photo submitted by FEM in STEM

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).