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Inventory of Horace Kephart collection

items 25 of 26 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11318.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • one third in N C leaving out these two properties. As you will say they will not be fit to take in after they are devistated. "If N C were fully informed about the possibility of leaving out the Champion and the ^arsons areas I think the state would find ways of carrying out the original plan. I have said that the Commission does not constitute itself a leader in creating a national park, but it does say what area will or will not be recommended by it for park purposes. Its duties under the Temple Act cover any changes and recommendations they deem advisable or necessary. I have no doubt that Tennessee can condemn all areas up to the state line► I understand the USA also has the sane power if it seems worthwhile to use it. I enclose an agreement to pay drafts not exceeding a total of $500.00. This is not commission expenditure, but a personal contribution, so make it go as far as possible, and good fortune be with you. I am not mentioning the Bryson City Chamber of Commerce, but why cant the above Committee be a Com. of the Chamber?" Marr, S. WaHe to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C), Durfey & Marr, Investment Securities, 201-202-203-201; Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C, August 20, 1925. "We have here in Raleigh a little club known as the Watauga Club with a membership of fourteen. This Club was started by Walter Nines Page at the time he was a citizen of this community and had as its purpose the consideration and advancement of causes for the general good of our State. "In this organization are included for the most part men who have possibly as much influence over public opinion as any similar group which might be organized in the State. For instance, Clarence Poe, Editor of the Progressive Farmer, Dr. E. C. Brooks, President of N. C. State College, Tom Bost, of the Greensboro News, A.J. Maxwell, Corporation Commissioner, W. N. Everett, Secretary of State, Frank Page, Highway Commissioner and a few others, including myself, of lesser magnitude* "This Club has been apparently very much interested in the proposed Smoky Mountain Park. In fact, three or four of them have asked me to arrange a trip to Bryson City that they might get some conception of the proposition. All of them are familiar with your interest in the "ark and, incidentally, I might say without exception they j are great admirers of you as a writer. "I want to ask you to be my guest for some week end during the month of September" ~ most convenient to you. At such a time it will be my purpose to have the Club meet at my home in order that they might ffirst make your acquaintance and then in a general discussion get more thoroughly sold on the Park idea. In this meeting I will arrange to have as other guests Mr. Josephus Daniels, who is very much/ interested in j the proposition and Governor A. W. McLean. E "I hasten to assure you that no prepared address is expected from you. In fact, the purpose of the Club is not to listen to addresses, but to discuss propositions under the leadership of someone familiar with the question in hand. We don't even stand up in the meeting - just sit around, smoke and have just a congenial gathering of men filled with common interest. I would like very much for you to make the trip through the country with Kelly Bennett or Irving /sic/ Stearns, or both, and would expect all of you to be my guests while here. I believe that this is a splendid opportunity for you to get the Park, which I know is very close to your heart before ' a very influential group and as an outsider I know of nothing which would be of more j benefit to your cause than to have the undivided support of this little aggregation* "I would like to arrange to have the meeting on Friday night but if you find that it is not convenient to get here Friday night, of course, I can have it on Saturday night. I hone, however, that you can arrange to spend two or three days with us in Raleigh* "I am dropping Kelly and Irving a line advising them that I have invited you and yould like for one or both of them to join the party with you. I can assure you that it will be just the sort of time that you want. - a quiet, peaceful time or a boisterous active time. I will see to it that you are comfortable and assure you that I am extremely anxious to have you with me. .". ."

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).