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Strategies for supporting the Appalachian National Park movement

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12534.jpg

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  • *ff GEO. S. POWELL, DR. C. P. AMBLER, President. Sec. and Treas. ©to ^ppalctcJttcm ipottonol |Jar% ^izociatton OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS WALTER B. GWYN'. Chairman, Asheville, N. C. MOSES H. CONE, New York. J. P. GARLINGTON, Spartanburg, S. C. S. WITKOWSKY, Charlotte, N. C. J. F. HAYES, Sapphire, N. C. &zhex>ille> |t. ©♦, jan, llth> 190i. Prof. Holmes, State Geologist, came here Tuesday from Washington with these papers, submitting them to the Park Association as a matter of courtesy. The letter of the Secretary laras signed severald days ago and "720 &&®Hm the otherJ^nvould have "been signed by the Preaident but for his illness. Prof. Holmes stated that Sen. Pritchard, Sec. Wilson, Mr. Pinchot and others were enthusiastic about the measure and believed it would receive favorable consideration if proper efforts were put forth by its friends. It was the opinion and advice of Sen. Pritchard and others that we ought to send some good workers to Washington at once to keep the matter prominently before the members until a vote was reached. At the suggestion of those in Washington who are looking after the bill the Park Association will send Maj . W. W. Rollins and Hon. Kope F.lias from here tomorrow, and has requested Hon. W. A. Hemphill of Atlanta and Ben. John T. Wilder of Tennessee to go to Washington at once in the inter -est of the movement. The Association during the past year has spent about |l400.00 in keeping this movement before the people. This &as been accomplished principally by furnishing the leading papers of the country with Park matter. Besides this rambers of the Association went to Washington last spring, at their own expense, for the purpose of securing the passage of the bill then pending. —1—

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).