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Strategies for supporting the Appalachian National Park movement

items 3 of 29 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12510.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ■CEASAR CONE.ftu*. E> .N .DUKE, V,cE PBE5'T. F.J.MURDOCH, Secy &Treas. Proximity Manufacturing Company, COTTON GOODS. Greensboro,X.C. Mr. Geo. S. Powell, Pres., Appalachian Park Association, Asheville- yT. Not. 27, 1699, o. Dear Sir:- I am in receipt oi favor oi the 25th inst., and. I am also in receipt of a letter from 17.x-. '"vyn. I agr'ee with you that if this matter is pressed, the So i em people will take it up, ana that they can press it upon Congress, ap successfully that we will have this great forest preservation ana -a -.-■.•: 0 "ark. T will "be glad to do anything T can to assist you, but j is ; i . ;his time, personally, I am very busy, in fact T expeet fcc go u Mew York tonight. I would suggest that you have your letter heads printed, giving the names and addresses by Statesipf aYavge Vice* ©residents and Directors, and then write a mere letters/to each of say one hundred of the most prominent men in North Carolina, and. tell them of the need of financial assistance, enclosing them a copy of the resolutions adopted at the organization meeting, and asking for their financial assistance. I am satisfied if you write a nic^ Tetter to Mr. J. 3. Duke, president of the American Tobacco Co., New York, N. Y., B. N. Duke, at Durham, G-. W. Watts " Col. J. S. Carr " Mr. Spencer, President of the Southern Railway, New York, N. Y. Col. A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C, arid others, that you will get many responses with liberal donations. Send all of the prominent manufacturer's in the State a nice letter. Do not let it be a circular letter, but let it be an individual "setter written to each one, even if you use the same formula to each. I will be glad,if you will follow out this plan of soliciting general contributions, to contribute $50.00 to the enterprise. Very truly youths-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).