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Resolution presented to North Carolina

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13778.jpg

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  • An Act to give consent by tha ftftti of Forth Carolina to tha acquisition by the United States of such lands as aay ba needed for tha establishment <^f a national Forest Reserve in said state. ■ lihereas, it is proposed that the Federal Ctovernoent as- tabliah In the high mountain regions of Western korth Carolina and adjacent states a National Forest MmfM ahioh will perpetuate these forests and. forever pr®mrm the headwaters of wmy important streams and which will thus prove of great and permanent benefit to the people of this state; Aid ahareas, a bill has h#an introduced in tha federal Congreas providing for the purchase of fusch lands for said purpose j Therefore, the General Aase&bly of Worth Carolina do enact? Section 1. That the oonasnt of the General Aw^Bbly of Worth Carolina be and la hereby given to the acquisition b:/ the Uni United States by purchase or gift, or by condemnation with adequate ooispensation except as hereinafter provided, of ;uteh lands in Western Worth Carolina as in the opinion of the Federal Government say fee needed for the establishment of such a national Forest Reserve in ( . < -'■■I, ' ' -' h S ' O that region: Provided, that the ntate of korth Carolina shall retain a concurrent jurisdiction with the United states in and over such . •... ■ •*' lands so far that civil process in all cases, and such criminal process as nay issue under fte authority of the State of korth. Carolina against any person charged with the coranission of amy criise without or within said jurisdiction, may be ekeeuted thereon in llfee manner b.h if this Act had not boon passed. Section g. That power is hereby conferred upon Congress to pass such, laws as it miy deen necessary to the acquisition as hereinbefore provided for tec or poratian In said kational Forest Reserve suoh forest covered lands lying in Astern North Carolina as in i., . i ■ ,-. -.. ■/■<•' ■'<' * '■ - ,; .k ' < the opinion of the Federal Government wm$ be needed f^>r thin purpose: Provided, that m much as two hundred acres of any tract of land occupied as a hone by bona fide residents in this State at tha. date of the ratification of this Act shall be exeispt fros the provisions

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).