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Correspondence regarding 1901 meeting

items 45 of 47 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12103.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Oct. 29th, 1901, Mr, Bobt, V, Boone, Marietta, Oa» My Rear Sir:- ?!r» Geo, Smathers has recently called my attention to the fact that your name does not appear upon our present Committee on Pe- titions mid Memorials of the A, K. B, Association, ehfti the new Committee was elected a pear ago it was the intention of the Association to make no changes in this committee raid She only explanation J can give for your name not appearing in flats Committee at this time is as follows: then our* association was first formed and our original memorial presently to nongress Ihe Ccwiittee on Petitions end Memorials -/as as follow*! Chas, IHrHaaf*, Chairman, J. P. Hayes, ft, P, McKissick, !!, o. C-onaales, S, P. Hairsnel, jr., w*« "'.'Rollins, PXe \sant A, Stovall, (He, K, Smathers, Mr. iwLthers shortly ufter this presented your name as one «hen it would be well to elect on this Committs- and your name ims added to the Comini:;tea and placed upon s^ch literature as appeared that year, S send Jpu on-, of th« old booklets where your name m>B included. It the last annual Meeting of our Association our officers were elected and the mv®iatmsitt or Coots itjt«es vho left entirely in the hands of the Executive Committee of the Directors. *h«R the Committee

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).