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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 08 Number 06

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  • THE CULLOWHEE YODEL ttty* (Mlomfrrr f oM tlc^'c lied s „1 th ll.nvlu \Y> c, Nor era5 Carol h Carolin the faoul na Teache '* Co" Enter at (.'nil M.urli 1,;!:; Carolina, r at the P under the A iltice Bt Of H. 1 Beiil.m; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Elizabeth Duckworth; ' Norval R ge £" 1 Downs^fColuml i'lotl ....Edit.. Mary D Haithcock (Eros Ruby Smith (Columbian) Margaret Rowland (Eroi Leonard McAllister (Colu Mar E Jo., 1 ( 1) C..11H 1 Conti Mary Pearce (Columbian) Contr buting Editor George Gibbs (Erosophian) A.K., Lillian Dillard (Columbian) Circul sing Manager tion Manager Sub8cnptk,nnPrke:opOnM$1.00))do^ per year; „J^_ The Services Of Uncle Sam All of us know that Uncle Sam means well by the hundred and thirty million members of his family, but few have any adequate appreciation of the many varied forms in which Uncle Sam lends a helping hand. His service is apparent everywhere in town, city, village, and farm—and in the great desert wastes and mount- tain heights. It is worth while to take a sweeping survey of the whole field of Uncle Sam's operations: Uncle Sam supplies a wealth of information about the planting and growing of crops. He supplies weather reports and gives helpful information on the control of insects and birds—also on the fostering and improving of live stock. He spends large sums of money in administration work in the Department of Agriculture to help the condition of the farmer, the farmer's wife, and the boys and girls on the farm. His office of information supplies documents full of valuable suggestions for the In helping the settler, Uncle Sam reclaims desert lands and places them at the disposal of the settlers. He encourages the establishment of homesteads and conducts forest service and geological surveys to develop land and make it valuable. Uncle Sam gives assistance to almost all business and carries on, at enormous expense, special work for the Mining, Fishing, Fur, Lumber, and Shipping Industries. He protects the business man with the Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Reserve Board, and the Interstate Commerce Commission. In the Department of Labor a vast amount of Service is devoted to securing employment for laborers, supplying information concerning labor conditions, pursuing practical investigations for the safety and health of the working men. He greets the immigrant with an intelligent and careful scrutiny as to his health and general welfare. He opens the eyes of the immigrant as to his opportunities in the United States, and helps him to get employment. He installs in him ideals of industry, integrity, and good citizenship. Uncle Sam supplies statistics and additional reports concerning the edu cation of the Negro. He gives assistance to the Negro farmer, instructions to the Negro woman and children in home economics and in school and home gardening. Uncle Sam pursues investigations and gives advice concerning the practical problems of the home. He is ever inspecting foods, drugs, meats, and the quality of milk and water. In the lives of children Uncle Sam's helping hand is ever to be found. For the protection of children he enforces the Federal Child Labor Act, and to keep them well and healthy he has devised enticing plans for outdoor occupation in school and home garden; that they may be sound, healthy, and fit for good citizenship. If you want to know anything about the management of the country; if you want to make the best of yourself as a citizen; and if you want to make the best of yourself as a teacher of future citizens, write to Uncle Sam. ******************* *•***♦♦♦****** Miss Hunter Hostess To Music Club Meet Miss Martha Lou Hunter was the charming hostess to the St. Cecelia music club Wednesday evening, February 25. A program was given on Chopin, in which the following numbers were Life of Chopin Minor Wilson Prelude Eddie Marie Sutton Waltz George Carpenter After the program the hostess served a delightful coffee and cake course. Girls End Season in Glorious Fashion As Sylva All Stars Fall Before the Yodelettes TAKE MEASURE OF INDEPENDENTS The girls showed superiority over the fast cagers of the Sylva Taxi Ramblers and ended the season with a good record. When the Ramblers fell earlier in the season to the local girls, it was evident that a good game was in store for the last of the two game series. A good game it was and the machine of Plemmons showed that it had six cogs to grind away and to attempt to stop either of these cogs was like putting your finger to a circular saw. The game showed such a complete mastery of the sport of basket ball that it was almost impossible to count the individual stars. We hail each of the Yodellettes just as essential as another. Synonyms President Hunter Progress Dean Bird ■ Chapel Mr. Allen Standard Tests Miss Westbrook Original Ideas Miss Feagans Do Ti La Miss Camp Conferences Mr. Madison Smiles Miss Neal Color Miss Veile Units Mr. Hunt Maintenance Miss BraswelL.Up four and down five Mr. Plemmons Many Lands Mr. Stillwell Economics Miss Howell H20 Miss Benton Mrs. Posey t STUDENTS AND FACULTY OF W. C. T. C. | X Are Invited To Eat at ♦ X 1 Poinsett Grill X * X Fish or Oysters Served Every Friday Night J * * * Chicken Dinners on Sunday * I t X Special Attention Given to Club Dinners | * * 7 * I Good Meals Courteous Service Reasonable Prices f I Sylva North Carolina | t * * * 4**4,<^4^****+***********<,***<,***<,,*<',<',<',<',**^^*>*«"><,,>';*<**^'***4h EAT AT HOLE IN THE WALL BARBECUE SANDWICHES AND HOME-BAKED PIES Sylva North Carolina W.C.T.C. TAXI FOR RELIABLE AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Call N. W. ROGERS Davies Hall Phone 9-J Special attention given to early and late calls—also long trips. CULLOWHEE SHOE SHOP L. P. Monteith, proprietor SHOE REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. RELIABLE SERVICE QUICK AND "The Student's Shop" Cullowhee North Carolina STOV ALL'S 5 AND 10 CENT STORE THE STORE WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST Sylva North Carolina I I I Get Acquainted Students Offer f This Card Entitles I Fill in name and bring to us to purchase two (2) pairs of | j any of our womens hosiery at 20% discount. % * This Offer Expires April 25th. THE BROWN CO. X Cullowhee VT ., 0 .. * X North Carolina J "M"tl1"1 "** ■•Mill 11♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦»»»»»»»» »»♦♦♦»

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).