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Ebony Chronicles Volume 01 Number 01

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  • wcu_memories-1373.jp2

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  • 12 Ebony Chronicles October '95 Houston produces "Straight Talk" Ebony Chronicles is not the only new publication at WCU this year. Straight-Up Ministries founder Chris Houston is producing a newsletter called "Straight Talk". "Straight Talk" seeks to meet the need for, "...Biblical answers to the struggles and trials faced on a college campus." The newsletter offers students, "...the good news," as Houston said. Houston hopes that his monthly newsletter will reach and touch the hearts of WCU students. "Straight Talk" has a very special column that is written by Houston's mother Ms. Phyllis Houston- Washington called, "A Note of Love From...Mom's Corner." The column is being reprinted in EC with permission. Life on any college campus today can be made to feel as if home is only another dorm room away. "WHAT" and "WHO" you are can only be determined by "YOU." If this is your first semester here, or you have been here for a while, the same principles apply in determining "YOUR" destiny. Just in case you have not made any major life changing decisions on the Who, What, Where's or Why's of your destiny, consider the following 10 suggestions: 1. Approach your calling in life with diligence and patience. In every way prepare to be productive for yourself and worthy of the esteem from others. 2. Learn to laugh when confusion enters your mind and setbacks press upon you. Gloom is nothing more than an added burden. 3. Respect your body. Care for it as the temple of your soul. 4. Be natural. Don't seek to be someone you're not. Emulate the great, but be great within yourself. 5. Be frugal in money matters. Keep your desires careful. Only spend your own money. Contain your expenses within your daily income. 6. Don't fret about tommorow. Worry will cause chaos in your life. 7. Enjoy life every day in the people you meet, the birds your hear in the morning and in the stars you observe. 8. Seek to serve others and not happiness. Happiness will be your reward only if you walk the path of fruitful endeavor and sacrificial living. 9. Show courage in the face of temptation and guile. 10. Be faithful to your family and your friends.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).