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Congressional bill for the purchase of a national forest reserve

items 13 of 28 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11886.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Jan. 12th, 1901. Prof. J. A. Holmes, Raleigh, N, C. My dear Mr. Holmes:- We have received your several letter of the past few days and I beg to report that T have gotten together copies of all the printed matter thigh we have on hand and have made a condensed statement covering the endorsements our Park movement has received as well as mentioning the names of the prominent news papers -ihich have given us space also aided a list of the prominent people #10 have assisted us or endors -ed our project. Copies of the above have been sent to !!IS M. V. Richards Maj. V, f, Rollins, Hon. Kope Rlias, Hon, W. A. Hemphill, Atlanta, Oa 0-en. John T. Wilder, Khoxville, and Prof. 0ifford Pinchot. We have -also written to Mr. Hemphill and ?aa, Wilde rajs as per your directions. At a joint meeting of the Asheville Board of Trade and the Appalachian National Park Association held yesta.R-,.', a resolution was passed stating that it was the sense of the meeting that our Ststs Representatives from this district ShoulC push the Park resolution thro* the legislature. We have written Mr, Craig and Mr, Giidger to that effect. We have not as yet had anything done in the way of printing the bill for general distribution, thinking best to wait sold see *.en the Secretary of Agriculture and the President signs S letters fcr ihioh you furnished us. Up to the present we have had no word to that effect. I will do nothing with this -until ' r either .'.. you or sane one in Washington and the moment I do will immediately see that copies of it are sent to the prominent news srs through the country. We already have envelopes addressed for five hundred for that purpose, . :h ing you suece s 0 a t R«l e igh, I am, Me ay aincerely yours, Sec-Treas. Die. P.N.H.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).