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Handbook/ 1931/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 46 of 68 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-9832.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • September 7 CADE'S COVE, EQUA NULTY CREEK TO EQUA NULTY GAP The uniqueness of Equa Nulty Creek and its surroundings, would at once appear, if it could be placed for a moment alongside the inimitable Road Prong. There, one would find tempestous, riotous waters; here, a creek not wanting in life, but restrained and deliberate in its flow. There, great numbers of evergreen trees; here, very few excepting the lacy hemlocks. There, plant life that jostles and crowds for a footing; here, a plant life, healthy and beautiful, but with room for greater development. Here is leisure and spaciousness, and the quiet, idyllic atmosphere of the Cove below. The trail is old and broad, ascending easily and almost imperceptibly. Lining it are large irregular clumps of rhododendron, and through their branches are seen the boles of the great poplars which grow through the hollow. The creek, like a playful pup, is forever underfoot, as frequently it cuts the trail. A half-mile beyond the Great Poplar, it is seen to flatten into a thin film and slip with lightning speed down a slope of naked rock. But only this once does it abandon its leisured pace. The trail was made for a summer's day! It is shaded, and splashes often through cool waters. It takes one by easy stages to a height where a portion of the Cove can be seen spread out below, and reaches the eminence of the state-line at Equa Nulty (formerly Ekaneetelee) Gap, one of the lowest points in the entire range. There is a chance of meeting there those who are traveling the state-line on the three-day hike. Leave Saunders System at 7 A. M. The round trip distance from Myers is eight miles. Bring lunches only- Leaders: FOREST ANDREWS (2-8631) and HENRIETTA FURIAN (2-6557). 46

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).