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Secretary of Agriculture visit

items 3 of 22 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12459.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • June 26th, 1901, Prof. J, A, ffQ3j8€3| Chapel Hill, II. C. My dear Processor:* Your favor of the 25th enclosing an it inerary you propose to ta><e with Secretary Wilson is received. I hasten to call your Attention to the fact lhat the recent floods in the Cranberry section -a a ■■ ■■ ■ h ! that country so badly that th« trains are not running and th<- railroad people say th^t it is doubtful if they will even attempt to re-build tht road. Tin* Aantagt appro ximat ing two million dollars. This will probably necessitate sen*, oh-mge. in your itinerary and will probably make it necessary for you to come teach; to the railroad ftt Hideo:--- ■: - .-:•■■. in that vicinity. In - : ill? witti Mr, Powell thin morning I suggested that if ■ S«€, -"ilson mn ecaaing here is wrnild he right for Asheville fce give his some little attention. ho you. think it would bl tgr«eahl« for us to arrange for fi drive over' thr Biltmore estate, or uj? the n«W rail re aA to ■•"'.■'■■ [o-..■-■ !'.ain with. p.roUably ., wn 11 luncheon At the 1>tu4?$ or something oi thai Kind9 oo not hesitate to tell mi exactly what you think e.f thii or to -rive me any suggestions which yon may have, . '.'■ floods ftlong oui tjnilr( I - m itsheirillf and hick -cry ; hi toout two ago, as well as tne floods in Vir ginia ■■ ■ th« " nberrs " - '■ if a - ;oisg t- a argumanfcf .In fay '• rest deserve, and are :\x,y one can understansSU Pleas* let me hear froa yr-.. .■.. - ..;■■•■■ ga :• wt should do whan the Secretary is here in Asheville, verv truly yours. (H)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).