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Resolutions signed by Ohio citizens

items 2 of 17 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12002.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Charlotte^ h. CM. j Febru 8th s 1901. w Senator J. E, M ■•■afce-", :Ta3nJ,ne on* .... c. ;uu u\„aMu-w- X 'u-clc u you a petition signed by a number of your friencs in Cinclnnatij who hav^ bean making an excursion of same days in ■ ■ » mountain region ..bout Asheviiie and who are thoroughly impressed with the necessiM' for gome action on the part of the United 11 .tes towards preserving the forests In this section, for the good of all the people in the eastern suction of the United states. We in Ohio are direct!;' .interested^, not only for the opportunity which it would our people to easily reach such Porost Pav\k, b ".. by re #0H ftf ,he ¥,..luo Mr us in OSS Of ,ho main a,y.a- . plies of the Ohio River through the ..a River, which rises in ' f- ■ - a. I have been requested to send this petition to you and to .: that yo« will have it '"' -s.. the Senate in the proper way. Youre wry trwlyg C+jZtsi

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).