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Strategies for supporting the Appalachian National Park movement

items 22 of 29 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12529.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • _-...* -. - iustrial,Agent In your reply pKase quote our File No. Southern Railway Company. OFFICE OF THE LAND AND INDUSTRIAL AGENT, 719 Thirteenth Street, N. W., SEE MAP ON REVERSE SIDE. \ <Jjs 4880 Washington, D. C, June 19, 1900. B Subject: DR. 0. P. AMBLER, S?C'V., Appalachian National Park Assn., Asheville, North Carolina. Dear Sir: I hand you herewith two copies of the Agricultural Appropriation Bill passed by Congress, and call your especial attention to the paragraph on page 8 in regard to appropriation to be used to investigate the forest conditions in the southern Appalachian moujitain region of western North Carolina and adjacent States. I will see the Secretary of Agriculture in reference to the investigations he proposes making; but, in the meantime, would advise you as Secretary of the Association, to communicate with him, stating that the Association appreciates the interest manifested by Congress in making the appropriation, and it is the desire of the Association to facilitate the movements of the Secretary of Agriculture in making a further investigation of the territory, and that a committee represent* ing the association will be glad to meet with the representative or representatives he designates when they reach Asheville on the tour of investigation* Yours verv truly, Land & Industrial Agent.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).