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Correspondence regarding 1901 meeting

items 20 of 47 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12078.jpg

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  • ALBION A. PERRY, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 291 BROADWAY. somerville, mass., September 8th.,...19.01, Dr. C. P. Ambler, Sec'y Appalachian National Park Association, Dear Doctor Ambler: I have $ust returned from the Pan-AmeriEan Exposition, and find your favor of 3rd inst. on my desk. I sincerely wish it were possible for me t& attend the annual meeting of the Association, but owing to important business engagements the pleasure can not be mine this year. It is gratifying to know that substantial progress has been made in the work of the Association and that the promise of complete success in the near future is so good. The great benefits which have resulted from the establishment of national parks and reservations in other parts of the country furnish the best argument in favor of the proposed forest preserve in the beautiful Blue Ridge region. To my mind it would be nothing short of a national calamity, alike from a practical and an esthetic standpoint, if the opportunity should be lost for securing the lands in question. Under governmental ownership the best methods of scientific forestry would be applied in the development of the lands, the beauty of the forests would be preserved for all time, and a magnificent pleasure-ground and sanitarium provided for the ever increasing millions of our population. I can not believe that any broad-minded statesman in either branch of Congress will oppose an appropriation for the purchase of the land3. It is to be hoped that the project will receive the earnest attention of Congress at its next session, for the dangers of delay are very great in a matter of such transcendent importance. despectfully youra,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).