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Western Carolinian Volume 20 (89) Number 10 (02)

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  • Best of the West campus dance off J.B. Bost Staff Writer On Feb. 27, West- ern Carolina Uni- versity and Last Minute Productions presented Best of the West: Dance in the A. K. Hinds University Center theater. Best of the West is an ongoing talent contest a-la the various Got Talent shows whose previ- ous installments ear- lier in the academic ear began with ara attle and a battle of the bands, and went on to include singer- songwriter, standup comedy and spoken word competitions. The dance contest is the last of the se- uence of six contests or the 2018-19 aca- demic year. Each event names two winners: one chosen by a panel of judges consisting of Western Carolina faculty and students this competitions panel included the - members Shayla | ci may pata and the other by audience vote via texting the num- ber of your favorite contestant in classic American Idol form (though without the turn-of-the-millenni- um texting fees). The winners of each of the six contests will return in the season finale on April 24 at the UC Grand Room to decide who among them is Best of the West. Joining the winners from the dance por- tion of the competi- tion are Terry Young, junior, and Lara- Rae (Rosie) Green, sophomore, winners by judges decision and by audience vote, respectively. Young and third place con- testant Alanna Irvin, junior, both brought hip-hop sensibilities to their dance, con- trasting Greens slow and ethereal style. In the end, Young i Hughes took home the title of overall winner with Green winning fan favorite in a tight race. Both walked away with gift certifi- oe te addition ky their bragging rights of being the bet dancers at Western Carolina. While the competi- tion wasnt excep- tionally thickthe two winners repre- sent two-thirds of the three contestants for the dance contest this is forgiven be- cause dancing is hard and exhausting, and the emotional vulner- ability that comes with this particular form of art and ex- pression is more than an applicable reason that such a contest would attract only those brave enough to do it. While the con- tests turnout may have been somewhat sparse, audience turnout was actually really great and each contestant had an _ energetic crowd to Pee ee ~ The audience was very enthusiastic about all three con- ba aie said ps nisi olly, photographer for The Wyesteth Carolinian, the fan favorite category was very close competi- tion. The crowd would drown out the MC multiple times throughout the brief night, the competi- tion itself lasting only about an hour. Judging by the con- tinued interest on campus for the Best of the West talent competition, orga- nizers are definitel incentivized to make sure the contest re- turns next academic year, though no plans have been announced yet; however, a big turnout to the season finale could defi- nitely during Student Appreciation Week could result in this inaugural talent competition becom- Terry Young finishing his winning performance. ing cemented into the yearly calendar of student activities. The series Best of the West is the brainchild of Last Minute Produc- tions, the student programming board that hosts all types of cultural and enter- tainment events on campus ranging from weekly free movies, events like stand- up comedians and concerts, as well as more niche entertain- ers such as hypnotists and magicians, all as a part of the Arts and Cultural Events Series. Last Minute Pro- ductions still has several other events scheduled for spring semester including Karaoke Night on cor 2 at 7 p.m. and Open Mic Night on April 10 at 7 pi both in the UC Illu- sions room. Beauty and the Beast (2017) will be playing in the UC Theater April 6 as part of the Movie Night series. Show- | timesare7pmand 10 _ Coming Friday, April 12 to the UC Grand Room as art of Last Minute roductions Friday Night Comedy is nationally renowned actor and comedian Francisco Ramos. Ramos.-was a top- ten finalist on Last Comic Standing in 2015 and first place winner of the Lucille Ball Comedy Festi-. val, he has appeared in the Showtime series Shameless, Netflixs Lady Dy- namite and voiced the role of Marmoset in the animated fea- ture Rio. All Last Minute Productions events are free to students. To find out how to get involved with the student-run organiza- tion, visit the guest services desk in the University Center or contact Brandon Lokey at bklokey@ Photo Credit } Terry Young striking a pose during his dance routine. Alanna Irvin performs her hip-hop dance. Lara Rae Rosie Green performs a split. Photo Credit - Photo Credit Photo Credit

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).