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Cataloochee tract 238 and 238a: D. H. Burris

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  • > ·._, ~ SMOKYI14TN.PARK D.H../!URRIS TRACTS . · fJ=-4.9.7.f'Ac. '<!!)::6'8./'J-3Ac.- TorA~•/17.78 Ac. · SCALE f•=20CHAIIY.S @&W \ \ SVRYEY oJr 1.928 BY W. N.SL014N NORTH ·cAROLINA PARK COMMISSION --., . 1 ABSTRACT OF . TITLE , ·of Lands of : ..................................................... D .•.... l;I ...... :au.r:r.ia ................................................ ········ ····························· -············· ....................•.....................•........................ ;......................... Township , ..... c .•.• Jla1WO·od··················································· County. •••• STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION . Tra.ot (238 ) JO!B t All bta~tnp ln ttdl 4•aor1;ptl• 'Uft tllftle4 fJ"om tb• twe .-nllen eJ:JA e.11 cf1fttr1oe• an ·~••a. a.a 1t1 11WM of 46 feet. BlliD!tiBG •' oomtl' l , a , .. hellto«* t,l•u4 ana •oribt& »••• Cor. 1. et&tul1ct on •••t beak of ln4* c~ .. k. f\cot Gp lnc1 ial:l OJ!Ml • • 29..Q .11 Co••~' a, • SO" lwJriiook blatf4 N'l4 ••l't.\t« u.B. co.-. 1 · oa no.-tb beak of lntl«a ·~ l he»>e •» ln4taa Ol'ett with 1\a s. 6&-08 •• Oom•f I, a polrd .ln tlle o•nt•t- line of 1t:d1an Cl"eek t&t i.te S.nter •ot ioa wltb e Of1..m liM ot tb1a t-.~ &nil t-ltt .... •• ~ .. ti'&Ot (lit) Shut A . ".,. 0 ,, 1 •• 01 lV.G. Tbonee. lt& the or"k ttitta tbe Gee. Jh i$llle• tract ( 13t) · !h 8-46 E. Ctn. el' • • .. •.· point ,on _top of .tn41e R14Se • a oor. n••. of ~be Gthlt J. Jel•l'' t .S"SO\ {Sit) tmd of tbe v. A• CaapbeU trao\ (8.0) . s•t a , .. olleatnat post in . aoua4 ot ston•a acu•tbel t~.B~ 'Qor. •• ,A 10" m&ple blast4 ena I0¥"1'be4 B.'f. D.». Oor. •• l)ean 1 . 80-tl 1 •• ot oba1n 41etsJit_. ~tum••• leav1ns tbe teo. a. P&lmer t»aot t!l9) • l'litb tbe v. In OIUilpb•ll tb:~ (Ito) 1. 81•19 1. v. •• Ca•Jibell oomel' n•ar »a<tlleon :sn.noll Q omer 8 • • 6" wbs te oeJt l'J1 t h ool'Sler ~~ all4 wt t. nt aM& on a aaat1lwte\ el•. blale4 8td aor1be4 u,a. cor. 4, bei»8 oot llel' I of the a.c.C&l4•ell \rao\ tBZ'I) .,.., cu.o.J. Then••· t•ava1 , ... '•"• o~eu w1tb tn• a. o. Oell'liel1 traot Ctl'l) a. 11·12 s. Croeelq Little Jl&v14eon BJ'aneb !tbtnoe,. lta'ttns tbe a.o.o•ltw•ll a. a-s• 11. Ootn•~' ,, , e, p.oiftt w beft tb:lit !oo• ._,. 't r'Jo b14le.n Ohtk fMntl ap h\lte.n Ot••t •1\h lta s. S$.21 •• s. 8&.29 •• l.&O Tbt pleot of Blt:iilUUJJG, oonttlini.JliJ •'•'' eo~••• .e. ... - 1.00 , .• '"•'' DBSClllftlOll OF fB 80-UlfDABl' OP lfml »• H, BVBlUS T!UC'.i,' C21a..a) BIG!Dl J.Q at oorntr 1, a lonot poet, tbo ou ooruta­• nbtt n.,s. ft OoJt. 1,_ t.n ttte tauJ"a !1!.7.tai" lm•• !heDGe a. '8-IJ w. A 811&11 etreA1l flcntl eou·''- A amel.1 atrea :flows aolltbeaat come• a. a -4•oaJe4 obennat eta., w1'\b wltn•••••• ttet • 4" ~eatnut poet in e mobD4 of stOWta • lortbecl :o.». ~...e 001'• •• A U " obeatMt ON ltlatH ani eortM4 D.t. DtB• T-1 cor. 11, bean 1. 16-10 • • .!0 outn 41•~•t• il'heno•. Jf. 11-01 w. Ccun•_. 15, • u• ob•atnut wttb ol4 marta .- wt.t•• .. • 'blaae4 eJl4 aor1bt4 D •. l . f-1 Cor. 8 :tbOilo• 1. 11.-29 L Com•• •· • point. at 1nteneott&n of market lta••• a ooJ~Mr of tbe J. a. l.ooJaaaD traot (2M) ----~------~------ .. ---~-------·- -~- -----S•t--a.-4~-l--·-- pee\.-- -lrt fl IW)ed---of·'"it't«lHi~Ortb---····~­D. B.f-.! Co•• • ..... 18.19 A I" 'blaae4 _. eonbd D,t.ll.B. f-8 Cor. • 'b••~• s. 61.00 w •• ot obain 4leteat. Tneno• td\h tb• J. J , Looaea S,. ll·l8 1 • Oomd I, a 18" aouJtWool wt.tb olt\ •l'k• aal w1-. .... bl•••4 -liM eot1b-' D.B. f..& C&~, '• betaa • o,otner of tbtJ 1. a. LoODin traot (148) g4 ot tbe c. I• l'&lMr '"'•~ ( 24ua} fh•no•• lt•Tilll tbe I. :B .• J,ook­- man treot ( 248) t witb tb4t. C • ·l. ;pabft '"" ( RQ.a) a. ll•ll w. -· 8.·'9 OOJ'MI' 6 • a 6'* ~001llt pOS1. in a aoutl4 of aton••• aonb.t C,P. f.! C'?S'• 6 t a OOW.Ji of th$ o. J. ~r t!leot ( ~41-•) • A 18" Obe•tnu1 O:&.l lllaM4 ·fiU1\ so-:tbt4 J,T, O.P. t.e Cor• 6• b96ft N • ti-00 J •• !V ~!:lain 41stant. ~bon.o.e • a. 9-.18 :a. Ooa10 'I • a 4" ()i1eatnut potst :1n fi mouna of &tones ••rib. . ....· .o. .J. f•S; Oor. 1. n oorncu., o:t the o.J.PeJ.. . •r tnot f 84l•al .A 10" maple bltu•od a%14 tlcr 1bt4 D.~.c.P. f •2 Oo•• I lfeare Ne e&-!0 lh •10 Ohet.n dlatantt t nenoe B. 61..2$ z. c~ etns • rl4t:• como» a • e.. ptllnt 1n n StJnll. br nob, 'btf414• a b'o.ot .. • .,_ etll#:p, a comer of the o.J JallH.~ trao' (lt·l•a) A ,~ ma;tlt blase4 ana •~:r 1be4 o.p.t.a Cot• 6 t btnM down the b.-eatll S V'l-4.4 E. Corner t • a , .o.ln't bts14• the bran b. a oomu of the c.. l. Jaltle• tstd1 ( 841..&) f berioe s. t-19 :m. C~m&F 10, a 16'* obeetnu·t oek wJ.tll oo.,..l' mar•• e.Dl •ltneee•• • \late<~ .and e<nt1be& . o .P. o~:r. 4 • * oomel' . .oL:tU._Jl. _.J •~ ! flllltl'. . il'aat, .J Ml"!!A) _M( :Df _ ~\hfi._.:Lc_J_._ "'·------·------ ·---·--- _ _ _ Pawr t~ C 241) . tnenoe. l•a'f!ag ttM o. J • Jill• •r tnot hl4rl-a) • 11r!tb the c • .;t. J a11J\Ir 'n.o\ C241) s. '1'1--24 w. oomew 11. a point lt•eiae c 4eoi'1J't4 obtatmtt ou ettl11J wtth •d•tn•asea. a comer of tbe c. J. iaiaer ._.$4t (IQ) s•t • t ob•etut , •• , a.n ol4 at\lttlp bole eor1bt4 o.J. oe •• s . A 1!" blaok oa blaee4 c4 eo ibeel :s .• f.<h t .Cor. I beaJ"e a. 89.00 •• 11 ottu:n 4!8tant.. · 'fbenoe • leaY1ne tbe c •• J.pa1JM_. AN.AloYSIS OF TITLE 'l':raot No-.238 • totallY emb1:aeed \Vi thin State G-rant N\lltl~l: 252., As th1• Grant baa already been treated, 1n this Ab$\;raet • in the Analysis of the Sidne, Neleon T:raet., from the date of the issuance ot the G:rant to John. Gray Blount t through the t U1e the holciings thereund.e:r pa.saet.,, by the Will ot James R. Love to his EXecutors• it will not be repeated in this title but may be seen by reference to the Analysis of title to the S1dney Nels~n tract • p:1ge tl'U:'ee of this Abstract, beginning with paragraph one and end:i. ng w1 th ~ragraph tent 13 It 7 l• The first inst:ru:mnt to be oonside:r.ed is e. deed, dated Ootooor ~8th,, 1875, made by Wi111f'.m. n . Thomas,. Robert GtA.Love, W1U:tam L. Hilliarc.l and samuel L, LOva to ;, , P.. Palmer,. cov.,rtng a fifty aero tract • Without mineral resel"Vation. The deed is signed by only'e.e of the four .:Executors named in tbe preamble but we do not consider this rnatal·ial, in.a.a:n:ueh as this der-eot was cured bf an agree­ment e.nd conE!ent judgment in the . ar w.L.Hen.:ry 1 et all vs w.L. - C~ 7 - ~~.~~~-~~~·· !~ ~~=: !--~~~e.!~-:t!_ of this llbs~-:~~~-~-- J~~-~ '~~! .... 2r:. .1 .. 2. J. R. Falmar died, intestate t seized of the fifty acre tract conveyed to him as shown above. All Special Pl'O ceed!ngs in con..: nection with the sett.lement of his estate have been copied in full in thia Abetract 1n connection with the title to Tract 2l2•a.,- see ;page 573 fi tty acre tract was al1oted to Rache 1 Cagle t a daUghter • On December . l2t-e t 1904,. :r .M ,ca~e end Rachel. Cagle, his wi:f'e; conveyed this land, by regular warranty deed• in due form. and properly acknowledged• to R. J • Palmel't (:Page q ~· (, ot this Abstract) 3• The ti ~le :pass~~. on JUly 3).'dt l912t by p~operly executed warranty deed, trom R.l.Pal.J!I')r and wite • Raellel Fal,mer .t to D. R. Palme:r;-. (see Pa8• . 2$7 Qt ~h1 s Abstraat) 4.• On December 20~h, l.9l.:St n. :R• 1>~1' c;,onveyed the iJ:'he deed does not state whether o. R. Palme1' was me.rnad or single at t he time of its execu·tion, but ~· have eetabl1$hed the tact that he was UJ'U$rr1ed; by e.ttidavit • See page t£2. ot this (Page . f~ of t his Abstract) . 5. By warranty deed in due tol'l!l, properly exeouted1 Geo. H. Palmer and his wif'e, Mart ha s . Palmer, conve yed thi a tra.ct 1 on April 26th, 1921• to D. H. Bul'l"ess • the pt•esent ooner, (See Page i£!.> .. \ppearing herein is a deed Which b:lS no bearing on the title. Dsted October 8th,. 1909t executed by T .t.Palmer and wife to R. J . l?al:mer. T~is deed purports to convey e i ght acres vlh.iOh lies Within the boundary ncm owmd by D;H.Burresat but ttlere i s nothing ot record to indicat e that T, L. Pal:lil9r ever bad anr claim. or t itle to the l.and described in this deed• {see Page ft. I J'lg the ti~ that the land was owned by Ra.ohel Cagle. 1 --~---""'"~~---.- . .... ,..~.-"···- ~· .... ..,- .•· -<~'--~-. __. ,.._.,_. _.,.. "._:_• '""""""'' .... .. ........... "~-- _.,_,_ -·--·~-· .. ·----· _____,.. _... .. ..• . - ~ '"''" ··- -~-.-, .... - -~"~'-·" __ "' __ ,,_.,~ ... -- .... "-.. - -~-:-- >~- --· ' she and her hue band, :r. M, Casl.ea conwyed one•third et the mineral 1nteJ:"eet ·to Henry Groans ana Joaepb GunterJ the conveyance being by :regula;- trarra.nty deed, properly executed., dated J'anuary 29, l904t (See Page f._(, M"' A.p]?ear tng on the reoorf.s or trarwoOd County are three . ~·~ ~ lJ- A.-"" Deeds ·ot i'nst againGt t his traat (See pa@;ts q,;:_ • qt,} . and q~?; ot thls Abet ract) ;, It ts our information that all or these are paid emept a balance ot $40.00 and interest which will be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the property to the State • but none have been cancelled ot :record. D. :a. ~•• ~ Matt._o Burros•• h18 w11't • 11144t a 4ett4, 4a1!e-4 Febl'Ual'f ~1. ~ua, .'\0 tl:l•ir •~• w.c•B\1n•u• to~ a ou• . ' 1il>.i:r4 un~-n·de4 tn••n;. .u. .. ~ra• ezat efil14 tied tot~ fdfto'\ at det~4 ·~ D:t R~BU\'l'ese and wt:t't w· tbe Si;aw, thu• 'hlAaaing and o•• venDS anr ;rie.h't t t~tl$ QJ: ~p.ttJ"ttt th$7 llavtt OJ rdant havt . 'bf l'talell ot fill• exocution of the above ~e$d Wh1ob is ot J"•Q()~d 1n H9.i'W004 . . &/ .. -'- . . county and. oop1ed heJtein ., See :page 4 "> "- ctt this A~tl'act. Abet~ot, . ANALYSIS OF . TITLE. D-. H. BUBR:IiSS Tract N<hia3a.a. Tract Nutnber 2~a is Ot'IXJed. by D. H. Burress and ia enti:FQlY withitl the bOunds of State Grant :N"U!llber 252, issued to . . the da-te ot said Grant down tllrouf5}l thl.3 tim wuan the holdings there• under pas$ed f by the Will at n • LOV-e t deceased • to his Executors t same Will not be repeated in this title but may be seen by :r:ef'erenco to the Analysis of title to the Sidney Nelson Traet 11 p:1ge tbt>ee of this Abstract, beginnit;~g w1 th paragraph one and ending with paragraph ten. Tb.e ~ are two seperat e chai na to this title; the :first being as follows:- 1 ' d$eded ti:fty acres of land, without ndnera.l reservation~ to M.T.Bennett. The .deed was eigned by only t~ee of the four Ex11qutors ap:r:etiJ'ing in the preant'bla btlt this • we consider, is. 1nn1atertal in view of the agree• mQnt and oon;sent ju~nt in the oase of w .L.Henry et al. vs w. L. Hilliaxrd et aJ;. 1 , which appears on paf!13+1 ~~~ or this Abetraot. fJ/f 7 l~_Qt _p_t;!&fl. ~k-..~ .. o1 __ t.h1s. Ahs .. traat) .. --··- ·- - --··----·-··--- . 21 M. T. Bennett died, intestate• leaving surviving him f'ouv Childl'en a~ his ha:U-e•at•law, to·•witr sarah LtMoBride, Allen Ben-nett_. .A#eh Benn.E.ttt and Annie :RuiJeeU• (S~le affidavit page 7(:,1: ot this Abetraot ) • The next · con~yanoe to be considered is a deed trom sarah t. MoBr14e to Allen :aannett tor bar "undi vi·d$d interest" in the t:J.tty aore d~4ctd to M.T .Bennett by the Exeeutors of' Jtmu)e R.LOve.' The deed d~s not recite the sourQe ot title; it is irregular in that the husOO.nd does not ·join in the deed.• This defect is • we think, ......... .11 hv tbA nosaessory t1 tle established herein. (See affidavits_, pages f/, 7 and . ~ 7.'!At t,.h... is Abst;r.-e.ct). (For the deed above retettehl te see pages; 1'~- ot this Abstl'aet). As both Allen Bmnett and S~ah L;, MeBJ."ide were children and heh"s at law of M.T .Bennett • deooased1 the execution or the above deed veeted in Allen Bmnett title to one•half undivided inteJ:"est 1n this ~ct ot land, ie * tho one•fotn"th undi v1 ded interest inher1 ted br him.aelt and the one-fourth undiv.tded interest inherited by his sister, Sarah t.. McBride nttd oon~yed to him by this deed • . It is our infor:me.tion that James :EI. Noland. purchased the und1 vS.d~d interest of the other two hei1.. s 1 to-witt Annie Russell and ArCh Bennett, in this tract but we ate unable to find the deeds on the record. 3• Tbe next con,veyanoe is a warranty deed• in due torm1 properly ackno\Vledged, with all of the usual covenants, executed by Janes NGland and wife, Ellen Noland to Allen Bennett cover1ng the land herein but oontainins no reference as to the so~ce of title. Ae will appear frOm the above we are plrtly dependoent· oa po•••sston to ~rteet this ti tl$• ts proVing more than thtnl' - ,.ellr-s- · -opm; ·-llo-t'ortou~-~ ®llt:tfi~ua·· a.m e.averlie poiiesslon· bave-·lieen--(:)'6;:- - -·· tainet\ :t':rOnt the p:re.sent owne:r and two disinterested citizens and property mme~s of tne same coiiltllltnity as wUl lR1 seen on pages 9t,z_, Z?k:: ~ ____ ...,.. ot this Abstra.Qt ., (For th~ above Deed see page fj.t G: ot this Abstract}. 4• Deeember 28; 190~• Allw. Bennett and M•EtBennett, his "Wit&, conveyed twenty•tive acres ot the fifty OOl'e tract hereinabove reterred to ~• to n.a.Burre•s• The deed 1 s regular· ill. form, proper]$ executed and ;reeori.ed. (see p:1ge .!.J,..:J_ of this Abstract) For surveyor's Affidavit seA nrutA f? 7 c..-f' oj,}dc:o A'h .. ·--· . TRACT NC>,, ~*a :r (cont1nl1ed) , The sot.Woe ot t1 tle ;o the ot1:u~Jt bo1Bl4ary lnolude4 ln. t)U.e 'rae1; la 'by teS\lla~ • auoeeaeivefi· »-181st•red conveyance a and p~ei<Uraa• from 'tlhe Gtant by the State to Jobn Cray Bloun• «own to Rt- n. G1llrl$~t T~Ustee end. A&dn1st;rato~ and will. not be taken up in detail in connection wi 'fib. tbil 't1 tle• l• R. n. Gtlmer, as Trustee ror ·~be heirs at 1aw of James fh tove, decea·sed, and ae J:.dmini strator de boni~S non with the Will anne.:cced ot .James R .. Love, deoee.sedt made a ,deed Aue,ust 15, l90l·a to lt.ll.~n Bennett for a tract, containing 25 a~res roore or less 1 de&• o.ribed and ~et'e:rred to e.s "Exception !~o., 113 in a deed fr()m !hD.GilmeJt, Trustee and .Julrlliniatrato-r to the Ho~th Oarolina Land &-.. Lumbe:r Companr' • Qne .... halt of the mineral inte~~s~$ with mining priVileges res$r'V'ed in this deed• (See page ·.!1.2.4 o~ this l i bstreet) • 2, Deed ~m Al.lf'l.n Benn~tt and w1te to D• It• Burress1 properly oseouted..1 aQk:nowledg.ei and ~ec;,ordea but irregular in that the Habendlllli olau$"8 :Ls to "AUEU1 ~nett and his vd.~e M.E.:aennett.f thetr heir$ and ases1e;nl'" $tOt • and. t• that tbe desor1pt 1<Jn ealu for eell'tain line• or the "I,auenee .,_B$lnett" · tl"aot t The$e 4e-teots 1 we tbinkt qoe ou:red b7 atftda'W.ts ot pcu~Jaesaion a.pJ$ hel"ei.n and by tlle survey•"• ·· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged R• G. A. LOVE SAM1 :t.. L• LOVE W c_._ L • l!ILL!ARD P, \'1• EDWARDS t Subscl"iblng w1 tnees. 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... D.e.ed------------·-· .. ········ .. ····-····· 3. Is it properly executed ......... Y€18 .................................. . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... l.O~.a,..J.~'7-f3-----.. ----------------- 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... c .• s.-•. Q . ., .... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ...... ............................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... l..Q...~~l8.7.5 ......... .... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular --Y-eS--------------------------- .. --·-- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ______ _' _ NQ-.......................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ....... --......... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... NQ ............................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ...... Jr$$ .......................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... ll•24.,..-l-S75-------· .... -- (a) of seizin --------:No ........................................................ . 15. Book ·-------'J.'Iir.! .......... : .............. Page ... l.Ol.------------........ . (b) power to convey ............ .................................... .. for ............ Ht:r¥-WOO<l------·-------· -----------·-----County. (c) against encumbrances ......... N.O ............................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ........ NQ .................... __ __ or restrictions ----------- ---- ----------·-------- --------------- ------------ --------- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... TQ .. -Ht .. -VE .. -M.fD -TO- E-OLD .. ·the-.. -afo-re-&aid .. --tra-oct-.. -e-f----lanfl .. -------- -W1t~-- - -:the .... pri.'V1~eges .. .e.nd .. a ... ther.eunto ... bel.G~-ns---\UltO-- - -t-lle----· ........ sa1.d .. J. ..... R ..... ... and .... h1$ ... he.irs .. ... to .. h1s .. .. and .... ... oPolJ: .. use ... ... heh.o.ot ......... f'~e:v.e-l!-•---· - -------- -- --- - -------- - _______________ __________________________ ............... ---------- ................................................................ ---------------------------------- Exact Description of Property KNOW ALL MEN BY 'lliESE PRESENTS; That t VJJ:fEREAS 1 James R. Love, deceased, was seized ot large tracts Gf land commonly- called "S~culat1on Land" lying and b'~1ng in the Coun• ties ot Yancy t M.aditon,- Buncoll1b(), Hay~ Od and Jackson~ a.nd1 Vil.i..'EREAS, the said Jane~ R,. Love made and published a last till and test.ament in wri t~ng an.d appointed William 11, Thomas, Robert G. A• Leve. W1Uiam L. Hilliard and S4tnuel L. Love; exec'UtQrs, Who qualified and took up.on themseJ. vas the ex:ecutio:o. thereof; end 1. WHEREAS, the said. J~es R. LOW sold many tracts of said land to different persons and a utnor ized and empowered his said exe• cutors to continue the sa.le.s of said land end. to naka titles; NOW '!HEREFORE 1 etc. 2nd trao.t: ..- BIDINNn~ at two birches on the North s1de ot ±ndLih dteelt and in the East bo'Wldary line Qf his '15 acre tr~ct t;U}d r1Jim1Il8 North 74 _East, wi tl:L tbe meandel'e of said Creek .el;J- pole$ t0 a bo~ elder ~n the Nc>rth be.nk or sa~d Oreek1 at the turn of said creek; thence south 39 Ea$t 1~ PQ+-es to a spruoe :pine on the l'!ast bank of said ereek1 near the XMJUth ot Davidson Branch; thence NO:rth 82 East 20 poles to a chestnutJ thence North 16 West, orossing the Little DaYidaon branch 82 poles to a hiekory near a path; thenoe SQUth"" We~ f crossing the big davidson branch 87 poles to a stake in the East bound• ary line or said Palmer's ot.hel' tra. et; thence • w1 th said lino 102 poles to the beginning • containing 50 o.oresll Shul B NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged "· 1. Kind of Conveyance .... .. ])ee.tL ..................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance _ , __ J.2~12:•.lt~----------------------- 3. Is it properly executed ....... :reS-----·------------------------ ------- 4. Date of Entry and No ...... , ...................... .......................... .. 5. Bef01·e what Officer acknowledged ... J.-F,t ................ .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... Y:Q'S ................................ . 7. If inegular, copy in full on back .. .. .... .. .... .................. .. .. 8. Did all grantors a cknowledge ........... J .ei ...................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement...l2~~l.9:04 ........ .... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... :¥ .............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. .. N0------ -------------- -------------------------- 13. . Does conveyance contain convenants- 12. Was order of probate con-ect .... YQS ............................ .. 14. Date of filing for record ... 2~.l~li.0.6 ...................... . (a) of seizin .. : ... Ye:$ ...................................................... .. 15. Book ...... 25 .............................. Page ... ~44 ...................... . (b) power to convey ... Yes. ............................................ .. (c) against encumbrances .... Y~B ................................ .. for ...... lla:y.moo ..................................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ...... Ye.EL .................... . or 1·estrictlons .. .. B.O .......................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... fO .. IL\VE-AND----'.r.O.l!OU>----tbe---Aftn"-$Said. ... t~.t).t ... 9~-,p«r-•--­.......... O.el. .. ot ... Um.d..,and ... all .... pri_n.leges ... an.d ... ap.p_urte.nane.e.s .... ther.ettL:be.lontlne ... .......... to .... the .. ,._$tl.:Jd .. .Bii-'[•,, ___ hia. .. heirs. ..e .ntl .ttssigna_, ___ .to ___tb 9U ...,o n.l¥. .. uae ......... . ----------snd---be.b.Ocif: ... fore.v.er4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exact Description of Property Adjoining the land.s of ChN.Palmel:, G. _ L. Palmer and others, bounded as fo~lQWSt• amiNNING at tw() birches on the west side &f indian. Ove~lt and: in the Eaat bound~ 1ine O:t Gtbh Palmer' s 75 ao1'EJ tractt and tllen cl'l.limine NQJ'tb 62 East1 With thfl tllllanders ot a:~d ' Tl:'aot ,_S4 pOles._ to a box (In the Ntt4"th ·bahk · ot said · Q'reekf tll$Jtc.'le South at EQt --12 _p oles to a s,pw·-. oe .-;t>1ne , en th_~ East bank ot said oreek ne~ the mo:uth .ot · Dav14sonta braneht thence· North ·132 Eaat ~0 JQle$ to a ehestnutJ thence · N(lfth l? West 85 to ·ti- ~Jttlke 1: 'l'homaG- Palm•'s eomert therioe sotttl a a Vl~at" ottoes~ll$ the ~ lU.g PaVld• son b:ranoh. 6'1 jQls$ :to a stake· u Eat~ bout!dalf' of the said G, N,, :PalmeJ"fs ttm.d oome:rr te> L<ttl· .l 1&t 7J thence 111th said lu~ 102 pol&l to the beglnd!tSI conta1n1ns 47 ac:rea l!Dre or le$$.. ' Sliul 8 STATE OF liORrH CABQLINAt mtwoE>:o oown. •••• It tfilill*t< bt1~ duly $W011l on his 0ath lltates that he t• '~ < years :of age ani has been & resident E>f Ravw~a Oouty and tu t .f#!mwl\J in Whi eh he resides • t\:>r M That he is ••• ~a-. ~tt~"!'lt~t(a n. R, Palme~, havtn.g lm.o1m him for 53 < f$Eq'$\J end that ne knows or hi a own l'ilersol);al know­le~ ge that n. :a, Palmer was \Ull'tl1rt1e4 at the time of the e~eoution of a e<Jl"tain. deed \>y the $aid Djo lh Palxoor to G* H,. Palmer, December 20 1 1915., SUl3SCRlBED and SWORN TO beto:re ~ by .<..- ------------­th te ·li . . day ot .Tanua%'y 1 1~30• My Coml1!1. IJii on E~irea~.­May 27th, 193). .. .... ·~ . ·:~~1 NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION · ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged GEORGE Ht PALMER }4.A:Rft!A f;L• P~ GEORGE H • PAI.Amft MA:BTJ:IA ·s • PAUllill· j GEO• lh PALMER and f his vn..te MAll'm.A Eh ~r-~P~A~I=·~·~- =·~------~----~--------~----------~---------------------- ~"' D. H. BURRESS .~.. ~ 1. Kind of Convey ance ...... m:r·.;,,,...~..,..,_.,.-..·t ~.,,... ... :0""oA W-"-'-~-- -- - ------· 2. Date of Conveyance ......... ~-~~-~-~~-~~J ...................... .. 3. Is it properly executed ...... Y~UL .................................. .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... ~r~~-'~c ............. .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................... ............ .. .. 9. Date of acknowledgement... ... 6~~lG~l.92.1 ............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ......... J:§.~-------- - ----------·------------------ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ............ Y~.IL ............................................... . (b) power to convey ..... .... J~~L .................................... .. (c) against encumbrances .... Ie..~, ....... , ........................ . (d) against claims of all others ...... T~-~ ....................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No .............. , ........................................ .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular .. ¥.~.§ ................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... ~~~ .... : ................. .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... Y~-~-- ------------· 12. Was order of probate correct ....... ¥.~-~-......................... . 14. Date of filin~~or record ...... ~~J:.~~l~~------------------ 15. :0:o~ __ :::::::J~~!f.~:§.~::::::::::: .. ~~~~:::~::::c·~-~~~;:------···-- 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ....... ~9. ....................................................... . Exact Description of Property Adjoining the lends of G-. tl. Falme; ,w .A, Palmer and heirs of Ella Celdwel~, deoeaEJe4_. LY1!lt5 and being on tne ·waters of Indian Creek and Davi<lsm l3re.neh and kilo\1l'l as tot lif9 ~ ' ·• allotted to Re.chel eagle in a partition p:r oo~ed• ine betwettn the heix-s of Je.l:\lee li · Pe.lmer, de• ceased, and bQu.nd.eit as f<!Jllowst • · :sro:tNNII'iG at tvro birches on the North side of lndisn c:reek and in the East boundal'Y line of G.. N, J?almelrf e 75 acre tract en,d then runn~D6 North 62 Eas'\i t with, the meanders ot said Cre~k t 88 poles to a box elder Qll tbe North bank <)f said Creek; soutb. 29 East 12 poles to a $pr\le~ . pine on tlle lt$-et bank of said C);'ee¥:. near the m.outll. ot Oa'Vidson•e branCh; thence r~ort.ll S2 .East 20 polee to a oheatnut; thence North 17 west, crossing the little Dav1d:son Bl-anCh 65 poles to a biokQ-ry ~tump ne~ a path; theM~ south 65 \V~st 1 c:rossing the pig Davidson 'bl!anC~t 8'1 poles to a stake 1·n East bo-undary line of · the ~1d A, w. PeliOOit'l s land end corner to Lot. No. 'B tne1U'lt; with saiO. line 102 poles to the beginning. Containlns 50 acres more or less. S!Jul B .".' <:> NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In" Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ T.L,.pAJ'..Mlm and Wif~ C. ALL. ·.IE PAI.MiiiR " . T • L. PAIM!i.JR .. OAU.I'E P.ALME:R 0~-----------------------+------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... De.,:d ...... , .......... , .................. .. 2. Date of Conveyance .. J..Q-i.a~li00-·--,·--·-------·----·------·'- 3. Is it properly executed ... l'$4--·----·------------·-·· .. ···--........ .. 4. Date of Entry and No·------·----·----·------·------ .. --,.,, ................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. J . .-P.,., ......... , ....... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular'Y&$·-·-·- -----··-·--- --,·--·----·------ - 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ..................... ,., ........... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .. ~Q~S~l9.<ll1iL., .... , .. , ..... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... yes--,----·--................. . 10. Was privy examination of wife takenYea, .... , ........... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... No ................. , ... , ............ , ............ . 12. Was order of probate con-ect ... y-0:~ ..... , .. , ..................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... l()-1•3.909-----.. ·-··------ (a) of seizin -----Yea ...... , ... ,., ................ ,, ... , ... , ............ , .... . (b) power to convey·-Y-68-... , ... ,., .... ,, .. ,, ...... , ........ , .......... . (c) against encumbrances ... Yes ...... , .. , ...... ---·-------·-·----- 15. Book ----2$------------------------------ Page ... 5-f5,·-------·----------­for --------Haywood----------·------------- -----------County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... Ye.s .... , ................... . or restrictions ... fJQ., ..................... , ................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) , TO .&"'\'15 ... AN!LTO,.,f{.OLD .. ,the--.e:-bo:Ve---4eecrl\led-·-l&n4---·81\Q-- ·-·-·-·· ·P:temis~s-.. :W1th .. .all.,,.th$, .. ap.purt.enmoes.,::the;re.Jmto ... belqnSj~ ... Qp .... iJJ;---any ... .. . .. ,, ... ,.'f1,EJ,o, ___ ap:p,e.r.ta1nlng,,,,.tll.e. .... e.a:td .... pa:t;;.ty:. ,, o~,-,,the ... .s.econd ... pa:r.t .. .h1.s ... b,eir.s .... . ....... !:~i==i~~:::r!he-ir-,,only,.,use·-,and- ·l>eboo!"··-of---said-·- ·-·-·-·-----·--.. --heire .. -and------------- " · Exact Description of Property on the -watert ot Catalooolleo c:reek and boilltd.ed as to_.Uowe ~ ... c.. s • oaldwe1~ and 1anas ot. tr.t:.Oaldvtoll•s heu•; BIDINNlNG at a tall" of ~- ba,\'1 and runs North l? West, OMSSUlg tittle DaVidMlt bran9h 42i .. p6o5.l ,Weess .vt. .o o.. ar. ·o. bs.·.. •t.4~.·Jnteb lQ.·7 ..e ·.· tuBm. i,gp Dn.eaavi..dr. •. . . p.ll ·e• .· tt. ~~~. tphoelnec •·e toso ua. t .h t~p ot a!lse, a ool'l4i.t'-ona1 ~me~, $n the S.E>uth""' west bO\U1iltU.7 . l~ne ot Lot No; 9' thenoe.r down the top C>t .•aid r{dse a Nor1;1\east al:rectiori and with a oondi t1ona1 ·ten.oe• ol'Q,sing Bis De:rtason branch to the b.egitmtng., to the ~w bats,. 65 :po.ies•' containing a acres more or less .•. Slutt B In Preamble · As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... ~ .......................................... .. 3. Is it properly executed .... : .... 'fJ$'--·------------------··----·--·--- 5. Before what Officer acknowledged.-l.J?ct·---,-----------·-·- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .......... , ..... ,-----··--······--- 9. Date of acknowledgement ........ J.-•2:9•1901------------- 11. Did -officer affix SeaL ..... N-Q----· -·····----·-·-·-·----·--······--··-····· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants-- (a) of seizin ....... :tea ................ ______________________________________ _ {b) power to convey ..... 'fQ------------------------------------------·-­( c) against encumbrances :.1'e•----------------------------------­{ d) against claims of all others .. --T•I-----------··------------ 2. Date of Conveyance ..... l~~1J06-----···-------------------· 4. Date of Entry and No·----------------------------------------·····-··-··----- 6. Acknowledgements, regular ----.Yta------------------------------- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............ :f$1--------------------·· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... 'f••------------ 12. Was order of probate correct ......... 'T.el-----------------------·- 14. Date of filing for record.---J..e~liM· :··--------------·--· 15. Book -------11---------------------------- Page ..... -114-----------------· for -R~OI-------------------------------------·----County. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions -- ------------ ----------------- ---------···-··-·--···-------------·--· 17. _Habendum dause (Quote fully). ---~--RAVE-- -AP---'1'9 :HQLD---1h·---a~ore .. ~1:4---~•th1-r4-------------·· ....... ,&.t .. ,a]J. ... tht:t---~a1---D-f ...1 lh$. ...a t.. .., ru..a ...'t l'n.ol ... w:.. .P 1:ttCe1.-~t---lM;l'-•---llet•------------ -------•ons1~---to.---~he----lfd4--~emr,:-fl~•--ad---.To.-ph--thlt1te:r-,---:tM-:Ut---hel;r•---an4----- --------a.uiPJt--·~---the.\~---Onl7---WI---eml---beho()f .... fwear1J: ··---------·-·····-----------------------------------------·······--·-·· Exact Description of Property otle•tat£<4 Qt all tb.t #Jlneifa.1 there j.s •lt ill$1 b• ln e. oe"M>"' ~ot • ~c~l of l~ . u ca,alot~ee 'l'O\'In$ll1p tllSJWOQd t0Ul1tr1 N.e. • sad. being the land. 1 rw• Uv• -=• Slutt B Abstract of Satisfied Mortgages or Deeds of Trust (NORTH CAROLINA) Below give )anguage of release or cancellat ion, and if by other than the original payee t he authority must be shown by IVhich the cancellation or release is made. n, H. Burriss & wit~, Y.attl$ BUl'r1as 1. Kind of instrument ....... -Dee4-··0f·· TrUSt · ................ . 2. Date of instrument .... . .4~2-6.~.21 ...... .. :3. Consideration $605.-00.-....... -............ . 4. Maturity date .... 4~26':':'22 .. .. 5. Is .it properly executed? ....... .'Y.$.8. ........ . to (). Date acknowledged .. .. .g.~-1,:"'..21 ..... - .. -. -- ...... 7. Before what officer acknowledged .. ...... J'.t1? 11-· w. J. Hannah. , Trustee tor 8. Was p rivy examination of wife held? .. .... Yes .... .................. . 9. Date of filing for record ........ 9:"'.-23~- 2l ....... . H. ·R. ·Palmer 10. Recorded in Book ...... ....... &. ..................... Page .... l4t2 ............... .. ....... .... IIano.od ............................ County. 1 L Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title? .. NO .. DESCRIPTION OF PHOPERTY On the waters of Davidson Branch in OatalOoohee Township, · Jcnown es Lot No, 9, allotted to Raohel _Cagle 1n a pelrt1t1ot,l prootecl• tng between the Ue1~s or Jesse R; Palmert deoeaaed. and bounded aa follows:- · 0 z t"' ...: 0 z t;:j z rn Jll!:GINN!NG at two birehes Oll t he north side c>f Indian O~._ek,~ and in the east boUii.dary line of the a~ N. Palmer 75 at)re t;ract q4 c:: then J>unn1ng N, 62 E,, with the m~nde:rs ct s ei d creek Be pol,os to_ • ~ box ctldel:' •n the north s1de Qf said oreek; thence, s . 2~l ! 11 12 p~l••~ to a spruoe P1ne on the east btn.k: ot the- s aid oreek. nea~ the JllQUth ..., ot DaVidson's Branch; thenoe, N,82 E~. ao pQles to a oheatn.ut; ~ thenoe, N.. l '1 w •, oroesing the 1.1 ttle DaV1deon • • E~e.noh as pol• a 'o t;:j a hiolcory s1ump near a path; thenoe, s, 65 w., orosstng the Big _ ~ Davidson• s Branch 87 poles to a stake in the east boundary _llne Qt:· ~ the said G, _1h P,alm(:Jr' s land, and corner to lot rto, 7; thence~, : ---· sa1<} line 102 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 50 EUlres, mQJ"e Ol" g lees. ,- ~ s 'o - -v z ~ ...... . THE RELEASE OR CANCELLATION OF ABOVE MOR'rGA<;E OR DEED OF TRUST IS AS FOLLOWS: rn "e !taving been di:reoted in writing by !h R• Palmer to oanoel ~ this dee<l ot trust. res1st•red on this page, the said R., R, Palme!' m stating 111 said wri tins tllat he wa.s the ownel" ot the note seou2'84 b7 Said deed of .trust o.nd that the note . has bean paid in rull.- I. therefore oanQel this dee4 ot trust from D.- H. I3urr1as and wt,, Mattie Burl"ifls to 1'118 as trustee for I-I. R. Paltne:r, This Jan. 25, 1930 l , w, J, Hannah, Trustee Ali case~ and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this in~trument or ptoceedings thereoh or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sluet H .· Abstract of Satisfied Mortgages or Deeds . (NORTH CAROLINA) Below give language of release or catlcellation, and if by other than t he original payee the authority must be shown by which the cancellation or release is made. D• Ht JUfr1se & wt., Ma't1e surrtea to w. Mt SuttQn, T:rustee tor J'oeeph Ount~r J. Klnd of in:;trument. . Deed .. Of .. 'l'!l'US.l 2. Date of instrument. . . 2 ... ~.2 .... 88 .. a. Consideration $'10Ch00 . ·············· 4. Maturity date . . 2~. 8S.·.a~L .... 5. Is it properly executed?. . ... Yes ... G. Dat.e acknowledged .. . 2:-:-.2.2.~.22. ... .. . .. . . .. ...... . ' · Before what officer acknowledged ....... J ., .'F_.. X. Wa$ privy examination o:f. wife held'! .... .. .. Y:e.S . 9 . Date of filing for record . 4•17 .... ~.2 .... . 10. Recorded in Book . Jt ... Page. . . a~ 7. .... . .. . Haywood .. . ................ .... ... County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of tit le ? .. )!0. DESCRIPTION 0 F PROPERTY 0 'Z On the water s Qt Davidson Branon in cat aloaehee Township, ~ Known_- a_a l_o_ t _N o. 9 P_ al.1$tted . to Ra()he· l Oagl.e in a pa_r. ti t1o_ n _:P r-ooeed- i in~ ~tween. the Heu:s ot Jesse li . Palmer, deceased, and bqunded as t%J follows:- ~ Ul BEOIID'TING at two birohes on the north side of Indian OrG'ek,~ and in the east b ounda;r:y line or the o. N. Palmar 75 acre tract and ~ tlum tunnUg N • 62 E., w1 t h the met~nders of s ai d creek as poles to a ~ box elder on. the north of saf.d oreelq tbenQe 1 a . 29 E• • 12 poles'"' to n epnc& pine . on the east bank or the said creek; neal'" the mouth ~ of DaYids<Ul' SJ Bra nell; thence, ll, 82 E. • 20 poles to a Qhestnttt: t::l thenoo, N. 1'1 w, 1 oross1ng the Little Davideon's Branch 85 polea to a~ l'iiokory stUJJ!lt> near a path; thenoe s .. 05 w., eross1ng the Big t::l Dav14eOn's Branoh 87 poles to a atake in the east boundary line ot ~ the said G. N! P al.rm r •s land, and. corner ito lot No. "' thenoe, With > said 11ne.l02 poles to the .BEGINNING, oonta1a1ng 50 acre-., more or ~ less. · ~ 0 z.., :..:.:. THE RELEASE OH CANCELLATION OF' ABOVE MORTGAGE OR DEED O.F TIWST IS AS .FOLLOWS: rn ;; The original ot this instrument tQgether ~wi t .h t he notes ~ secured thel'el:Jy~ he.v1ag thS.s dey be$n exh1b1 ted to the undersigned mar~•4 "Irotl.T P~ID AND _ SATI SFIED" by tM MoftWle;ee t . I hf.Jl'evrith e•noel th' sam.e ot :record, und4!U: and by virtue _ ot a utho~i ty oontalned ln. pal'agt"aph 8• Seotion 2e94 of the Ooaso).idated Statutes t"Jf North Ce.~11na. · Witnees my hand this ag ·· u ·• ~eg*ater ·or 5eels , . , , . . . _... .· . . . , Ha~ood . . _·_ :.> .. · · .-. - ·_ · , H OoUilty. Ali cases and autllonbes rehed upon to cure any <lefeets 11t ttn flli<!l !1Jh i l11i or erocet'!i'liltfi's ~lfeFe eH ·or 'fo ~upport any proposition of law must be cited, and short ex(:erpt~ made therefrom. Sheet H .. ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed · As Acknowledged ~ D. H• Burl'las & wf •, ".§.. Mattie Burriss Same ~r-----------------~----~------~----------------~----------------------~ w. o. Burriss 1. Kind of Conveyance .... ~"_:r_:r_~_.q~y ___ Dt~4--------------- 2. Date of Conveyunce _____________ =a.:"'gl_~_gg __________________________ _ 3. Is it properly executed .... , .. , ...... T.~.S. .. ,---------------------------- 4. Date of Entry and No. ______________________________________________________ _ 5. Before what Officer ackn~wledged ... :J'.l!.P..~------------------ 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... r.~-~--------- ------------------------- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back _____ ___--- -- ---------- ·----------- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..... , .... .Y~-~---------------------- -- 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... --2---. --.- -2' --1----•--2--~2---- ----- -- ------ · - ----- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken _______Y_____e__s___ ________ __ 11. Did officer affix SeaL _________ y~~---------------- -------- -------- ----- 12. Was order of probate correcL _______ Y~HL ____________________ _ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filin~ for record _____________§ _-::-__7 .~_?._;?_ ___________________ _ (a) of seizin _________________________ X~~------------------------------------- 15. Book ---------~----~------------------------- Page ___________ J?.§Q _________ _ (b) t power o convey_____________________Y___e___s__ ______________________________ for ________________ r,__r__a_ ,>rL_~w_~_ _ o __o __ g_ __________________________ county. (c) against encumbrances _;· ____________ X~-~------------------------ 16. Does deed contain r,ny special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others _______________ Y.f.~-------------- or restrictions __ ;l,.j_~ __ ]l,P,!'U,y~_(J,f._~----~J,\~-~-:r_~-~-t, _ . .gf~~:~is.·pl::pni~~,iu¥,!ls~i~--t-~!Jlr~;time _1_~·-----~~~~~~i9 _ ~11Av*~XM:tJ~Jr.~:_:~().tii::j:~~:::•;it.<?r~:~~:~J::l~~iji::9:~::::P.~),~~~i::::9.t::::l.:~ii~::::~n~:::~:11 ______ pr.~.J-~J-~_ge!)_S._ ___ ~~-9 .... 1'l.:PP.\1_;t"~_«.lP_l\A~'S. ... ~f:i~-~-1i-~---J?.~l.~,q.g1._~g __ Jq ___ t_b~-,-~~Jq __ lfJ~.----Q_,. __ J~-gr.;riss ______f. ir1_~ ___ 1:1..1._s., __ ~~-~-r~:~_ ___ ~-~-~- --f.i:S._s._~g~_s._ ___ ~t:>----~-l.\~~-~---~~lY ... :tl~:~----~?1_9. ___ l?.fi'J~Qs>_f ___ f:Q_;r~_v_~r.L _______________ __ Exact Description of Property On the waters of DaVidson _ Eranoh in Oat.alooohee Townsh~p, known as l.ot No. 9, allotttd t<:> naohel Cagle ln a partttion prooeeding between the Heirs of Jesse a, Palmer, 4eoeased, and 'boun.(led •s t"oll.ows:- BEG!?ThTING at two bil'Ohes on the north side ot Indian Of~~}t, and _in the e~;i8 .. boundary line or the O. N, T8.ll'l8 r '15 ac;re tract and then runuing N. 62 E, • with the Jlleanders or satd o:reek ea poles to a bOx fi)lder on_ the__ - no-- rth side _o r _s e-_1d ore elq__· _ t h_ e n__e e, s. 29_·_E••l2 P_•oles to __ a _s p ruoe pine ott the east batll< or the said oreek• near the mouth ot Dav1d~on's Brano.b; thence, N. 82 E., 20 poles . to a chestnut; thence; N. 1 '1 w., oroe.sing the tittle Davidson's Braaoh 85 poles to a hickory stump near a path; thence; s. 65 w., Q:OP"ssin~ the Big Davidson's Branch S'l poles to as take in the east boundary ltne ot the said G. N. _Palmer's land, and corner to lot No. '1; thence, with said line 102 poles to the BEOINNING1 containing 50 ac»es 1 more ol' le•s• Slun B NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged· Win..B., TH OMA.S !ROBER·T G • A, LOVE, WilLIAM L. : HILLIARD end BAM•t.L. LOVE, Executor a. !h G ~ A~ LOVE SAMfL. L-t LOVE W, L. HII.I.!ABD P •. ll. EDW.t'.RDS 1 s ubsortbins witness. 1. Kind of Conveyance .. I)eed,-········································:··· 2. Date of Conveyance ..... tQ.,3l•18-'7(}--- ··················· 3. Is it properly executed ......... yeS··································· 4. Date of Entry and No ................................................. ....... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... G.fS·iC-,.,········· 7. If irregular, copy in f ull on back. .......•........................ ... 6. Acknowledgements, regular ···············¥€-8····· ················ 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ... N-0····'········· ···· ················ 9. Date of acknowledgement .. J.2-5Q-l885··············· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ....... --·-············ 11. Did officer affix Seal... .. ."NO ················ ········· ··· ··················· 12. Was order of probate correct ....... "fea .......................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filiug for record ..... l2-31..;.1685·············· (a) of seizin ········J:{-G··················································· ······ 15. Book ........ ~!V-0 ......................... Page ... &7-l····················· (b) power to convey ......... ye.s ...................................... , .. for ·········· · ·R~~OO-·· ···· ········ ········ ·· · ···· ·-County. (c) against encumbrances ·······NO·································· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... NQ ........................... . or restr ictions ..................................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... Tt}··HA'V]}···AND·· ·TO···HOL·D···the·· a-f dr-esaid···tl"'S:e'ti···()'f···lawl· ······· · ·\'T:ith·· ·the-· · ;pri·vi·l~-es···end·· ··a p-pur-t·emnces· ··the-reunto· ··-belttnging··-unt-o· · ·the- ···· ··· ··· · · · sai-d · · ·M · ····T ·~ ····Benne·tt ···-eild····hi-& ···he-1 ·-rs··;·····to· · ··their ··· only·-- uae -· ·e·nd·· ··be-hoo:f · ·· fO!.'- ········-e:ve~ •... ···················································································································································································· Exact Description of Property Kr-40W ALL f,.f!!a;J JH '.llfESE P.RESl!NTS t Tha. t t ·wE~E,AS , J'e-..mes R. T:.~Ove was seiz:ed of l ar ge tracts of land oom;monly called "Speculation Landn lying and be i ng .in t he Cotmties ot Mad180nt YBJiOY't :Buncombe, H~od and J'ack $0n; an<t, . \'ll!J3:REAS , the said James R. Love :mnde and published a last . Will and testament in wri t1ng and appointed Williatn u. Thomas, Robert G •. A, Love, W1Uiam L. Hilliard Ellid samu~l L. _ Lo~, exeeut<)re; who qualified and took uwn th.exnselves tne execution t)lereo.t; end1 WRERE.ft..S 1 the $aid. James R. LO~ sold many tracts of said lend to dittexoent pe:trsons a,.td au thor ized his s aid exeout ox-s to con .... tinue the sales ot· $aid land an.d to nnke t:t.tle s;. NOW TH1iJREFORE • etot on the waters ot oataloo-eh<le ereek and bounded a$ follQWfJS .... BIDntNOO at a s:pabiih ·oak West o:f the .top ot Indian rtage and ocl'ner t<> J ,,A,. Caldwell 50 ~:re t:raot md running -Qne of his li~es . North 76 Ea~ .64 p()les .to a chestnut oak, said Caldwell's o(>J:ner; thetl North 12 We~Jt 1.25 poles -to a st~e; then south Wf5 west 64 POles t<:t o stake; "tb:en Soutll 1~ East 12~ :POl es to the beg innit~g. Cont aining 50 acres. Sliut B m'ATE Of NORm CAR9LINA• O·otnn'Y oj HAlltO on. _ _ _ JQlln M, J~;. beillg first dul.y pworu; on hi• oa\h It ate~ that he Ui. s~ .... 'Year$ f!H7 age and haa btten a ci, ti~en and re$!4-&..nt r>t a~oa aoun1fii. wad ot th.e oommurlity ;in Vciliob he 11ow u•a, during all Of his 11f$• Affiant . stat$ I tnat l:!e has . lmei>Wll th• ta~l7 ot '\lhe lat& M.T.llt!lJ!aottJ that tbe tnmtly_;,:e.s14ed in the- ·eame OO$Uil.1 ty ats MIQSeU; that M• 'f ·•· B$U~e1.t died, _1ateatate 1 in Bqtroo4 county• s• t• abo\lt tbe "ar li:if t leavin{) suniVins blm·the toll~~ng ellil.oen and ~W.i:ra at aaw, · to•wttt• Allen &mnf\ Sa)"d L. M~Br14et (h'l.leband Ed MOB~tde) Arch Bennett and Atm1e Rti8Mll (nu.b-and Tql.o.r Ruaeell) • · Atnant t•u.rther states that he •as well ·and pt;l:rso-.l;J.¥ . acquaintE,d With ta~ Bennett, widow or M,T ,-Bfmne~t and . · witb aU of the chil.dr$1 and he1~!9 ·at . :taw above na.n1$di ~:aat l:t,e_ ~~~ ot h1t ·own peJ'"•JJal knOwledge., that all ar said chil.dr~a _w~1'~ ),irtua · and 'll~at t11,e1 were al1 ot les&.l 'age at ~e t~me the p~opel'ty ot which the eai,d Mt'r~Bt:lnnett diea s'~eed ., Pl&.ed out or the possession or the e~ett ta.IU.;t • S\"iORN 'l'O AND SUBSCRIBED be tore n¥l by John M, :Palmer, th1 s [;1 day ot Janua~y, 1900. _ . t/e, ~. ·.· · Notab'~ . . ' :: .£ ="..' c NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged SARAH t. MOJ3RIDE r------------------------+------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance .... l)e.ed-----------················--·-············ 2. Date of Conveyance .... 5 .. 28..,.-l6.9-'1 ............................. . 3. Is it properly executed .... ,N(» .......................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what 9fficer acknowledged ....... JJ • .P._ ............. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular YeS----------·-···---.. --............. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .......... ........................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ mo ............................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 5"'aa..l.92.:7. ................ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL .... Yes .......................................... . 10. WaE privy examination of wife taken.Ye·---.-,----·-·---- 12. Was order of probate correcL .. 'Jea.:~:~~-::L:C::::: ...... 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ... NO ............................................................ :. 14. Date of filing for record ... l,Q..,l8•191l9---·-··-------- 15. Book ________________ aa ___________________ Page: ... l2B-------·--------·--- (b) power to convey .... NO. ................................................ . (c) against j!ncurnbrances . .NO ....................................... . for ------------- --·--·· -·-HaY.t.O~---- ----------:··----County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ... Yes .......................... . or restrictions .. Undiv.ided ... .inte; ......... . . ......... ................ ........ ...... : ............................ :: .....•....................... 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) -'l~Q --liA.VE .. ·AND .. -TQiiOtD·--the- -~-afor-eeaid· ···tl"a..Ot-···&f····l-aBd···· · · -········-W---Otte.!!'!:tOut'.th--.ot. ... .SS'l)e .. , ... m1.ah .... 1$ .. :s:q. ... Wldi.v1ded ... ... o.f ... th.e. ..."--· ..........v d·th-- - -t~e--- W·1-vJ.lege3--and---fi).·J.l)W-'t-etlmCes---there-un-~---b_e•l~ngilJB----un~~ .. th.e ... ........... satd ... .,Al.lea.Y ..... ... and ... h1a ... hetrs., .... to .. .his ... .a,.nd ... :the1r .... onl.J.---US-e ... .end. ... behoo t t9~e;ve,r * - Exact Description of Property My undi~dad 1ntereet in one piece or parcel of l and l;y1ng in the COQnty and State aforeea1dt on the Dav~SQn b~tHil, waters of Indian Cree~ fork Of OatalOOObe$ Creek; said land was sold to M.P.r .,BEnnet~ bt the exocn tion of J' .R.Love ,deceased; on ttle 51st day ot! October• 1876, f'or l'ihich I:"e- . t~:tenoe ~o said D~cd. on pas• 2'11 Boc>k "V" w1.1l. 1'\J,ll.y tshow; &aid. deed 113 bout¥.\ed as follows: .. IU~Xl!NNING at a spaniell oak West ot the top ot the In41an ridge and cc:rner to J •A.--Colwell 50 acre t~ot,, and then running one of his lines Not,"th 75 64 J?Oles to a _ chestnut oak• said Oolwellts corneri thenoe !\Tar th 12 West 125 ;pOles to a sttike ; then south ?5 west &4 to a stake; thenee south 12 :East 1.25 pe1es to the beginning. Containing 50 ael"es. · Sltut 8 · NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ~ I AlmS NOL..t\ND, a.'lld ! ELLEN NOL.~JD , his ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed J .AJ4l}$ NOLAND ELLEN NOLAND As Acknowledged J'MIES NOLHID El.J.Jm NOL.'il'lD c wi:te r-~~~------------~~-----------------------+---------------------- ~"' ~ Al.tEN BENNETt " 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... DG.O.d ...................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ... ..... YeS ............................. ....... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged.J._P • .............. ....... 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .. ....... ........... .............. . 9. Date of acknowledgement .... l2.<!!o22~1.900 ............. . ill. Did officer affix SeaL ....... ................... Y.e.a ... : .............. . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ...... l'~IL ................................................... . (b) power to convey .... 'f.~~ --------------------- ·----···- ·· ··-- ···· ·-­. (c) against encumbrances .. !~-~----------------·---··------------·· (d) against claims of all others ... Yes .......................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ... .l2~2.2:~l..9.00 ......................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ..................... ................................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... Yea ..... : ......................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........... Ye$ ...................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ..... YQ ............ . 12. Was order of probate correct ........... Yea ...................... . 14. Date of filing for record ... l~l.&.!o.l9S.i ................ . 15. Book ... 8.0 ................................ Page ........ ,l .................. . for ....... ..................................... County . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ···---······'·-····· ············-··-··--······························ 17. Habendum clause i.Quote fully~ . TO ... HA~yffD .. TO .. U.O~ --- the .... afor.esaid. ... trs..ot. .. ~ .................. . ..........P ~!f~-~-:t ... 9f. ...... ~-~---~~-- - ··-·@ _ .tw._... .....: . ...~ ~ ~. ..® .. ..... ~P.P~:t·~.9.~_P9.~-~----~~~·w.+.i.O. .................. . ...........b el,.ongtng __to ....t he .... e.a1d ...J .ane.e. ..1 ~ol:md ... a.n.d .... Elle n .. Halan.d*" ...t .. he.1r.a. ........ .......... .and. .. .as signs .... to .... their .... only ... us.e .. .and ... beh.oof' ... i'ore.ver.., ...................................................... ; ... ... Exact Description of Property BIDnn-rmG on e. Q.Pl'Uce etump in the branch,. thence up said branch t o a buckeye in the bre.nchJ thence up n ridEJl to a spanish oak 1n line of the teura Bennett t re.ot on the West std., of the Indian l.~dee; thence w1 t1l said line to a S:Innish oak, the beginning eo; of the Laura B~n«$ t tract; t hence North '15 • 64 poles to a c~ e tnut oak t'or Alford Colwell t s eormr; thence North 12 west to the begi nning OQI:'l\er, containing 25 act.-e 5 roore or l e ss,. Shut B STATE OF UQ11TH CARO;L!NA 1 COUNTY OF RATiiCOD .lif D. H., :1':3urress 1. being duly sw<:>rn, df;epose$ and says:.., That he 1$ 53 years or age ·and that he bas been a Citizen and resident or Raywood county all of' b1& l11'eJ the he is the present owner and .well wi,th the passession 0f ·a certain tract of land ptU"(m,a$ed by himself trom All~m Bennett • which is more p1rt described as fQl1ows:... · TRACT NmJIB1'~R 2 5E3•·a BIDni!UNG at co-rner 1, a lo.cust post, the old corner scribed p,.B. T21 Cart lin the Laura Bennett line; thence s. 78-23W,.l•Oo · a Slilall · . stream fl&a's south; 7.82 - a small stream flows southeast; 11.76 1 Corne~ 2• a decayed chestnut stump with witnessesl set a 4" chestnut post in a mound of stones; scribed D.B.T•2 cor, 2; a 16" · clu!)stnut oak blazed and scribed B.·r .. D.B.T-2 Cor., 2 bears N. 36-30 w. t30 chain distant; thence N. 13•05 w. 2!.h90 corner z, a 24ft chestnut with old marl{S an<l witnesses blazed and scribed D.B.T•2 oor. 3; Thence N. 51·29 E •. 20.12 corner 4, a point at intersection of .marked lines; a corner of tlle J . B ~Lookman tract (2AI:.2): set a 4" locust poet in a mol..l.nd o:t stones, SoJ;>i 'bed D.B.T•2 Cor• 4; a 9" chestnut blazed and sori bed B.T. D.B~T<ilo2 Cor. 4t bears s . 6)..;..00 w .. .. o9 chain d:.l.stant; TJ:;tence With the tract (242).; s. 31·18 Eit 12,39 earner 5~ a 12n sourvtood with old marks and witnesses blazed and. scribed D.B,T•2 Cor., 5• being a ct1>rne:r o.:r the .r . B.Lockm.a.n t .:ract (242) and of the c ~J .Palmer tract (241 ... a}, thence, leaving the J.:s.tockman tract (242}; w:Lth 'the c.J. Palmer tract {241-at S• 81-11 Vh 6,97• corner 6, a en locust post .1n a mound of stones• sc:ribed C.P.T-2 cor. 6~ a corner of the c • .r.Pa].mar tract {24l•a} t a 12!' chestnut oo.k b.lazr:)Q. and ncribed B.T.G.P.'f•2t cor. 6, bears N• 5 ... 00 E .. l27 chain distant; thence s~ . 9·18 E• 15..(.30 cd>rner 7 • a 4r• chestnut post in a mound of stones sori bed c.P •T•2 Gol'• 5 1 a corn-er of the c ,.r , Palmer tr-o.ct (24)..-a}t a 10u maple bl.aze4 and scribed B.T.c.P,T•2 Cor. 5 1 bears l'l• 25<;o{)0 E. ,.20 chain distant; tnence !h 61•25 E• crossing a ridge 1 10,45 corner a,, a point in a small branch h$side a buckeye stump 1 a corner or the 0 .J' .,Palmer tract • (241-a ), a 4» maple blazed and sari bed c .P,rr~a Cor. 4; thence dovtn · the branch s., 7?-44 :E, 6•70• comer 9 a point 'beside the branch, a cork ner or the c • .r .Palmer tract (24l•a) t thence s.- 9-19 E~ 15•55• corner . 10 a ,1..4" chestnut oak ·with oorner marks and witnesses t blazed and. scribed c.P,Cor, 4, a corner of the c • .r.Palmer tract (241•a) and of the C • .r. •.F &J.mer tract (. 2.41) 1 then c. e f . lea:vin,t.t; .·t h. e c •. r. ~:Palmer tract . (24loiii8.) with t:lle C.JtPalmer tract \241) s._ 7'1·•34 W•. 15 •. 77 co.mer· ll, a point beside a dee eyed chestnut oo.k w1 th ?dtnesses. a corner of the c ,J ~Palmer tract {241);. set a 4:r ehestn1,1t in ol,d etump hole scribed C,P.Cor. 3t a 12n black oak blazed and sc:ribed B.,'I.'•C•P• cor:-. Z bears s.- ~9·00 w~ .• 11 chain distant; thence, leavinS the c .• J. Palm$r tract (241) N. 9-18 vr. 9•19, the place ot begil1Iling; e0ntain-ing sa,o5 acree. sw~RN TO and suln!io:r1'Qed. 'befOre lll& l>y u. lh Stm:EUJfJ, ~is 7-f day ot Janue.17, 1.95Gt , -_, . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA• Hl~Y\'W OD COUNTY • . . . . . . . .Io~ 114 :PaJm~l: . . . . . . ·. being duly swo.rn, Gn .hi$ states,, that~· 1ias been a citi~en and resident of Hay .. W:OOd Ctrunty 1 North Carolina,• for yetU"s; that he is well. and pe~~nally acquainted with the . ow:ner'Ship and posse aston o:r a cel'ta1n tl"act of ltmd now owned by D. ;s:. Burress. which is more particulax-~ d~sor1bed as · TRACT NU".IIABER 238•A • B.EGINNING at corner l, a locust post • the old corner scribed D.1h T2• Cor. l; in the Laura Bennett line; theneib s, 7·6-23 w, 1.00 ... a small stream flows south; 7,82 ..,. a small stream flow.s Southeast; 11.76• Corner 2; a decayed chestnut stump with witnesses, Set a 4t' chestnut post in a mound of stones 1 scribed D. B.T .. 2 cor.2; A 16" chestnut oak blazed and scribed B.T~ D, B.T•2t Cor,2; bears N .. 36 ... 30 w •• 30 chain distant; Thence N. 13-05 Wt 23.90, Cor. 3, . a 24" chestnut with. old marks a.nd witnesses blazed md scribed D.B .. '.1:•2 cor, 3; Thence N. Sl.-29 Ih · 20.,12 Corner 4; a point at intersection of marked lines, a corner of the .r .. B.Lookman tract (242); s et a 4" locust pest ;Ln a mound of stones• scribed D.B.T•2, Cor. 4; e. 9" chest• nut ):)lazed and scribed B.T . D. B,. T•2 Cor. 4, bears St 61-.00 W, 109 chain distant; thence wi tll the J .B. Lockman Tl;'act (242) s. 51.:.18 E. 12~39 Co11ner 6, a 12" s o\l.I'VIOod v..r:ith old 11);al"ks and witnesses 'bla zed and scribed D . B. 1!'•2 Cor. 5 t being a corner o:r the J.B,Lockman tract {242) and of the c~J, Pa::t,mer tract (24l•a}; thence1 leaving the J ,B,Lockman tr.aot (242) wtth the c .. .T.Pa.lmer tract (24l..,.a) s. 81.,..11 W48.9?, Corner ~­a 6'' locust post in a mound of stones,. scribed c.P. T•2 cor. 6, a c~rner of the C .J .Palmer tre.ot (24l•a); e. 12" chestnut oak blazed and seribed B.T. c.P, T.;;.2 cor, 6 1. bears N .,. Ji~OO ..E •• 27 .chain .distantl -TheniJ-e s.- 9•!8 ~ E r-·l5 .r56 ~tmmer---. -~·----------···-···· 7t a 4n chestnut post in a mound or stonesa scribed c~.P• T•2, cori 5; a corner of the c.J. Palrrer trect 1 (24l•a)j a 10"' maple bla~ed and scribed n.·r.c .. P. fJ.1•2.t Cor- 5 bears N• 25-30 E. .-20 chain dlst ant; Thence N • 61-25 E, crossing a ridge t 10.45 Corner 6, a point in a small branch bes:1de a bUCkeye stump, a corner of the 0 • .T .Palmer trac·t (24l..a) f a 4ft maple blazed and scribed c.P •. T • ..,.2 Go:r,. 4 ; Thence down th& branch s. '77-44 E. 6.79 1 corner 9~ a point bes:lde the 'branch, a corner of the C,J .Palri1er Tract (241•&); Thenee s ~ 9•19 E, · .15-.55 corner 10, a 14 '' ohe stn ut oak with corner marks and Witnesses, blazed and scribed C.P~ Cor_. 4t a corner of the C, tract (24l•a) and of the C'!J. Palmer traot (241); thence, leaVing the c ~J .Palmer '4ract . (24l•e.) With the o .J ~ Palmer Tract (241), s. 77-34 w, 16.77;; corner 11; a po1:nt beside a decayed chestnut oak stump with witnesses, a comer of the c.J~Palzoor tract (241); Set a 411 chestnut post in ()ld stump hole, scribed c. P. Gor. 3; a 12" black oak bl.e.zed and acri'bed B.'i' ,c.P.Cor.5, bearss. 89•00 w •• ll chain distant; · thence • lea vine the c .J .Palmer tract (241); N. 9-18 W. 9;19, .~ ,wit; · (f_~ ' ·, . . .. , - - . ~-- - --~~-- --·•· ••<."•«'•C' .... " •• _.,.,,,,,_ - ,•~. • ··-·• ~- . _,;,..,..,.,~-~· '•·• ,_ ,-,>,~''"•''""' .. ,•,_,, . _ ' ·'-•• . _, ,,,,..,.,,,- ,.-,_,, 0, -,,, _m,. . ..,._,,,_ . , • ..,..._,,, •••··~···•~ .... - ~·· ·- ·'·~',•• "' "' ' •· - > •¥•'""'.,_ '••·· -~·••''" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY·• ~to 4. ~,.zzc..- . . being duly sworn., deposes and eeysJ ·. t~>li'eB.~an a citizen: end resident of Haywood County• North Caroline, for · . years; that he is v+ell and · perfon• ally a~quai~ted with the ownlr$iilp and possess.ion Gf a certain trao-t of land now eWn.~d by D *IhBUrJ:iess, whi oh is roo:re parti cul~ly desor1b• ed as follows= - TRACT NUMBER 238-a • BIDINIUNG at corner 1, a locust post, the old corner sori b.ed D.B.T2 Cor., 1, in the Laura Bennett line; thence s. 78•23 W. 1.00 - a smU strea.'ll flows south; 7 .se .... a s:nall stream flows Southeast.; ll-.76 .. Corne~ 2 1 a decayed chestnut $tump with witnessest Get a 4" chestnutL post in a mound of st<;mes.; scribed D •. B.T-2 Cor, 2; a 16'' chestnut oak blazed mid scribed B.,T . D.B. T•2.t Cor. 2, bears N, 36-30 w. t30 chain distant; thence N; 15-m> w • . 2~h90 corner 3 1 a 24" chestnut with old marks end witnesses l:>lazed and $cr1bed D.B. rr•2 Cor. 3; then¢$ N~ 51•29 E, 20.12 corner 4 • a point at 1nterse~tio:n of marked lines 1 .a comer of the J . B.Lockmim tract (242); set a A" locua·t. post in a mound of stones, scribed D.,B.T•2 .1 Cor. 4; a 9" ehestnut blazed and scribed B.T.D.B.T•2 1 Cor. 4, bears s. 61-DG w •• o9 chain diertantt thence with the J ,B~Looktnan tract (242.); s .. 31•18 E, 12.39 corner 5, a l2tt sour ... wood wUh old marks and witp.esses blazed . and scribed D•B~T~2 Cor. 5;· beipg a corner of the J .:s.tookman tr.aot (242) and of. the C .J.Palmer tract (24l+a) i thence t leaving the J~B.Loaknnn tract (242) with the c .;J .Palrn~r tract (24l•a) s, 81•11 ·w. 8,97, corne:r 6 1 a 6" loeust :r>ost · in a mound of s·tones, scribed c.P.iT•2 Cor. 61 e. corner of the c.J'. Palmer tract (241•a); a l.2tt chestnut oak blazed and sori bed B.T. o.P. T•2 cor • 6 t bears 5•00 E. •27 chain dis·tant; thence s. 9-.18 E, 15.50 corner 7., a 4" chestnut post in a m.Dund of stones acr:Lbed c .. p, T•2, cor, 5, a corner or the c.J.Palmer traet {24l,•a); a 10" m$.ple blazed a nd . sori be.G"-B.-T ·.,.G,.:P,..--.!!1•& GeP...--5 -beers :t·h ·25-3G -E• .-20 -eha1;n d:ieta:nt-t-----------­thence N., 61·25 E• crossing a r:Ldg~ 10.46 Corner 8~ a point in a small branch1 a b. uekeye stUl1t:P• a. corner of the CJJ. Palm.e. r tract (241.-.a.J 1 a 4" maple blazf)d and sort bed c.P.T•2 Cor~ 4; thence down the bran·ch s., 77..-44 E. th'70 Corner 9,. a point beside th~ branch, a corner of the c .J .Palmer tract .(241-a); thence s, 9•19 E, 15,55 comer 10; . a 14" chestnut oak with corner marks and witnessen:if blazed and scribed c 'lp. cor., 4 a corner of the c .J .Palmer tract (24l•a) and of the c •J .Palmer tract 2411 ·then:ee, leaving the c ,J .Palmer tract (24l•a) with the C,J.Palmer tract (241) s, 7'7~34 w. 15,77, corner llt a ppint beside a decayed . Cbestnut G1ak stump with witnesses. a corner of the c.J .Palmer t;raet (241)! set a 4" chestnut post in old. stump hole scribed c .• P.cor. ~i a 12 · blaOl~ oo.k blazed 8Jll1 seribed B.T .c.P. Cor.3 bears S, eg..OQ Vi• .11 chain d1$te.ntl thenoe, l.eaVing tbe C•J"• Palmer tract (241); N, 9-18 Vh 9.19 1 the :place of B.IDINNING, contain• V ing 68.03 acres. . •tt&ant fll~ll•~ at .f1l~s that ~ .• a.a~.'IUJ an4 thoae uadet ldl~lll -~ . cla1ms 1 · t9.,tt, AU~ · :B~nett, Jemes lh lif()\and1 Sat~ 1~ Ko . ~O:t llj'r fi~le,t-1; 1 B~ti-~G1~~ T;rllsttH~ J ~d th.~ kto\lt()l$_ et 1'8118J R. IA~.f d•oeaiet~t . b,a:ve "en. ln thf) e»~n,., notoriow;J,, . ef1nt1a\lt't~t• an4 ad-. +f~J' .. l?t•••••$olil ·Qf_ ~a _ l~·· · \UJ,Q~r kn~. and_ V!albl$ -~-· and ' llf~~ t.l' ·F~ the:lt IQ n••:• ll"4~ ,. ~a . cu~ti~ting 11~e , -~~ . ~~ t~))e~ .ana :N.;:;•wr~oa the:r~J~r pa.t\'lfing St\lile an:a lnB:tS-118 e'tloh •tb&l' \UtO Gt ·sa~d lands as they u~ es\lsof.)pt1bl.e ()tt attian.t ~tbeJ> •1a'flll$ '1!hat he us •v&r he·aid ·t¥1 &Jtf cc>nt:ro:v~;rq as t() tlle ·poss~U!i$1.on "'' • tbe t .itle tG> any }lE)rtion ot the above described la.n11$• · •Mr ee>~i:lsi on exp1r~t4; May 2 7tl1• l. 9·31• j NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... ~ld· · ·· · ··· · ······ ·· ··· · ·· ................. . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... ;l;ta.-2-&~rl-900· · ····· ······· ·· · ····· ··· 3. Is it properly executed ......... 'fe&························· ·········· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. J-.J?· ···················· 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... _.:y-etJ-······························ 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ........... ............... ...... ... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............ y.e$······················ 9. Date of acknowledgement ... -----l2-2S.l906·········· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... ye-e··············· 12. Was order of 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. !ifO······································ ·········· probate correct. .....y ~e-···: ....................... 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record.l2•1~19S-G· ········ ··· · · ···· 15. Book ···········55·········-··········:.: .. Page.: ... ;225·················· for ···········HtlfVTO-od·······························-County. (a) of seizin ····!-&s·························································· (b) power to convey .. ye-e-···································· ··········· (c) against encumbrances ---'!'&&··································· (d) against claims of all others .... yeS--························ 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ····· -~· -··· ··· ·· ······ ···· · · ···· ······· ····· · ·· · ··········· ··· · 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... r,rQ--·RA:VE···AW. T-G HOL1Lth-e ···ErfO:l'e5a·i-d ·· ·ttoaet···(t~· ·;pa~-­ ··-····· ··· 0-tJl.--of.-·-lal1.d ---and---a.·l1·· ·Pr-1-v11eg:e&··· th.Ol,'e·to-···be·l~ngitl(5·· ·tci·:·thf)-···ea!id···Jt1letl·· ·······-·B&JU1•tt---and··-·h-i ,S···V1·1-fe-.1·---th&if··llei;rs---abd·:aa-&igns-··foi'&vit:r·a-···t6··thf;1)'············ ·· ········ ·•nlr· ···US$· · -a-nd---~hQof ... fQt":&Wl'·t ···································-·················································-·············-···························· - Exact Description of Property .A.djotn1ng the lands of James Noland and w.. T. Nolana.-; BEGllfNING on n spruce. in the b$'anOh; thence up ~a tA. 'branch . to a tmck(')ye 111 t .Jle brtlf).ch; . thene)e' up a ridSe to a spanish qak in. the line of Lalll'ence · · tl!a<Jt on the Vi e~t sid• ot the Indirut ~1<1se1 thene_41l; wtth_ s_ aid l _~o . a spanish ,o_Bk• tbe beglnn1n,s «>mer of t he Laurence Bennett t:raot J thence North 73 East 64 poles . to a ~hestnut oak for the Alferd Caldwell's eorn~t thence r-ror th l2 west • to the beg1nn1ne; ool"neJ!j oonta1n1n.g 25 act"es more ·ri$ les::r.. · Shut B j a:: f ;;,!) NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged L_ ________________ ~ _______________ _L ______________ __ 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... De.Qd.-------------- ----- --------------------- - 3. Is it properly executed ......... t.Sil--------------------------·-------- 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... Q-.S . ..,e . ......... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgemenL. .. ~l..5-~.9.Ql .............. .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. NO .............................................. .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .... NO .......................................... ..... ........... .. (b) power to convey ..... Y&:a ........................... ----------------- . (c) against encumbrances .. .NO: .................................... .. 2. Date of Conveyance .... -6•1-St;.J.~l -- -- -- --------·--· ------ -- -- 4. Date of Entry and No ............................... ........................ .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ----Ye-s--------·---------··----------- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ................. ,... .................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. .,......._ .. ......... . 12. Was order of probate con-ect.. ... -'te-s----------------------------- 14. Date of filing for record ....... ~22-+190-l----- -- ------- -- 15. Book -------lAir----------------------------- Page ..... -2-$$------------------­for --- --- -----illl-yt'X).Ql------·- ----·------· --- -·--------County • 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions i---m-itw-l"al----1nte-re~-t-------·----· --w:L .. t-l7.---m:tnins---·flf!-iV1le6e-e---re~rved 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .TO . lli~.VE. AW .. '1".0 -HO.ID----th.e .. a.fQ;r~ooitl----tra-G't:·· ·Of-- -,le.n!--· ........... With.:.the .... ~1.v1l.~e:s ... artd ... ap,ptttt$nances .. ther$\lnto-- -beloll{&11'6···J·~--·Q-f---tll9 (d) against claims of all others .. .. N:O ........................... .. .......... 1Dine~al ... 1nte:r-~st ... ui;.'th. .. millill~- -- Pli.:nlegae ... reserv$'1---as-':~:r•:1nbat0:~---PJ.'O• ........... rtd.ed.} ... :uatc ... t he ... aaid .... Allen ... .aennett ... am ... ... oo.1-rs---and---a-s$-1gns1----tb--------· - theiJ:< only use and behOof tore'VG:l"t · Exact Description of Property _ _ _ THI S DEED made this the 15th dar ot AUGUst , ltOlt by lh .Dt Gilm~tt TrUstee :fo:r tb.e hetre at l aw or .Tame$ lih tove t 1,\eceallled and oth~~a , . 6wne:re f>t the l and$ ktlbwn as the Love Speouiation l.anda• and aa aamini~trnto:r de be>nlf'J non vr1 th the Will anne~-ed Q'l James lh LoW• de~a~~dt tQ .Al~n l3e-t\ Of the C<:>unt y of Hayv:codj State afore• SaidJ WIT!'005ETH1 That• W'I-1EBEJ...S 1 Jatne$ R. to~, deceased, 'Under a P~cre.e f.>f tne court ot tor Blll'leombe c~untr, ~de in t ile -ye ar 18~'1 ~ ani undet the p~t~v1si ons .of a deed. of _ e.gree~nt en 'tiered into on the 16-tn day ot Oetober1 185'1-, b7 J__ t'l ._R._ _L Ove 1_.n . M~ f~e- nl.'Y-- • _ :ra.zm_ es_· :t. :n~_-nl"1 I _ Wil11am Wel,oh, John B, Lover to'fe and. Viillimu H. T-llomas, oooazne trustee ror h.imself and tre said ;ro:Pties aoove named ·o~ til¢ said IA>T$ Speeula tf.on tands • lYirlg _ in the CQunties -of Yancy, MD.dllison; - BtmOombe1 &y•oO. and .Ta~kson •. With p&.¥e:r to make sales of t he same and execute ti.tlf&s tl:u~retor; and, V$:REAS1 the aaid. James It. Love died seized til'.¥.1 pQssessed of the said Speculation lands as Trustee a$ aforesaid: and 1 rn:r~uu.s • tlle said J' ame e R • tove made and pt1bl1she d a laet will and testament in wntins and a.ppointed William n .. Thomas; Robert G. At Love_. Willf.mll L. Hilliard and Samuel L, Love1 exeeutors, who quali:fied end took \l.}X)n themselves the exeeution thereoft end, Shut B .. _ _ ._ \mERE.ASt tbe satd J$81l R• Uve so·ld man1 t:re.cts ot aa .. land t,o .different pet" sons a tid au t~ori,ed and ~ptwe:rf~ hia -ea14 Extou• to.r J to eont1ntte '~e ot said land and to JQak,e ~~1-l.&sJ aaa., ' - - . . . - ; . _ _ V1H.ERE.A$t upE>n __ ~h~ death . ()f th,e sa #4 Wt~l,.~e.m L• _l11l11ar4t the ~~4 au·U.l\S t~e®t_. of the sajd Jau~.e$ R.- tovet d~·()ease~.- the · su~rto_ " _oo.urt_o f Uayw~o~d eomJ.ty., e.t s~1ng 'term 1~91 in th!E f ea.s• · ot w. Lt IieDQ' e,nd w.t.Hell7!11 adlnin~strator Gf R.M.Henrt. ~oeaae4, "' VI•L-•ijiU!EU:"4 ru1~ others a:ppo1nt-ecl the sa.1d _ R .n • trus-tee _ tflt the bet.l'e at l,aw ot Jame$ R., IAve, de<1eased and oth$cl"$ oWj!el'e ot the sa14 LIVe Sp~~ti~a lanas Witb power til make sale.$ qt eaid lan4a and e~ec)Utf \1 i~s ~~retor J fUll • · .- WliERE.AS• the sa1d B~ D• G1lme:r was ·appointed de bcanl.$ non with the YJ1.ll ap.nexed ot JEUaes R. Lovo, deceased,_ by the SUpe1'1or Court of HaywoOd OQ\Ulty ,- on the 18th day of september• J,891& :f-lOW 1lih"'REFORE, eto • BEGJ:NN'lNG ~n a stake in the West _l _f> f th~ JA.ura l3en.ne1rt ti'aot and :runs West 25 pQle$ ,. North 1()0 ~le$1 tb.ence NQr_t._ b. _e o_·. Eaft 15--: poles to a s1a_k e J_, _t _ heU_c_· <!_ Sout~ _ &»_- - _:pe_l_e _s to Lauta BeiJ:n$tt- tine; thence Vleet e;)O polest th~O· S®tb. 1 o :P$1el to the begiml1ns and being :E:lteept1on N<>. Ui u a D~t~ Qf conveyancE) exequted by Ih D. Gil.met-, '-'lTUatee a¥ Adm.tnistx-ato:r to the North - c~olina Land ~ Lu:ntbe~ oom.pany end lrf>COt'ded in tl'w office of the . Reeioter of Deeds to~ _ Hay-.. '!f06~ OoWJ;:1;f tn Boc>k No. 10, page l ot seq .• 1 and eo:nta1n1ng 25 a.Ql'eS ~te or l&sa. · NORTH CAROLINA PAR ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged f .A.UJB BENNETT and ~ Lt. E.- BliNNETT .Il.l AU.~f Bl!ml'l!l1.''f e.n.4 Mt E• Bl;l.m:ETT J"r i~D-.-H-.--._ -B-·- U-.-R-. R· --E-S-S· -------~--------------------~-------------------- ~--------------------~----------------------~·--------------~~---- 1. Kind of Conveyance ........... D~~-4 .................................. . 3. Is it properly executed ............ t.~S .............................. .. 2. Date of Conveyance ..... l2-~_ge.~l-~.®. ....................... .. 4. Date of Entry and N 0 .............. ........................ ........ .......... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... J .• P. ................ .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ..... Y.e:S .............................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 9. D ate of . ack now Ie d gement.. ....1-.2...•. :·0.~'-0-•-1-9~"..~. V0\Q\ . ........... . s. Did all grantors acknowledge ............ Yo4 .................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... YtUL ........ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ..... NO .......................................... : .. 13. Does conveyance cf.tain convenants- ~~~ ~o,::~z~: :~-~~~;:::~t~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (c) against encumbrances ... X.~.!i?. .................................. . 12. Was order of probate correct ..... ~!'.$$ .......................... .. 14. Date of filing . for record. ..... J3~.l~_.lf_2 .0 ............. .. :>5 . . 224 15. :ooro~ __ :umQo.ii::::::::::::::::::: .. ~:~~:::::::::~~~~~~:·--------· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... Y~.$. ........................ .. or restrictions ............ fie ................................................. .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... TCLI-J.AJ/]! ... ..AND ... 'l'Q .. l{OIJLthe ... atore-$tl:1(1 ... t:raot:--:OJ.L~- ......... O.~l ... :Q..t~ ... la.n.d. .... an.d. .... all. ... pr1y1.le&e.& ... and. ... apllur:Genanc.aa ... thnf$-W---bel.OJIG-~----- ......... th~ .... fA1d ... Allen ... B.~nn~_tt ... Md ... h1a ... w1te.1 .... u.. .... t:_. __ J~ennett,., ... th.e~r. ... tul.~IJ---a.wl .. ________ a$11gne.•---"o .... them ... onl.Y. ... use .... behof)t .. ~ttt:e:~ ......................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property Ad3o1n1ng the· 1an4s fid· Je.aso Lockman P.li4 the Pigeon, Ri'V'El$' Luznbe:r OPlilllln:r. J.mGINNlNG on e. stake in the West line <ff the Le.uenoe Bennett tract end runs west 25 poles; thenoe No:rth 100 IJ6le·s t · th~n0e Nor-th 60 East 'li po.le$ _ t() E,). . stak•J thence south_6 5 pol•e· to . taaenc_e __ Ben.ne1;.t '13__ l.1_n. et_•. the_noe Wflf:l~ Sf) poles to a. sta:kel th$nee St>uth '7§ ~les · o the beginning • .. Being the e~mtioa t>t No . .-113- containing 25 acres more or less" • Shut B ·, Page ....... ......... :.· ................. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION NORTH CAROLINA, ____H_ A_. _Y _l:Y _O__O__D___ _____________C OUNTY. SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF ;LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO D. R. BURRF:SS AliD WI F'F MATTIE BUIDH~ S W .C. BUP.RES ~'l AND WI FE ELIZA BU'Rl\ESS AFFIDAVIT. DESIGNATED IN SURVEY AS TRACT JnPJBER 238-238a ________________ }~_~_9._!_!~-~~~-~-----------------·--------------------• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for whicp is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of_ __·- ----~~~~~----------'-Cotinty, in Book·---~~----------------• Page_ ____~ ~----------------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the · several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. --------------------~---, e:/ . .~ ~--- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ----~atday of ..... March ........ .:.z.., 19.3.0 .. . -------~(':/tf::q:_~._Y!~~ '-' Notary Public. My commission expires .. Q~:./2 .... / tf 3 I . ( / / . ' ; TAXES ' --- (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The pro~erty in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, I!JZQ .... , at $ ...... : ......................... , in the name ....._;!.H.~-~.ff.1~UL ......................... and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19_gl.... . .............. tAl.D. ........................................................... . II!.~..... . ........ l.':AJP. ................................................................. . 19.?.g ___ .............. .P..A%1'-........................................................... . 1~.1. .. .. 19.~~--- ............ J~A+.;D.: .... .c. ................................. .............. .... .. 1~~--- 24 19 ........ .. PAID ························-···········································-·· ················· I!f:.~ ... . 19 .2...5... . .. ............. J~A.llL .......................................................... . 1~-~ ... . ASSESSMENTS LES PENDENS MECHANICS LIENS Not en1 JUDGMENTS . ........ !4,I.:P ....... c ..•.•.... .•................ .. ..... .............••..•..•... PAID ......... PAtll> ................................................................ . . ........ 1!./!..l:P. ................................................................. . Shut G -~ ,; ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ____ ,'-: ..... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES ·Mft 1\dm V!'ft~ .O.illlll ""''WW~ ~~' .f.l.u.t;~. This .. :~-~--------day of ·-----------~~~~-----·-------·---·--··---------• 19.M .. ................................................................................ ,. .. A:it;;~~y: -- · · · ··· · · · · Address ...................................................................................... .. ' CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the, title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ____ J.S ..... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES 1. Tkat pQJ'tion or Ttraov 2~ d§l~~ f)rQtn. the t.~ ~aut'Ore tf;) M• T. ~nnett. does nti>t ru..aeloae ~- pel"feet ~eooJOd. t1 tu. th T. ~t 41«J.1 ~teatats, lJ;.$6Vb1g four <tbL~~$%1 O.Q h~ h~~~,..;J,.a\'U-· Sarah t.MeB:r1dflt ~ _Qt the ~e,:ra. ~~Ve4 tQ All~ . Betu~e'tt,. Who •s ~l., _ ·an k'':P• _ ~s 'Q .;t~ •~1\JLd.t ~tE)Y~at i~ ~3-s ~l'Q41 ~· n_ ___ - - aal-_-e--n-•- ~- -____-. t, •~- · _ :_®_•-_- rJ.v_~--- 4 to_: _ n.a,.s.u. r --•._-r_ - ef:t_e-1__ .,~ ____t•\ - l-hk_\!. e-. •EJ$$1\t --'-'· ____ _l itaWill~~. _we ha"V'$ _a de:tt:}d ~ ;r-. a. no:ta~a &lld w.:tte to Al.l£11 _lSennfit'bf E1l.sf.) ~~ J.~ this ~ot-. _ . At e.f f1.4aV1ts a;p;[»~ he:V.,~li Pl!Ovt,ns ~t aU c-t tile ell1l-BQ. an,d lle:l.:J."s• -t# m.T,.~«Jtt a• _ ~ed abQV$ l~a - UVJ.DS _and __ ot ae;e at the t~- tlle _ · l• pa~~fq4 Q~t Q:f tb:fi ~"(!IEJ.iQp. ot tile ~~n~'\i'U t$~1Jl a&d tnat th~ _l/ln1 _l lfi$ bf4,G1_l l~l.d in open, __Q #$1,11.1~:~ aave~ae ~-~·~~on •tno~ too ~lme the d~ei ~~ \1•~tuted tJW J~e~ n,. Nc,lsn.d _and Wife tCJ l1.llen Bero.~t; ·we are o f the op~n1'iln that tllt~ .~a r(S.tul~a tbe t3.tle U1 the ~~~ent ciaima11t, v. It. nurreaa. $,. sub. j$C~ - an ou:t$-teneline; ona-heJ.t ttlinetal. lntel'est in.1alt~~ _ 2$ ae~ _ ~ot _ oot~;v~ye4 • by R.D .G:LJ.rte~'* iNS't$'$ and AdlO.iniStl"at<lr to Betul~t. 3• Taxes dlle lleyrnod County to:r 1929,. This ...... J.Q ........... day of ............. ~~-~-----·----·--·------···-··-····• 19.~.9. Address ....................................................................................... . Attorney. 234 235 236 237 v v 239 240 /~ 241 -6- w. B. Benne't 39.36 5 room framed house 40 x 50 barn Apple house Shop Smoke house & :.,prine house 12 acres cultivated land tUOO.OO 12 aores " " ®60.00 11 acres woodland @10.00 J. ~·:. Burgess 35.25 5 room frru~ed house Old barn 10 acres cultivated land GlOO.OO 20 nares cultivated land ,,;eo.oo 5 acres woodland n,lO. 00 J. Vo Woo if:''\ , c: 73.61 6 roo:n :f1• ed hc#{Be 1 ')./5 tf') · rock a 11 1 hoye :3 log bar s ,./ 2 room 1 (Vf1ouse 35 aare.aJfiultivut ed land ' 20.00 39 nor~ no .,dlwHl · 10.00 ! 6 0 J. V. '·:,iod.y 1 · :i ) '. . 7 fb 15 aores culti va:ted land C:Go.oo 93.30 78 acres woodlW1d <:·10.00 ... , ~"l,So- 44.62 71.20 49.75 Geo. 187.64 40 no Ui nd ~70.00 6 roor.: / 4 a tall 1; '·,, b :·xed lm r.n" 148 ucrffo woci'dland ' 10.00 V. ,, • Canpbell 35.31 All :r;:;st;.,re la.nd ;;25.00 1000.00 }e"' .... 7YJ - 300.00 ' 100.00 150.00 50.00 1200.00 720.00 150.00 50::1 .00 100.00 1000.0() 1600.00 oo.oo 600.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 70D.OO 390.00 900.00 780.00 100.00 75.00 6!5.00 375.00 510.00 700.00 100.00 300.00 2100.00 260.00 375.00 430.00 2800.00 80o.oo 350.00 50.00 1480.00 875.00 36'70.00 ' '. 3250.00 ' l /. '/· 2190.00 , 1'Pao.oo 850.00 ,/ l . 885.00 3440.00 ) . ' 805.00 5480.00 875.00 r"/) t .../,;, I ,.;. '-v O.t..·<l:: 237 238 238a / \, 249 251 252 $ 100.00 75.00 @ 15.00 675.00 $ 850.00 @ 15.00 375.00 0 10.00 470.00 845.00 . Gfi&A7 (~~->r:(,/ ttf- 1 ' ~<'0~ 700.00 100.00 300.00 @ 70.00 2,100.00 @ 12.00 240.00 3,440.00 375.00 430.00 805.00 J". S. WOODY 3-room ibog house Old mill Old barn 30 acres cultivated 30 acres " 4 acres orchard 85 acres woodland 149.19 land ~ 30.00 " @ 65.00 @ 100.00 @ 10.00 TAX VALUATION $1,650.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 900.00 1,950.00 400.00 850.00 J"M.1ES H. HANNAH &;f/'J1~.;.44 3-room log house ! S~d 1 / 21 acres cultivate4 f elds 100.00 10.00 @ 60.00 1,260.00 4,325.00 l2iacres woodland 1 ~ 10.00 _.;:1;;;;.25:;.;•:;..;0;.;0;.._.;:1~, 4.::.9::.;5::.;•;.;0;.;:0:..._ TAX VALUATIOn J". B • HAl'mAH 3-room bo:x;ed small barn\ 22 acres c 29 acres w .·""-. 5L.54 lOUS~ ,/ smok:Q._ hbuse ated l~d and , "., $880.00 \ \ ,/' 150.00 / 75.00 @ ~~. 00 1,320.00 o 7roo 29o.oo ...... "/ \ 1,835.00 253 MA.CK W. H.Al'rnAH 152. 06 110 acres culti v~ ted la1m @ 65.00 7,150.00 42 acres \':ood l and @ 10.00 420.00 IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> •

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).