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Cataloochee tract 298: R. L. Jenkins

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  • This 40-acre tract 298 in Cataloochee was owned by R. L. Jenkins. While, in general, the Great Smoky Mountains region was sparsely populated, the Cataloochee Valley remained an exception. By 1900, the population of Cataloochee had grown to 1,000 residents living in hundreds of log and frame homes. A few historic buildings have been preserved on site, including two churches, a school, several homes, and outbuildings. The North Carolina Park Commission was tasked with purchasing land for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and people living in Cataloochee were among those displaced. Cataloochee families continue to return for annual reunions. In 2001, the National Park Service re-introduced elk into the valley.
  • Page .. ..4.20 ........ ~---····· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ............................................ -, -~---- L ~ ······Jenkins···T-ra-c·t ··································································································· ......... ............................................ : ...................................... Township ····························:t:raywood································· County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Iqin.s c.; -":ho l.'!~zt .vi t~o t~: ;,;;~1tz;J. oet~ boO Gl"Cok, r.:aytU o4 -c~~tyj ::io~:;,i;;n;tn::; t..t ~:om.zrr l 1 C.. 1J1"'{!ltell ~ A"1:!0ll 41ttl<:: i il fG~ cv:::'!'.nr- c:J...:::'v"-' :>c-\ tl l'li. ~b .:~ltt·..o a~·~ wi.-..n;lsson. 'blazed ru1d uc :::1: e~ o:1 t11.o l'10•l"tll et-1 -dw J' . f Co:;;o~r 2, n w·•_ erook;).~ tftostJ•-:..\t ;ntll t !&ro$ -a.~opa at !nt;;:;;···-::>.oo ,.:t·i:ri <h ~.u .r!:oa. ~'t{;.;~:n.{lt!J. .t li..n f;;. , • l:.tm41J.lfS oo tt liOl' ~t;as~ aJ..ovo a1;,.;-r,.:; r: .. co e£.f m n a-J~ltt-h of a hollow; ::jor:t~u.~ ~ , a Q,{tJ.hlo ·-~~£!~;rtrn,it tJ.U)~ 'Jl<l !:..ems in oo.mar of ft)n~e, ttl. t 11 ~ 'i;,:r"'\?. "".0 u ·vr :l 't:!i¢nae S<J intertme ~ :t.nn t411l .tm ._cc~ . ~ ... ua, ~- i l:;tg t.;ouler a or t lli T.;c~ $00-, ' tho Cuy r~se ~~, ( 325'"'fl) 11 n.t::ti w1 th th Q-e;~-tol.. . l " ur ·: ho Dlll4 aa 1' ~urJ!a-rs ..,, H it Shru A ••••• • 421 a. •~•• . <'o.-• . u •. a JO:iat ., ••t•---••• .tt!t w. ...,.,. ~ ~:' ·=.:ne»'S. 91, 1Mt1lta ..... ' ot '* i'hollM, lfJ8Yba the mq ,_.. 'faot (185~), anA lll"VL'18 tkt 1'0il4 w. •ae-GS w. l.M tho ple;oe ·e~: b!lgtnninct oon~batni~ 40 •• aoi'H. I I .... _ \ I I I I SMOKYMTNPARK ' -422 423 ANALYSIS OF TITLE. Tract No. 298 • DEE CLARK. This tract is covered by s tate Grant Number 252, issued to .John Gray Blctn:mt, and, together with other holdings under said Grant, came, by successive registered conveyanoee down to the Love Executors. (For rmalysis of the mesne conveyances from the date of the 1 ssue of said Grant down to the Loves ,.. see the Sidney Ne leon t1 tle, beginning at the first ~ge of this Abstract). -elr 7 After diligent search of the records we are unable to find any record of where this tract passed out or the Loves. It was, pro• bably, duly conveyed by n. Love or the Executors of James R.Love to Young Bennett. We have acquired numerous tracts in which the Ben-netts appear in the chain or title and it is our opinion that none of them ever considered it necessary to have a deed recorded. 1. At any rate, this tract seems to have been known as the property of Young Bennett in 1880. At that time A. J. P~ray, Sher-iff, sold this tract under an execution issued in the case of G.L.Palmer vs. Yol..Ulg Bennett, and made a deed to Elizabeth Boyd, for aaroo. This deed 1s not copied herein b-ut 1s copied in connectio-n with the title to tract 225-a, now owned by Guy Pease, which was ori ginally a part of the original fifty ao;re tract desert bed in the Deed from Murray, Sheriff to Elizabeth Boyd. The deed is properly executed, acknowledged und recorded. (See page £ :? 7 of this Abstract). Ae the present owner, and tho a e unde;r whoiil he claiiilB 1 have held this since the date of the above deed, we are of the opinion tha.t he is vested with good title by adverse poase~sion under color of title. 424 2• Undoltt$ of ffovombar lt 19011. Etl~abQth nord QOO.YQJQ4 to w,.J .a,n.DoJ(I. n~u. 'bt'QO.te ot lend, of wn1oh tW.e ta the "46th Tll'aotn desort b$(1 in the 4ee4.-. Th(J ·«•4 '" irregular 1.n that all, or tlle oO"VGXltlflt.fll c:1:e to se1zll1 ana WW'ranty ElPlJear to be =At by the sran1lt• t111d the hab~ndum clause ta in favor ot the arantor. Tho 4te4 11 4u1y sokn«Jl tHlged, probce.-.4 end recotdect in n~Vk>od oountt1 DQok 4t1 ~6& 474, an4 vi& think 1t llJ euff1c1ent to 'but. waa oopi~4 in qsonneotlon with title to the 0\l'Y Pocu~e•rraot 1 n\Uilbo# 12o.e. hthldl is a ~n o.f the ort~Dll t~ot beroint and tllaf bo .-n l>$' rGfer"Qnco to :PBS$ Ze?J:, ot thl~J Ab&tmot. 3 • • w.:r.G.:a , B01(1 died, lntcetate, atdzed oft~ l nnds oon• V01Qd to h1rA bf t4G" nbOw de~a... On !'Towmber 29, llllG, thE> hc1:ra at. lavt ot w.J .G.:l:t,Do:;tl, deoea.$e41 tiled a p)tition for pat11 t ,1on ot allot the3 lan4a 03004 by vt.I.G.B\BOfd at tho time ot his d~ath. Xu tne.t proeo• ·tho Court a.ppointocl John H. IlOYd anu Eo bert T. Boy41 COl'Ql'IUeaionoXJe1 to sell all of the l cn4a belon$1ro to the eoto.te of WT.:r,:e.B;Bord . -'llecmu!ed. TbO "P"Eitt UC>n-- o.nd. or'O:er e.pp01nt1nii'' "() _______ '"• mii:ud.onera e:~ not eop1oet nero1n but ap:P4)ar on Pllfi5EIB 295 and 302 ot thio .hbst~o.ot • /3/r 7 4• The n$• l"ICC)r4ed tranetct (lftco.t.tng _th1G t;raot Sa a 4ooA mad• by R,T.JOyd; ·COtam1cuJ1one:r 1 ·tf>· O·tdl" l&nldnu, IJ.lho doe4 s-toltt• the proo.-ecU~ had in o.on.n$J)t1on with the· &alai the au1bor1'J ,_awA l~ lloyd, o.a COlMl.\elioner, to n11ke tht\J· dl.1edt that the e.alc waa d\U1 a.Ave~\1ee4. , hel4, ~p•to4 to the CO'Ut't .and en ora.- qt oont1~ at1on auulo. (See• J q!( . tluoUI);b. . • Jo] _ ,, of t111a Abstract for POI1t1t.m. a nd. Wderla T:b& deed ia dulY a~anui:At!. Tl."t'tlih1:ta4 i:mA a'# '";: 425 ~eeord in Haywood County, Book 52, page 409. Copied in connect-ion With title to the Guy Pease Tract No. 225-a. See page ? f'P . ot t hi$ Abst~ot. 5. Under data ot June 26th, 1928, Caesar Jenkins ar,ld Fina Jenkins, his wife, conveyed fo tty acres or this tl"(:ot to Dee Clark. (Ten acres having been pre-vi uusly c mveyed and appears i n this J.,bstract as Tract 225-a. now owned by Guy Pease). The description is not ex­actly clf;ar as t o wh e ther t en a cres is excepted f ran t his o o:1veyance or ha<l IJrev:t ously been excepted (or sold) :from the original Young Ben nett tract. I n the preamble at:'" the deed t he given name o:r tbe wife does not appe ar bu t as the deed is properly signed ani acknow­ledged by Caeser Jenkins a ni 1i':Lna Jenkins, h i s wi fe , we ·t hink this irregularity is i :July p roba t ed and reco :rded in Haywood County • Book 77, page 583.. Sea pass ? 1: L ot this Abstract. e. On aooount of certain or the old deeds in this chain of title not being put on record; we have secured affidavits from t wo f r ee holders in t he vieinity at Tract 298, showing adverse possassion over a pe riod o:r thirty years and more. 7. J:i'or Surveyor' s affidavit, s ee page 1b? ot this Abstract. .·:, . ~: Page4.26 ......... ~---·-············· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ OEAS.Jm JENKINS end CEP..SER JElnCINS CEASl'.:R JENKINS 0 = ::! MRS. CEASER JENltiUS . FniA J1Jl.1KINS Fil\TA J :ENKlNS ~~------------------------~------------------------~------------------------ ""'' - ~ DEE CLARK ~ 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ ..................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ......... .. 6~2.El!!!l9.28 ..................... . 3. Is it properly executed ... ~.Y~-~---~································ 4. Date of Entry and No .................................................. ...... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ J. .• .P •.............. 6. Acknowledgements, r egular .... Yes ............................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on ~:~2-~1928 ............... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .................. c . .. . ... ........•.•....... •..••• 8. Did all grantors a cknowledge ............ Y~$. ..................... . 10. Was privy examination o.f wife taken ..... .Y.~.~---·········· 11. Did officer affix Seal... ..... N.Q ........................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ...... Yea ........................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ....... 1.:~.~---····················· · ........................... . (b) power to convey. ....Y. .. .e. ..s... .....................................·.. ..... . (c) against encumbrances .. J~~y--···················· ········ (d) against claims of all others ........ ".~-----··················· · 14. Date of filing for record ..... 9.~.2.2~1,9.28 .................. . 15. .Book ................. '1..7.................... Page .... J5.fl3 .................. . for ........... ~ey:Y~Q.¢. ................................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ... ......... n~----·············································· n. H~~i grsti~dte t~~>-tiitonr;.t~i~r.~sT~~-o;D ... t~~-6-:·::~e; ... .or. .............. . ........ Pfl:., ......................................................................................... S .......................... l?.W ............................................. Qunto ..................... . ····--- -~~_()_Il.S~-~- ---~~----~~----~-~ .. tl. ... .P.«:l~ .... Q.¥.l:r..~- --~4 .... ~--~--- p,~_u-_, ___ @4 .... ~~-~.Bn$. .•.... t.o ... ..... . ........ ~r4.Y.. ... ~~-- --~.t.1 .... ___ f9.~11JQ~ .................................................................................................... ·································· Exact Description of Property BEGntNINQ on a spanish oak on t..lle point or a ridge and running with the meanders or a road to a spr±n1sh oak on the side of the road; thenoe·· ri~ -·23 -E; · to ·a ·at akfii tlien:oo l~ . 2o it; ·79~ :P. to a stake; thence s . 23 112 p. to tho beg in-ning~ Contain;lng 40 acres mo1 .. e or lese and torr.ool'lY known a11 the Your:w.; B~:nnett t:raot .. less 10 A. Shut B NORrH CAROLINA HAYWOOD C ruNTY , 427 , baing duly sw ern, deposes and says: That he is 50 years ot age, am has bean a citizen and ~ resident of Haywood County for 50 years; that he is well ac­quainted with the ovme rship and possession of a certain tract ot land now owned by Dacd ': Gl~rk ~, r;andn :more particularly bounded and des ... cri bed as fo1lows ; torRli.C«;£ NO. 298 ~ Lying on tJ:te east sl de of Catalooclee Creek, Haywood Co. BEGINNING at corner 1; thence No.rth 24-49 East 27.59 chains, . eo :mer 2; thane~ South o7 -55 East 17 ;69 cha :tns, comer 5; thence South 24-5? ~Test 22.24 chains, comer 4; thence Nor:th 40-51 West • 56 chains; North 15-39 W'e~rt 1.35 chains; i'~ o rt h 41-40 West 1.56 oha ms; North 15:-13 East 1.62 chams ; North 40 ... 46 East 1.38 chains; North 42 ... 24 West 1,,.03 chains; Nol"tll 40 - l l West .52 cbAi ns; North 19-12 West 1 .87 cha ins; s 86-49 West .58 chains; South 15--20 West 2.,75 chams; south 13-oO Weav 1,4~ cha.i:ns; south 40-52 West 3.19 ell.ainS; s outh 66-55 We•t ;S9 cheJ.ns; North 83-12 West 2. 74 chains; North 64 ... 25 west2.12 chains; South 89-44 'Nest .. 88 cha lns; :No.rth 86-26 ·west 1•63 chains; south 62-52 '\'e st 1.56 chains; s outh 73-06 West .80 chains; South 55-Q4 West 1 . 24 cha ins, comer 5; thence north 68-03 West 1.54, chains, the place at BEGUl'NING, oootaining 40.33 acres. he olaime have been i n the o:pen, adverse • no·torious and continu.ous possession of s&i d land, under known and visible nates a nd bounds, for a. period of thirty years und more; taking timber and firewood therotratn., pastu .;' 1ng ss.:me , and Itliking suoh other ~uses o_f said lands as they are su.sceptibl.e of; Affiant fUrther states t hat he has never he~d of any controversy as to title or pos session of above desori bed lands . swom to and su:bsori bed before ~ This the 12th day of July . , 1950. &;:~~Notary Public. MY coW'lii~es May 27, 1931. . NORrH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY _R_. ~·T_ .. .: B;;.o..,y~d._ ______, being duly ;:.lWom, deposes and says: Tha. t he is- 56 years or age, am has been a c1 t izen and re-sident of :Haywood County for~ years; that he is well acquainted with the owoors llip and p os session of a certa in tra:6t or land now owned by Dee Clark, and more particularly bounded and described as f -ollows: TRACT NO. 298 tying on the east side of Catalooohee Creek, Haywood co. BEGINJ:fiNG at corner l; thence North 24-49 East 27.69 chains, corner 2; thence South 67-55 East 17.69 chains; corner 3; thence South 24-57 west 22.24 chains, corner 4; thence North 40-51 West .. 56 oha ;ins; North 15-59 West 1.35 cha ins; .North 41-40 West 1.56 chains; North 13-13 Eas·t 1. 62 chairis; North 40-46 East 1.38 chains; Hort.h 42-24 Yiest 1. C:3 cha ins; .North 40-11 \l,fest .52 chains; North 19 -12 West 1 ,87 chains; south 8o -49 West • 58 chains; south 15.20 West 2.75 chains; South 13"'00 West 1•49 chains; South 40-32 West 3.19 chains; South 68 ... 56 West .a~ ahains; I-~orth 83-12 nest 2.74 chains; North 64-25 West 2.12 chains; south 89-114 West .88 chains; North 86""2P West 1,.53 ehm-ns; · south 62-52 ~fest 1,.55 chains; South 73-06 V!est .86 ohm ns; south 55 -04 ~l est 1.24 oha ins; oornsl' 5; t hence .N6:rth 68-03 West 1. 54 cha ins, the iplace of BEGI N1UNG, containing 40 .. 53 acres • ..eli"fiant further states that Dee Clark and those under whom possession of said land, under known and visible metes and bounds 1 for e. period. of thirty years and more; taking ·timber and firewood 4 2'3 therefrom, pasturing same, and rrnkeing such other us es of said lands as they are susceptible of; affiant further s t ates t ~at he h""S never heard of any cont roversy as to tit la or possession of any ·Jortion of abO'Ie described lands. d J- rfJ d ..Af fi an'6 · ~ SWom to and subscribed "before m This tlle · 18th day of Ausust, , 1930. ~e.u.J-~·~ ·Notary Pub1io. ~oommis~s M.ay 27; 1931. :-' . .}·'· PageA. .2 9 .. ,.. ... :.. ............. . NORTH CAROLINA' PARK COMMISSION l I ' i . SURVJ4YOR'S AF;FIDA VIT IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF . LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO DEE CL.A.RK .Al(D HIS WIFE N'tilLLIE OLJJU( ·------------ ------------------... -------------·----------------------- ------ ------------------ DESIGlUTW \ IN SURVEY AS ·, ___ _____ _____ _______ ____ __ ___ _: .._.: _____ ________ ___ __________ ___ _.: , ____ ___ _________ ____ ____ _____ . -~ . AFFIDAVIT. H.Q.,Vfilburn . 1 . ·· ···· · · · ·-- -~~ ---- - -~ ---- --- - - -.- ---- --------- ---- - -- -------- -- - -----· -·· · ···· ····· ·· • bemg du y sworn, says: \ . ~ ~ That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Pa.rk Commission ' - -. ·-. _/ . ·. \_ . i -~ -\ '· .. , as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, ~he deed for which is' registered in the Office of Register cif'Deeds of .... ~~~r.!~~-~~--------···--·County, in ~ook ... --~~------·--------• PaJe\~Q.~---------\ __ -_, / . . , Th~t he knows ~he lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and ' from his survey and investiga- . ', \ >" . .. . \ / tion, h~ knows that \ the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of "' •. ' ' · __ . '\ . . \ 'l ! the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. , \ ;-r· · .,. - --·-- --- -· -.. -~ -- -- •.l· · ·. · ----- - - - ·-·- - ---- -.. - ---·· · - --·-- ·----~ ·-- • ·f -~ ,-~- - rr• .. -~-....- . · An actual surve~\was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called\n i~ ~¥~r~~e, . '"-.. ! • ' --~ ~:_,- \ \ ~: '- \ and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or con'trov~sy \ ' \ ., . \ . at the present tim~ as. to the boundaries of said tract of land. ·~\ 1 \ ................A r.e; ..~ .. l.:.~~,·: ... :,.. .. ' \ \ \ Page ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is asseased for taxation for the current year, 19.'-9 ... , at $---~-'-'-~---···········• in the name ..........J 1 ...! ___q~ ~,~---------··········----------and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 .. ~-~- ................ "?. .. lP. .......................................................... . 19.26... . ............. P.A.IJ). _________________________________________________________ __ _ 22 PAID 19 ..... :.... ----- -- --- -------- ---- ----'······················································-······ 191.7 .... ______________ pm_ ____________________________________________________________ 19 .. ~~-- ----------------~~~-~----------------------------------------------------------- 19 .. ~~-- ----------------~~-~~------------------------------------------------·---------- 19 .. ~~-- ___ __ __________ J?~ Jp __________________________________________________________ _ 19~HL 19 .2...9... .. . 1~9 ... . ASSESSMENTS LES PENDENS Jot rar MECHANICS LIENS lot e:q JUDGMENTS Jot anr --------------'~-~--------------------------------------------·············· --------------'~-~------------------------------------------------------····· . ...... I .Ot. ... ___________________________________________________ _ Bl11et G Pag6ll~a ................... .. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION TRAOT lo. a~e IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning ent~ there of has been carefullr_ _ ~~amined and not;e_~. a11~ _t~~~ _t!le Jollowi!l& .. Ra.m_~q owner ... ; .. : . ... ia ...... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shoWn in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES 1. T•x•• tor 'the year 1930 not pa14. 2. Title to the aboY"e traot passed on poaseaa1on. This ..... ~.r.~L ...... day of ......... ........................ : ...................... , •o ..... . Attorney. Address ....................... , ........................... .................................... . ··.•:.