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Western Carolina University (20) View all

Resolutions signed by Ohio citizens

items 17 of 17 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12017.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Cy^-QsJatdwin & Co. The Baldwin Piano Ellington Pianos Hamilton Pianos II y7 //-, /^i / 1 /y / ^J, ,, j js-j ,ta / /^ lucien wulsin Howard Pianos Valley Gem Pianos cssiW , V ' K^S . \ S t_S LAs Is LAs KK £-/ t- LA V sLs . a. a. vanburen ' G. W. ARMSTRONG, JR. Hamilton and Monarch Organs v EST- OF D- H- Baldwin Jrianos, FACTORIES: CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO the Baldwin piano 142-144 West Fourth jStreet, Paris, 1900 GRAND PRIX Cincinnati,-^?3*r¥ 2ZU9®± Mr. Geo. S. Powell, Prest. The A. IT. P. .Association. Asheviiie, M.C. Dear Mr.Powell:- I duly received your kind note of February and now, for your information, send the acknowledgments received from Senator Foraker and Messrs. Bromwell and Shattuc of the House of Representatives, in regard to the petition sent them in favor of the Appalachian National Park. Believe me, with kind remembrances and best wishes. Very truly yours, C4 £y£y^-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).