Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (20) View all

Western Carolinian February 14, 1942

items 10 of 11 items
  • wcu_publications-1838.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • for Education Opportunities... and Both Benefit it Male students often ask for outside work. This one is helping to build a schoolhouse. This co-ed is majoring in chemistry and is furthering her own education by helping her professor in the laboratory. She is shown preparing an experiment for class. This Georgetown University medical student has been able to complete his studies because of the help he has received through the NYA. NYA Aids VBfBNSE Now, in lime of emergency, the NYA is contributing to a strong America by preparing out-of-schoo! youth for jobs 'm vital defense industries. Immediate objective of this undertaking is the preparation of 365,000 young people for defense jobs. Primary objective is to provide out-of- school youth who are in need of jobs with the practical experience they need for eventual private employment. Last year the NYA spent $1 57,- 159,000 in carrying out its program. These University of Chicago NYA students are conducting a research survey to determine the mobility of physicians in the Chicago area, valuable information during wartime. it He's earning while he learns a trade. His skill in running this lathe will benefit Unce Same, who is paying for his training. Out-of-school youths learn to repair motors at Lewis Institute. So 'II be ready to step into defense work. they' on G3lle6icite Di6est Section P«blic*tioa< 3*1 Fawke» B«ildmj, Minneapolis MlftfiMoU AaVertisn* »«a#*MiiM«»«: NATIONAL AOVtailSING SERVICE INC. 410 Maellion A»a»««, N«w York 400 No. Mietogeai A»««*«, Chicago So fwcwto Lot AfjcAw

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).