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Inventory of Horace Kephart collection

items 12 of 26 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11305.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Repeating Arras Co., New Haven, Connecticut, September 16, 1919. Kephart, Horace to Albert Britt, Editor (OUTING, New York), Bryson City, N. C, Novembe: 23, 1919. "I am delighted to get in touch with someone who knows all ebout the recent progress in dehydrating food stuffs, concerning which I have read a goo< deal in the papers and magazines. If you will send a member of the 0UTI1C staff to see Mrs. Andrea's exhibit, and talk with her, I will be very much interested in the report. "I have had a little experience with dehydrated fruits and vegetables that '. got several years ago from camp outfitters in New York. Some of them worked very well, others were not satisfactory, particularly the potatoes. We campers and travelers need such things when we go far from supply posts and have to travel light. "But what we need worse, and would use much more of, is dehydrated meats (beef especially), if they can be produced in wholesome and palatable form. Generally the only meat we have been able to carry along has been bacon or salt pork. So, whenever we failed to get game or catch fish, we had almost no protein in our diet except that of beans or peas. Dehydrated beef would be a godsend. We used to "jerk" venison, if out for a long time, when we got into i deer country; but you can't buy such a thing in advance. "I want to learn where the best grades of dehydrated foods, of all sorts, a be procured, get price-lists and recipes, order a selection of the articles, tj them myself, and then write them up in OUTING or ALL OUTDOORS." little, L. L. (Editor, ALL OUTDOORS) to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C), ALL OUTDOORS, 145 West 36th Street, New York City, N. Y., December 31, 1919. King's Food Products Company (Sales Department) to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C.), King's Food Products Company, Chicago, Illinois, January 2, 1920. Jessup, Elon (Associated Editor) to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C), OUTING Publishing Company 141-145 West 36th St., New York City, N. Y., January 21, 192C Fitch, VI. E., M.D. (Keystone Instant Food Co., Inc.) to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C), Keystone Instant Food Co., Inc., 405 Lexington Ave., New York, New York, January 26, 1920. Henderson, Archibald to Horace Kephart, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C, April 30, 1920. Michie, C. H. to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C.) Michie & Co., Ltd., 7 King Street West, Toronton Canada, May 10, 1920. Fordyce, Dr. C. P. to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C), Outdoor Equipment and Itinerary Service, Falls City, Nebraska, June 28, 1920. Langdon, J. (?) T. to Horace Kephart (Bryson City, N. C), Duke Street, Liverpool, . United Kingdom, July 26, 1920. Given, John L. to Outing Publishing Company (239 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y.), 244 Metropolitan Tower, New York, N. Y., August 2, 1920. Kephart, Horace to "Dear Bob," Bryson City, II. C, October 26, 1920. "As you would probably like to know the facts about the killing of Hoi Rose yesterday,■I will tell you. I was with the party that brought his body in last iiigjft', and Charlie Beck, who was with Rose, told me all about it* ^^^■" "Babe" Burnett, who lives on Brush Creek, about fifteen miles from here, waff

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).