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Proposed Appalachian National Forest Reserve

items 5 of 8 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14294.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • -5- THE RIVERS, WATERPOWERS AND FLOODS. As stated above the Southern Appalachian country is a finely watered region. The heavy forests, with the undergrowth and humus and underlying porous soil and fissured rocks, have combined to store the heavy rainfall of this region as rapidly as it comes down, and to give this water out to the mountain streams even weeks and months later. Thus the forests and soils and rocks acting together serve as great storage reservoirs for this water, giving it out regularly, and perpetuating the valuable water powers on the streams below, without the forest cover the water from the heavy rains rushes through these river gorges and across the country below, doing incalculable damage. The nine more important of the large rivers whose sources are in these Appalachian mountains have an available waterpower along their courses of a million horse power. This will operate fifty million spindles. Placing the value of these waterpowers at $20 per horse power per annum, gives approximately: Value of utilized power $1,200,000 yearly; Value of the total available power when developed, approximately .$20,000,000 yearly. As to the FLOOD DAMAGES along the courses of these rivers, the following tabular statement illustrates the estent of these damages along the streams rising in the Southern Appalachians since April 1, 1901: Kanawha,adjacent streams (in Va.& W.Va.)$1,000,000 Roanoke, James etc. (inVa.) 1,000,000 Watauga (in N.C.and Tenn.) 2,000,000 llolichucky (in N.C.& Tenn.) 2,000,000 French Broad (in N.C.& Tenn.) 1,500,000 Tuckaseegee and Hiawassee 1,500,000 Broad, Saluda Catawba (in S.C.) 1,000,000 Yadkin and Dan and Roanoke (in TT.C.).... 1,000,000 Catawba (in N.C.). 2,000,000 Savannah and (in Ga.) 2,000,000 Coosa (in Ga. and Ala.) 2,000,000 Tennessee and other tributaries 1,000,000 #18,000,000 The examinations made in this region during the past few years show that while the floods have increased irregularly, yet, nevertheless, they have increased in proportion as the forest lands have been cleared. m

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).