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Congressional bill for the purchase of a national forest reserve

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11895.jpg

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  • Jamlary twenty-eigRth, 190.1. P'd, Forest and Stream, New York City. My dear Sir: - 1 herewith enclose you a copy of the special message from the President to the Senate .and House pertaining to the establishment cf a forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian mountains. This message was also accompanied by a letter from the Secretary of Agriculture to the President which is herewith re-produced, von will observe that both the ^resident and Secretary recommend li: i ab'lishment of a forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian mountains and upon their recommendation car Senators -md Representatives have introduced a bill into both the Senate and House praying for an appropriation of five million- dollars for the iStabliahment Of sad) a forest reserve in the mountainous section of the Southern states. You #111 remember bhat over a y*tar ago wien we first approaches Congress we simply asked for an appropriation of five thou* suna dollars to defray the expanse of a preliminary investigation. This appropriation re jeoured -aid the investigation was made last summer under the direction of the Secretary of Igrloultura as per the letter here with enclosed. The only opposition which qui* movement has met with thus fur is at the hands of * few selfish lumbermen? 1 aru pleased to report that the majority of the lurabarraent are with us and in favor Sf the movement), and also a few of the Southern members of Congress have ob«

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).