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Inventory of Horace Kephart collection

items 16 of 26 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11309.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Harsell, Norman in re: case of B. L. Harsell, Affidavit, Sussex County, Virginia, February 20, 1922. Exhibit C. (Note: about Norman Harsell's missing brother- who was murdered in the mountains of Mitchell County, North Carolina). West, James E. (Chief Scout Executive) to the Members of the National Council, Boy- Scouts of America, The Fifth Avenue Building, New York City, N. Y., March 8, 1922. (Form Letter.) Brim, Elmo W. to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C), Galax, Virginia, March 11, 1922. (I read your article in the February issue of All Outdoors with a great deal of interest. It is, indeed, good. Mr. Harsell has informed me that there is a possibility of your being with us at the April terra of Mitchell Co. Court. You will do a great act if you do so, for we need the support of the best element in the State. Hoping to meet you personally, I am, . . . .) Kephart, Horace to Norman Harsell (Bristol, Virginia), Bryson City, N. C, March 13, 1922. ("I have been laid up with neuritis, and so could not attend to my correspondence until now. "Your sworn statement of what occurred at the preliminary hearing at Bakersville, and events leading up to it, reached me in due time and xras read with intense interest. I will of course keep it strictly to myself. If the p\iblic knew these facts the whole State would ring with denunciation of the criminals, and especially of the officers who showed such marked partiality, if not collusion, in the outlaws' behalf. But premature publication would prejudice your case by tipping off the guilty parties; and so, as you say, "Mum's the word." "I have attended many murder trials in these mountains, and thought I had observed nearly every possible trick or attempt to defeat justice; but this is "a new one on me." Madison Co., which is the second county southwest of Mitchell, has nests on the border, called Big Laurel and Shelton Laurel, similai to the Pigeon Roost. One of my acquaintances, who is just back from there, told me yesterday that welve murders had been committed in the last five months within 1$ miles of his camp; and he was threatened with dynamite. But these were fights among the natives themselves, or among logging crews or the like. About forty of my personal acquaintances have killed someone, or have been killed, in our county and the adjoining ones within the past twelve years; but no visitor has been a victim. "I received a brief note from Brim last night saying he hoped I x^ould be at the April court at Bakersville. From this I assume that your case will be presented then. If so, I will be there, unless something unforseen prevents. "I have not yet had a talk with Judge Bryson, who is away on circuit; but his brother, Dr. Dan Bryson, told me a day or so ago: "Thad knows nothing about the Harsell case, but he has a poor opinion of that Solicitor up there." You will need a first-class lawyer to assist in the case. Ellis Gardner, whom you have already employed, has a good reputation. "Our own court is in session here. One of the murder cases (Babe Burnett for killing prohibition agent Hoi Rose) was re-tried by order of Supreme Court. Babe came clear.") Husted, James W. to Robert K. Clark (Bedford, New York), House of Representatives, Tteshington, D. C, March Hi, 1922. (Copy.) Brim, Elmo "W. to Horace Kephart, Galax, Virginia, March 18, 1922. "Your letter of March the 13th,^received and greatly aporeciated. I note with pleasure that you will possxbTy'be with us at the April terra of court*

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).