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Correspondence regarding organizational meetings of the Appalachian National Park Association

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  • ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER # COTTON FACTORS, 727 REYNOLDS STREET. AUGUSTA, GA. Kov. , 12, 1899- J.A.Nichols, Esq., Prest., Board of Trade, Ashville, N.C» Dear Sir:-- I am in receipt of your favor of the 8th Inst. Replying to same, I would say, both myself and the Exchange and Board of Trade are thoroughly in sympathy with the movement for which the convention is to be held November 22nd in Ashville. Unfortunately, I will be absent from the City at the time and will rot be able to take advantage of your kind invitation. However, both, myself and the organization, of which I am President, pledge you our hearty co-operatloa in securing a National ***M$fc£ If your Convention will designate to us how w© can be of service in assisting In the achievement of so desirable an end, it will be our greatest pleasure to give you our most hearty assistance. Again thanking you in behalf of the Exchange and Board of Trade , I am,■ Yours very truly, Prest. Exchange & Board of Trade.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).