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Cataloochee tract 256: I. V. Hannah

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  • SMoKYiv?rN.PARK 1.1/. HANNAH TRACT 2/.27 ACHES .J'f:AI.C /''6~0CHAINS @ SVRV£Y o,-/!J28 BY WN.SL.OAN . ,.'; .·: • Pagk .... : ........ ::., .. 6 .. ... . CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of .............. ~: .... ::~---~·.:·····················:··············r;;····v·;;····Hallllab ....................................................................................................... . ·······························'·········:.................................................. Township ······· ········ ·-~·-·····.Hs.l'WOOd· ·················· ··········· ······· County. . . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Tract (266) NO'rl : All 'bearings 1n this deaor1pt1on • ere tu.me4 flfem the true meridiem and all 41atenoee sn esprea­se4 1n otmJ.ns of 66 feet. Beginning •t comer l• a 4" maple ble.ae4 en4 aor1be4 I.l. Co:r. a, ohovm tUl corner by 1 .. v. Bft,nno.h, a corner o-t tbe W .R • S.Q;IIlQ 'l'tfJ.Ot ( 26'1) , 'rh.enoe s. 8'1-39 'L Corner e , .• . point in n of the J. v • \f70o47 .Heirs Tract ( 231 ... a) ; Thence • wi.tb tbe J . v. W oo4y s. 6· 3-4 E. a ... o Corner 3 . fl 4'' ob.eatnut p OG't 1n a moun4 ot atones. eor~be4 t±.u. c-or. 4. bo1ng Comer a of the J. v. woo4r He!re zr eot ( !St.a} ; . n. n-04 m. Oome_r •• a point i n e. of the J . v. 'fto047 Beira T r aot ( ~f>&·o ) ; 8.46 Comer ll, t1 4n chestnut poet i n e moun4 o1 etoneo, sonbe4 t.. u. oor. 2, 1:1-eiug conu~r • of ·the t . N. nell trnot ( 251) . A. 1:-0" obef*tnut blazed tou.14 acr1be4 E. i·. r,.n.oo.r. 2 , beors r:. 82..00 E. . 28 eboi n dlstent • Tllonoo, with the L. " • H&ll 1.28 oorn -, 6 , a 4" looust J:.lOet l n a. mound of a tone®, on tbe east bfl.Jlk o:f & b~ncb, scribed r,.u. eor. z, · xhOt:lCHa • llp 6n1 with tbe mee.ndore Shut A .•. t. 0 ', N. ~8-46 •• 2.av COI'Jlel' '• a point on the north bank of the branob, abov~n ao OOrDII' b7 L. r~ . BnU, being oorner 6 of the L. r.. Hall Treot (2116), :Jet a 4" t18'f1oo4 post in a moun4 o1 etouee, eo:r1be4 L.s. co.-. •• Tbenoe. lea'Y1n8 the brsnob ant leaTins the L. N. Hall l:r eot ( 265), wt th tbe Je~Ull'Otl BtJ.t'liUlb rroot C 2&8) H. ''l..o& w. Corner e. a pOint on t be noJ'tb bank of a branoh, »Shown aa corDer bJ I. v. Htuuu•h• a corner of the t,;.a • . Be.~ Traot (21') em of the JetbrOII Hmmah Traot (2t;8); . . ~henoe • leaving the Jet brow BtulD&h 'l'raot ( 2!8) , W1 t b the w .n. Bmmab traot ( 28'1) B. a...;ta :~. t.lB til• plaoe of beg1rm1ng, oonte1n1ng 21.2'1 aoree. -2- •·,:.. J ''Jl.. ANALYSIS OF TITtE TRAO'l' NO• ·250 1. Traot No. ~56 is now oned by I. V • 1Iannah1 and is totally embrae•d by S'hte Grant No. 252 t.asued by the state to John Qray Blount. As we have treated state Grant No. 252 by mesne oonveyanoes trom. the ttme aaid grant was issued, up through and 1Jiolttd1ng the t1me said grant passed by the last ~11 and testa• •nt ot James n, Love to his executors• the same will not be re• peatect in this analysis, bu;t may be seen by reterE;)nce to the analy­sis ot title of the S1daey N~lspn tract, beg1na1ng w~th pe.ra~ph one ot said analyaia1 and ending with paragraph ten. page three o~ this abstract-. . . A L (/ f? .-6~ 1-~t?/..s . bt,-P'lf- ._.cmp,~Pc / I . of'w6tt;•can-zr- Tract No.- 256 is ••'raoM" b7 three -ll'aete- _ · dee~L from the Love Speculation :r.t'Ulde. The t1nt tract we Will oon• ~ . . . . aider is a t1f!ty acre ,traot dee4ect by the exeouto:ra ot James R. Loft to 1Ia:r:rison R, Garner• As we lut.Ve t:reat,ed this portion o:t land wbich •b~a.ees tract No. 256 tn tbe e.rmlysS.s ot title ot Tract No, 25"1, tho ~ will not be repeated here, but may be seen by mesne conveyance$ fl;om the time said tre.ot vested in lhlrrison Garner• up nni ~til the t~ satd tract vested in I• V. l!annah. ·See analysis o~ title ot Tract No. 25"1, tro~ paragraph one thrOUgh parasral?h eight, page 315 of this abstract. we will next consider the· remaining two We.~~ trom the love Speculation I..ands which embrace Tract No, aee. The first traot we will oons14er1 being a fifty aore tract described in a deed ~om R, D. Gillnet"1 trustee and ac!ministrator• to .r, c. c~ rell, This 4eed beara .date ot J'une25, 1892• and the desc;r1pt1on given in aa1d deed embraces a portion of Tract No, 25th In making this conveyance, R. D. Gilmer reserved one•half of tbe mineral interest with mining pr·1v1leges, As we have already treated tm authority ot R. D. · Gilmer to make deeds tor t he T.. o ve Speculation Lands; t he sane will not bfJ .. t>.epea~~cl in this analyst~-, but may be seen by reference to the analysS.f:J o:f Tract lfo. 285,. page 69 of thi·s abstract. The above 4ee4 is duly r.oorded in Haywood County. See pflge. §51 of t his analyst~, on November 28, 1903, J. c, Carrell and w1te, Malinda, conveyed to R. s , .Tohnston the f itty acre tract mentioned 1n t he preceding paragraph ot this analysis, From the data gained outa14e ot t he deed, v;e. find that R-. s. Johnston was the wife ot William F~ Johnston. This deed 1 s duly recorded in Baywood County. See page 653 of this al>straot. 5, We will next consider the thi~d and last traot deedet from the Love Speculation Land which embraces a portion or Traot ··:\· 1~; 1io. 256, This tract contains twenty acres, more or le ss, and is de• scr ibfld in a deed tr,om R., D. calmer to to William F. Johnston. In .mak­ing this conveyance, R, n., Gilmer reserved one-half' of t he mineral in• t ereet with mining privileges. The above deed is duly recorded in nay-wood County. s ee page pt)4 or t his abstract. on April. 301 190'7, Wil-liam F • .Tohnston and wife, R. s. · Johrulton. conveye.d to Charles c. Roberts t he two traots of' l and mentioned in the two preceding para~aphs ot t his e.nalys,_s, Th1s doed is duly recorded in Haywood County, see ;page 6;56 . of t his abstract. On May 14,. 19091 Charles c. Robertson and w1te Qonveyed tQ L, rr. Hall the two tracts above referred to, This deed is 4ul.7 reoor4e4 in HaJWCQd County. see page 657 or this ~betr~ot. On J'anuary 101 1919, t. N. Ball and wife oenveyed to o, s. nannah and wite, May Hannah, the two tracts or land abov. reterred to' This deed. is duly recorded in Haywood County, See pa~ 658 ot t his abstract. conveyed to L; N, Hall the two tracts of land abo1'e mentioned. This deed is duly tooorded in Haywood County, See pa~ 659 'Of t his abstract, On April 13, 1925, t. N. Hall conveyed to I. v, Tlamte.h end Wife• Allioe• ~ traot of l and s'tid to contain one and one•tourth aor•s, which traot is a pol;"tion of the t wo tracts mentioned in the preceding paragraph ot ~his analysis, end embraoes ,.a portion of Tract No, 256. This deed is duly reoorded in Haywood County. See Pt:lge 660 _or this abstract. ll. We tind of ;record a deed of tru~t rrom c • s-. Hannah and wite to R .• A. Fall, trustee, conveying two tl'aOts, w..hio.h two tracts em'braoe a portion of Tract No• 256, This. deed of trust has never been eanoele4 ot record, a11d is duly recorded in Deed or Trust Book "Z", page. }To • . 288 • , . n are partially depending upon possession for title to Tract No• 2!$G; we ::-,ave obtained a f fidavits or possession., Said aft1 4av:1ts TJ'JB.1 be seen bt reference to page 662 throush 667 of this ab,strao1}. 13. For Surveyor's ~ffidavit on this tract, see page No. 668 of this abstract. "..' ~ .s = ."=. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble' B, 1>,. GI.DIER, ~ustee n.nd Alrdnistl"ato~ As Signed As Acknowledged ~~~--------------------~--------~-------------+----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance .. Sp.e.o.ia.l--Ad:m-'r-.- .. J)EI.ed 3, Is it properly executed ............... !fo .............................. .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. l)ep . .C.-,.S-.0--.- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . n. Date of acknowledgement..l£-14--l-398------------- -- 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........................................................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .............. ! .0 .................................................. . (b) power to convey ........ Y.ea. ........................................ . (c) against encumbrances ...... ]JO .............. ...... .............. . (d) against claims of all others ..... l!f-0 ........................... .. 2. Date of Couveyance .... .£.-26..._18~2----------------------·--···· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular .,N:C) ...................................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..... 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .......................... .. 12. Was order of probate con-ect.. ...; ............................ . 14. Date of filing for record.lZ-14--18-98------------------· 15. Book ....... .10 ............................ Page ...... f>S-9------------------· for ........ }la.y.wood-;---------------·--··: ............. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ---Ye.a-.----on.e.-bal£.---min&ral ---l-nte;r:.eaat ... ;r:.e.serv-&d-·-------------------------------------- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... !()----BAVE----AliD---T-0---NO-LD------'tho---6i'ores-i,i1d----'tr-OO-t----of. ................ . ----------------lantl---wi-tll---tbe---p-r-1v1-l-ege-s---and---ap:purt&· -- ---------------u.nto--- tbe----satd----J. ..... u.---corr.o-11--Wld- hi-s---heirs-,..--to ... .:< .. '- • .:! .. ...... -----------------hla---and----t-heir---ODl¥----use---and---behoof---:forev-e-r-.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exact Description of Property Wl!lniESSE!rllt 1'bat, wberea.a James It . Love • deceased, under a decree of the Court of Equity for l3WlOOmbe county., made. in the year 186'1,, and under the provisions of a deed f1l agreement entered 1!\~0 on the 16th day of Ootober .. l857• by JamesR.,.LoV6t,R. M. -Henry,. James L. Henry• William welch, uohn B. Love, Dillard Love and W1llimn H. Thomas .. became Tl'llstee for himself end the _ said parties e))ove named of tlte said Love Spec-ulation Lands, . lying in the Counties of Yaney, Madison, Buncombe • :HaY\'!OOd Md Je.okson,. with power to make sales of same and execute titles therefor; and; · \..·-·- · ' WHEREAS • the said James R., ]JQve died eeized and possessed of the said speculation ~· as Trustee as aforesaid; and, mrre.BBAS • the said . Jame e R. Love made and published a Last Will Md Testament, in writing. and f!.ppointed William H., Thomas, Robert G.A. Love, William L .. Hilliard and S6111uel L. Love • exeoutors ·who quali ... fied and took upon themselves the execution the~eof; and,- WRFJm~AS. the James B. Love aold 118!11 tra.ots of said land to different Persona • and authorized end empowered his said executors to continu the sales of said lana &nd to make titles; and, WH&lUsAS .. upon the death of the said WiUie.m L,. Hilliard • the sole 8C.It1ng executor of the said Jsmes R. Love. deceased~ - the superior Court of Haywood County, at spring Term, 1891,. in the case of w L Henry and \•t ,. L.,Henry,.Administrator of R .. M. Henry., deceased,;.,~ .. W. L .. Hilliard and others. app ointed the said R ., D •. Gilmer,, Trustee for the hei:rs at law of James R. Love,, deoeased and others., owners Shut B of the said Love Speculation Land$• with power to make .sales of the sa14 lands_. and execute titles theretora and, vm:EREAS, the $&14 R• n-•. Gilmer . was appointed Adn'd.n1etro.tor de bon1• non ·wt t.n the Will annes:ed of J'B.llles R., Love 1 a.eoeaael, w the su­p$ ·r1o~ Court Qf' lJaywoo4 County, on the 18th day ot Septem'be:a.-1 18~1, e.D.dt WH'.E.REAS, w ~ w. s tringtil&d on the 26th day ot J'uly• l8a6 1. eol4 the lantta hce1nattet deso;ribed to .Will1am Johnston fo:r $lOO•oo .w1th 1n.tereft trC)lfl J'anual"y lst1 1885; andt WH:ERE.As • W1ll1$lll 1ohnston has ~ld sat d land to J • 0 ~ correll WhO has palO. the p~base money .~ $95 .• oo to \V, Wt Stringfield, $18.00 . he.vtnc been paid by William J'ohnst.on in services aa chain bea:rerJ Now. ~EFORE, I 1 the eaicii R. D.- Gilmer, Trustee as aforesaid; and Admin1stratoir de bonis non1 with the will annexed dt 1al!l88 R. tovtl· deOeasedt in consideration o~ the premises and the further oons: deratioll of' the 'sum of $ll&.;;ee dollars in .baltd paid ·by 1. c. correll the reoeipt ot which 1s hereby aoknowled$ed• have siveah granted, barpt.ned; sold and conveyed unto the said J • c •. corre. , etc. · :SEGINNDl'g o~ a chestnut oak on the aide . or s rllge and :runs 1~ • 61 \'1. 12'1 poles to a bl~ck oak in Garner line . '3 poles hom his Southeast ool"nerl thenoe s. !e (}• 64 poles to a stake mid-1187 between . twc> loouet po1nte1"s: thence . s. 61 E. 12'1 poles to a small chestnut in t •. raok .. son's line; thence North 46 E. pllsaing Jack­so. n.'s N;. E ~ ool;"ller 64 poles to the beg1nn1ns. oonta1~1ng :· t1'tt:r ac·Het• more or less • . {Sa.~4 tl"aot IJ1ng tt~a : being on the wat.el>s ot U ttle Catalooohee) . ~STlUCTIONS: one half' ot mineral interests th iidnlng pr1 vil.e.ges reserved. ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Si~ned As Acknowledged "' ~ i .0 .c OBIU'l:L.L and wife e llA.LlOA ~~------~----------------~------------~----------~------------------------ 1 1. Kind of Conveyance.!/:Ur&J1$J ... l)e.e.4 ................ . 2. Date of Conveyance.ll•!8•19Qa. ............................ . 3. Is it properly executed .............. Yea ............................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ......... .. :: ................... ..... ................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged.: ..... .J .•. J.' .•.............. 6. Acknowledgements, regular :Y-88----··· ··-····· ·····-······-········ 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .. .......•....... .................. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ 'f-8-8---····················· ·· 9. Date of acknowledgement .... lJ..•!$-1903---·· ...... . 1~. Did officei- affix SeaL. .... y .oa---· ······································ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken.Ye-8--·············· 12. Was order of probate correct .. .·-······Y-88- -·····--·············· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .... ?-10....1906---·-·············· (a) of seizin ·-·········--····-Y.ea ......................................... . i. (b) power to convey ................. y.ea---····························· (c) against encumbrances ............... Y-8-8---···················· 15. Book ---·········-2:0------------·-···-··-·· Page .... -----642---············· for ···;·····-················liaJWOG4···········-·----County. 16. Docs deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ......... ....... :y:ea ............ . or restrictions ........ }f'O---- ··-·'······· ·· ············ ···· ·····-··· ············ 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully).SO -- &VE---Ai.'lf.D ---'r-0 --HQU).:.the----aforeeai-d---V&CJ't···OlL ................... . ........ paro.el. ... Dt .... land ... eaa ... al.l .. pt!iT1lege.a ... ena .. appvtenan'?e•---theJ":et~---b-eloD6•·· · --------lDJ.---,t.O .... t~- - -41-&id ... J..C.-~Q.fERELL• :· - he1~S.---tUld--- a&aigtl8-.- :-:1i-O---······ •l.J-: .ue ... e.a&---··· ........ beboof ... tor.ever •......... -'-----·--·····-·-·--·-·--···----·--· ··········-···················---······················'······'···-···,-·-···--·-·-········-· Exact Description of Property ADJOIN:mG the lands ot R i R. FWm.AH eai others, BEGlBNIJ'G on a obestnut on the e14e ot ridge and ruaa N. 61 w • 12'1 pole a t() a bl.e.clt oak in Ga:rner line. 5 polea hom hie south !last oor• nel!'J tbqee s. 46 Vh 64 poles to a s~ake midway betwe.•n 1wo l~uet potnterat thence s. 61 Et 1~7 11 ol>e• to a sJnSll o bestnut ll1 tlle satd a. R. Bamuthts line; the.11oe N. 46 E. • -pas stag Rannah•e lf • . E • . come: • '" poles to tbe ·beginning. Oontaintns f1fty·aoree more or lese f ,•, • ~·Ill., ·~.<St Shut B ~ 0 ~ "..' 0 NORTH CAROLINAPARK COMMISSION ~· .if¥'£. ,- .~ ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble Jl.l>. GILKER,Truatee and Administrator As Sig-ned R. D. GILMFJ't, Truetee and AdJdnie'tre.toJ: As Acknowledg-ed W • w. smiNGFIELD, subscribing witness. ~----------------------~----------------------~----------------------- ~ WILLIAM F 11 JOmtSO! "...' 0 1. Kind of Conveyanc6pe.e.ial.--W-t.lrl:allty .... l)&ed. 3. Is it properly executed ............ ye-s-------------------------------- 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... Q. .• ----8 li --C--.---- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ....... -------- ,- ------------- ---- (). Date of acknowledgement..'l•-ll-19-06 - --------- -- -- 11. Did officer affix SeaL ___ _____________ __ ___ ____ ________ ___ ---------------- -- 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ----------------·----1\fO--·-- ------------ ........................ .. (b) power to convey ....... ----- ---Ye-6- --------- ------------·-------·---· (c) against encumbrances ·------------.lli'.O ............................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ........... 7--l-O•l-9-0f>------------------···· 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular -------Y-ea----------------------------- 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... ---------Ye-s----------·-----··· 10. Wao privy examination of wife taken __________________________ _ 12. Was order' of probate con-ect ..... :ye-e------------·----------------- 14. Date of filing for record ..... ? ... lO.;.._l90-6---------· ........ 15. Book --------2-0---------------------------· Page ... fi59---------------------- for ------------------------------------·----·-·--···-----------------County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions Yea--'----011-&•ha-l£.---of-----···-------­ ·-miner-al----in'kl!&-s-t---r&-&O-r-ve4-,.------------- 17. Habenqum clause (Quote fully) .-20--IJ.A'VE.--.f.I .. \1-D .. -TO--HOLD--the----af.Qr.&­. wit.h ... the .... pr.iv.ilege.e ... an.d ... ap.:p.Ul':teUallO-EI-6---ther.eunto---b-&-lOilg-ing ... ( .. one-hslf--------­-- of----the- - -min-e¥al--illt&r~HJt -,-- - with--mining----p-riv1-legee---re-serv-84---e.a----here-1-n-----· · ·-­.. be~ore.-provided.) ... .-unt.o .... the .... sa1d---W.m .. B.,..J-ohnson ... and---hia-.. bf:.1-ra ... and----&s&i-gna--- to his and their only use end behoof forever. (d) against claims of all others ___________ lJ_Q .................... .. Exact Description of Property W ITNESS~~H.- tbat WRF.REASt James B. Love.- deceased,. under the- Decree of the. Qourt of l'~quity fo:r BWJ.oombe Oolll'lty, made in the year 1857; and, under the proviaiQna o~ a teed of agreement entered into on tbe l6th .dsy of october. 186'1, by James R. Love.- R. 11. Henry, J~s L. Henry, William Welch., Jobll B. LOve, Dillard Love end William H. Thomas. became trustee fo:r himself and the said parties above named of the said Love Speculation lends_ ~-ine; .in the 0 ountie·s of Yancey, Madison,. .Buncombe,. Haywood end Jackson; wi tb power to make sales of the Sfll!le and exeou.t e t1 tlee therefor; Slld., mll~F.As. the said Jan~ee R. Love died ite:aed'· ertd possessed of the said speculation Lands as ~ustee, ss aforesaid; end, WlJF.RF~S., the said James R. lAVe made and published a Last will (pld Teetement in mi ~ing end appointed· William H. 'thomas, Robert G. A.- Love, Wil;tiam L. Hilliard end samuel L. toTe · executors, who qualified and took upon themselves the .e:xeoution thereof: end, . WRlmEAS',. the said James R. Love sold many trao ts of ee.14 land to different persons end authorized &.n<1 empowered his said exeou• tore to continue the sales of said lend and to make titles: and, . filll.?.REAS, npon the death of sa~d Willi em L. Hi+lierd • the sole acting executor of the said Je.mes a. Love• deceased, the superior Court of H~ywood County, at Sprins Term 1891; in the case of w.L.Benry and w.. L. Henry.- A(lm1nist:rator 'ff)f- :R. Jl. Henry, deceased, ve. Sheet B \ j TW.. •:· •.r UL.•• t_· e.H e 11:·_ .r l.__ ,·',. ·. U t.b· 4,e. a _J. •n... ·l 4el·0r•.·.~e ·. h. ae.: tr .tu,_ _we p . oP_.·.O t l.:)l..ti-!J·al.·.. . ". hR•t. teon1w4,. . ~ .a. ...D•e• a0. e_ 1e_1·t_m _a. . oth••• otJletta Cl)t the -.14 l'..ovt SpeeU1at1~ tatl.dej. tdth :POW•~' to make, aaJ.•• ot •tiel lanb ud --~· titles th$rerorJ ana, . ~. t~e aa.1d. Rt . ~ . tu.ll.lle~ •• appo1nte4 Aal.s.a1•'•tor ·bdef ;l>41lt$ · 1:\t•..... ·• · With the Wil.l_ a.nao•a, ___o t 1fl!tles_R•· .•.eoeaeed, tluJ SUp•r10l" . CC)UJ-t ot Na7Wood. countJ on the 18th G.aJ' ot sept.-'ber,. 1891 J qd, · . ~· w, w. Stl:'ingtt.eld. ao.ld the l.aJtd ht'el)J «.aor1"4 to W1Ula '• .rohaatoa, pri$1' to the 1tQ' 1859; and• WliEREAs, th~ :put"Obaatt motley he.o been paid as tollows • eto. :BEGUUilNG .oli. a ttak~, the· Nort:tnreet c•~ae;r ot Not: 31 . ot th1:J nut a'I.U!'Ver encl runs west so pole.• to t:o• a9; . then W1 th_ No•. 29 l10rih 19 laSt 30 poles to No• 28J thenCJe 111 tb. No• 28 East 50 poles to No• 311 . thRoe Wi~h No,. 31 . sout-h 47 weat 64 poles to the beg~nn1ng, Containing 20 •. o_:rest· DlQ. re .o r _l. ees• . . A··.n d.·. .l mo1m and s.ve_.., ....... .. d... ·. an. f. :P.. lotte4 . out. o_r Tl'act_ No, 30 ill Hut sunoey• see Redst•r'•. bo•t wo. 10, page 16• (Said traoiJ •4 belag on the •tare or L1 t·tle oatalooche•l . . .rs..: 0 = .".' r;.!l , l'~iORTH CAROLINA PARK, CONJMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged Wl:LLIAJI F • JORNSOJ' 81\dwife WILLIJJI F • JOBNSOlf . allcl wife WJD. F • JOmtSOB snd wife R • S • jOimSOll R. s. JOHBSOB R. s. 'JOHNSOlf ~-----------------------+------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... w.arran-ty ... ])eed------····· 2. Date of Conveyance ... -4-50•-190-7---··················-·······- 3. Is it properly executed ....... y.eG-······: ............................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ............... .... ..................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledgedC.~.C - .C- -.-8o--J- -. -.P,. 6. Acknowledgements, regular Ye-a ................................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .......................... ........ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ....... Yea ........................ .. 9. Date of acknowledgement.5-B--l90-'l.; .5•6: ... 1,907 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken .... y ............ : .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL .......... yee---- -···· ···························· 12. Was order of probate correct.. .. ye•---......... , .............. .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ... l-.2-~908 ...................... . (a) of seizin ................... y.e•-········································· 15. Book ........... --26 ....................... Page ........ sf. ................. .. (b) power to convey ................. ye-8----····························· for .................... Ha.ywoo4, .............. ,.-....... County. (c) against encumbrances .. ......... :J:.ea. ......................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ...... ye.a ...................... . or r estrictions .. ............ ,Jo. ............................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) . .. mo -HAV:E---JiJfD-.T() HOLD-1---- -the --af'~r-eaai-d .. ·:C.raot .... OJL. ........... .. ........... pal'~l --- of---- land--an4--- all- -- privi-leges- - .a.n4- - -ap.purtenano.e&··:ther&to ... beleag- ··········ias···to---:t-he--·aai-d--.Cbaa.--<l·-···RO.herta---an-d-··ll·1s-- -'b.&1ra---and--.. assigu•···•o-.............. . ........... the-f.r .... only ... uae. .. and-:--b.epoot ... ;t.o.rever ............................................................................................................. .. Exact Description of Property In Cattalooohee Township; ADJOINING the lends of R. R. HANNAH, PIGgON RIVER. LtnaBER CO!U?Al.TI· end others. FIRST TRACT:- BEGim~ING on a chestnut on the side of a ridge and runs N. 61 w. 127 poles to a black oak in G~ner llne • 3 poles from hi a southeast ~orner: thence s. 46 w. 64 poles to a stake JDidway between two locust pointers; · tbenoe s. 61 E. 127 poles to .a small chestnut in the eaid·R.R.H&nnab's line; thence N. 46 E. passing Hannah's N.E. corneT. · 64 poles. to the beginning. Containing fifty -aoJ'es mo:re or lees. · SECOND . ~T:• ;BlW:ElmiNG on a stake • the Notth west corner of Do. 31 of the ·Bart survey snd runs west 50 polee ~o , Bo. · 29, then,. w~ th No • 29, North 19 East 30 poles to No. 28; thence. with -Wo. 28 East fifty poles to No. 51; thence, with No. 31, soath 47 w. 64 poles to the beginning. Containing twenty acres more or lees. S!Jul 8 ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed As Acknowledged ~ OIAS. C .. B.Olll'}R~S CHAS. c. EOJERTS CH.AS. c. ROBERTS · = end wt:fe and wtfe and wtee £1_ __H~ AR~-~I_A _R O-~~-•R_T_a_~ _____~ M_A_R• _ I~A_R.O~BR·~R·~· T_S _____- T~MAR~I=A~R~O~BE-~~~T~8~---- ..U,,i ~ ;r,., 11. HALL ~L_ ____________________ _L~------------------~---------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... ws:r.ran.ty ... l")Ele.t\ .......... . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... &-14-1909························ .. . 3. Is it properly executed-........ :Y.e.a ............ · .................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .......... J .• P . .., .......... . G. Acknowledgements, regular ...... ye-8----......................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............. ye& ................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .... £)!'!!1.4,..190.9- ............... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ....... y.e•···· .. ····· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ............. :Y.ea ............................. .. 12. Was order of probate correct ....... ye-s .......................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ... ()-11·•19.1-~ - ............... . (a) of seizin ............ Y.e.s. ............................................. .. 15. Book ......... 20-.......................... Page ......... J9f ............ .. (b) power to convey .......... Y.e.S ....................................... . for ................... Hay:w.Q.Od ........................ County. (c) against encumbrances ....... yq ............................ .. 16. Does deed contain any' special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ......... :y.eq ................... .. or restrictions ... ..... :uo. ..................................................... .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .... !f.O ... HAVE .. AND .. TO -:HOLJ) ... the--aforeea14 .... b&G·t-e---OI' ...... :.: ..... · .......... pa;ro.els .... ot .... J.and ... 8Zl(\ .. :al.l---pr1vilepa---alid···app-nten~ee-s--·there'bo--·belng- .......... tzag ...... to. ... ther. ... aa14 ---L-.. ---If-•.... Ii.AlJ, ... ud---h1s---he-1r&···&nd···&ss-1-gne·1····to···th-e-ir· ............ . ...... ... onJ.y ... us.a ... arul ... beho.ot ... for•'YeJ: . .-.......................................................................................................................... .. ~~. Exact Description of Property In Oattalooohee. !ownship; ADJOilflllfG the lands of R. R. lWfNAH and PIGEON RIVER Ltll6Hli OOW?AiiY • FI.RST 5t.AO T I • BMMING on a chestnut on tbe sid~ ot a ridge and. runs :~. 61 w. 127 poles to blaok oak in the Garne;r line. 3 poles trom his south East corner; thenoe s. 4G w. 64 poles to a stake midway between 2 locust potnte:rtu tae.noe s. 61 E. 12'1 p'olea to a sm&l.l ebeatnu.t in R. E. Hannah's ltne: tbence B. 46 J. passing l{8J'.Uiah'e H.E. eotner 64 poles to the beg1nn1n8, contains fitty ao:ree ~ore or lese. SECOND !RAC:T:• . DG1HbG on a stake• the North west corner of xo. 31 of the Hart sutvey ana r'W1s west 50 poles to Bo. 29• then,. wi'tih No .. 29 North 19 East 30 . poles to No. 28; thence with No. 28 East 60 poles to No. 51; thence • with No" 31 south 47 w • 64 to the beginn1J18. Oont&tn6 twenty more or lees, S!JuJ 8 .rr..J Q =.O.S i,!) NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Sig-ned As Acknowledged J.. •• HALL and wite. L. N. HALL and wii'e. L. N. HALL azld wtt• • R. A., JlALL . R,. A,. HAlJ, R. A• HALL c. s. li.ADAH and wife ldA'E HAJ'NAli 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... W.arranty.-... J)eed ........ . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... l ... 10•1919 ........................... . 3. Is it properly executed ..... ........ '!&.& .............................. . 4. Date of Entry and No .......... .................... .......................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... _J.~ .. ........... . 6. Acknowledgements, r egular ..... 'f.41 .............................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ......... ....... , ...... ............ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... Yea .......................... . !l. Date of acknowledgement -~~10.~1919 ................ .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... yea .......... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ........ ..... Yea ................................ .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. ....... Yea ....................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... 3 ..... l~l919. .................... . (a) of seizin .................. Y-8.8 ........................ .................. . 15. Book ..... .& ............................... Page ... Ji9 ........................ . (b) power to convey .. .......... Yea .................................... . for ............ Haywoocl ............................... County. (c) against encumbrances .... Y8.8 ................................ .. 1G. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ..... y.ea ....................... . or restrictions ... .... N-0 ...................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... !0 --RAVI\1- .ANJ). -TO .. HOlJ) ... the. .. afor.eaai4---V8.0-t---OJ"-............... .. ......... paroe.l. .. of ... 1e.nd ... and. .. all .. pr1v1l.e.ges ... and ... appnrte~ano.n a ... ... bel..O.Iag•-- ·····-·--illg .... to ... the. ... sa1.d .. O .•.... s .•... Hannah ... and ... wit.e .•... J4q ___ nennah., ... and ... ... he.ira .... ------~--&ad .... a&aip.a .•.... t.o .... .... .... u .e. ... and ... be.ho.o.f ... f ............ ~---·-·--······-···--··- ···-·-.. --·---------.. -- Exact Description of Property . . ADJOINING tbe lands of :M,. W. HAN'N.AH and w. D. MF~SSER end CHAW?ION LtnmJ<;R CO!WANY • FIRST fR.Al} In: • iiEGMING on a chestnut on the side of a .ridge an& runs :Borth 61 west 127 poles to a blaok oak 1n the Garaer ~iaa. 3 poles frcnn his southeast oone:r; thenoe south 46 west 64 poles to a stake • midwq between 2 loouat pointers; tbenoe south 61 East 127 poles to a small chestnut 1n R. liaJU\ah'a line; . thenoe If. 46 Eaat, passing Hannah's Northeast . 64 pole a to the beginning corner. 0 ontaiuing 60 acres more . or -le$s, SF.OOND ~ IJR.AClrc~ BFAtfitNG on -a stake • tbe North_ west corner of No. 31 of thEl BeJ't survey end runs west 60 poles to No . 29& then with linea of wo. 29 North 19 Eaat 30 P9lea to No. 281 East 60 poles to No. 311 thenoe. with the lines of Bo, ~1. south 47 west 64 poles to the begin-ning. Containing 20 acres more or less. Shnl B ----­\ ., ""'' =.O.S "' I NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged q s. HAIN.Alt and wife c. s. H.Al'mAR JlAE ll.ANN.AH JdAE .HANNAB L. I. Il'ALL 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... W#~&ntJ---Dee.l ------- -- - -- 3. Is it properly executcd_, ______ y_$4------- -- -----· ·---------·------·- 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... J .•... P-•----- ------- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ___________ _________ _____________ _ 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 9. ... "il' ... J.2 ... ~- - - ~9l9 ..... . and wife c. a. RAN BAH and wU'e lfAE HAlUTAR 2. Date of Conveyance ..... \)----- ---1'2---•----19-lf--------------- 4. Date of Entry and No·---- -- ------- ------- -------------- -------------- --- ----- 6. Acknowledgements, regular -----!-G-8-------------------------- ·-- -- 8. Did all grantors a cknowledge _________ T-88------ ------------- ------ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... y•a--------------- 11. Did officer a ffix SeaL ........ J.l0 .. --------------------------------------- 12. Was order of probate correct...Y.e.a ________ __ __ __________________ _ 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) or" seizin ______________ :y_ea ______________________________________________ _ (b) power to convey ......... Y.ea _______________________________________ _ (c) against encumbrances ... Y.e-8------ ---------------------------· (d) against claims of all othcrs .. ... 'f08------- ------------------ 14. Date of filing f or record ____ g ___.! '!. .. . ao ....~ ---19~9-- -- - 15. Book --------ia---------------------------- Page ... 6~0----- ---------------- for ------ - ----l:i~QrwOOd ............................... County. 16. Does deed contain any: special limita tions, provisions or restrictions ---]1'0---------------- -------------------------------------------· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully1,1ZO have. -tuld----to --hold----th&---ai'-oreaaid---Wact---Ol"----pa:roel-- of .. :.le.nd .. and ... all ... pr.ivileges ... and ... ... thereto .... b.e.l.onging .... to ... .t.h.e .... . aai.d ...L _. ..l l• ... Il.ALL ... sn.d ___h is. ... heir.a ...f .tl\d ...a as.igns. •...t o. .. ...o .nlJ----uae ... and. .. b.e.P. ........ hoof ... .•.... -----------------·---------------------------------------------·---------------------------------------------------------------------------·--------·---·-------·------·------·······---· Exact Description of Property ADJOINING the l ands of W .D.JESSER and Jd. W. HtJHlAH and SUNCREST LUHBJ!R COMP.ANY • :BEGIIDJU'G on a chestnut on aide of a ridge and 2:'1U1s N.. 61 w. 127 poles to a black oak in the Garne:r line • 3 poles from his s.E. oornerJ then s. 46 w. 64 poles to a stake midway between 2 LO"uat pointers& then s. 61 E,. 127 poles to a small chestnut in R. R.,. Hannah's line; thftn N .. 46 E. passing HuDah*e N,E . corner. 64 pole a to the beginning. 50 eares more or less. 2 Traot BE GIBING on a stake, the N. vrest oorner ot wo. 31 of the Hart SUli'V87, and runs west 50 poles to uo. 89: theD.,_ with Bo .. 29• lh 19 E. 30 poles to No. 28; theil,. with lto. 28 E. 60 poles to No. 31; then, with Jro. 31 s. 47 west 64 poles to the beginning. 20 aorea more or leas. S!Jut B ''-._/ . In Preamble As Signed L. N., ltel.l Rbo4a B'a11· '· As Acknowledged t. N. Hall Rho4a Hall 1. Kind of Conveyance .......... I)··JI!···E···D··························· 3. Is it properly executed .................................. .. ................ .. 2. Date of Conveyance .......... 1~25 ................................. . 4. Date of Entry and No ............................... ........................ .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... J'17 ... p ........... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ......... Yes·· ........................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........... : .... :y8 .-................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement.. ............. l3-25 ................ .. 11. Did officer affix Seal... ........................................................ . 10. Was privy examination · of wife taken .......... Y"88 ...... .. .12. Was order of probate correc~ ............. YeS ................... .. · 13. Does conveyance contain convenants-:- 14. Date of filing for record ......... '1Cl .................................. .. (a) of seizin ................ y8 .............................................. . 15. Book ............... ,()-.................... Page.;·····268'··· ............. . (b) power to convey ............. y.., ..................................... .. (c) against encumbrances ........... yea ........................... . 16. ~:e~-~-~~~-~~~~--~~~~~~; .. ;~~~·~:~~~~:.u;~~~isions (d) against claims of all others ............ y .................. . or restrictions .............................. ....................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fuily) .... TO .. liAVE .. ·A:.® .. {t'tl .. liQLJ) .. t·~ .. -~esaf:d .. ·tra:o, .. -or ............... .. ··········pe.roel .. ·ot···1and .. ·and···all···pri,.tlege• .. ·an4 .. -appurtenttnoe-s··-thereto····lJeo-· ............ . · · ·······longins'·'t~···the···aa1·4···:t·····v.,,···Ha:rtnah .. ·1ln4 .... i'<l1oe···Harmab:.-···he1n-·'-and ....................... . ········· -ast,ai·s;tu;-.·.·· ···to ···t·htif"··onl;,.··use· ··a·nd···behoo~···toreTel'·•··· ··· ................................................................ .. . . . ' . ,. . . . . . ' . . Exact Description of Property BEGINNING On a etake where L. N • Hall t s . upper line ct:rosses the b:ranoil near the Grindttatf house r"Un8 back dQ\'.fl l to HaU ~!~ 11hlte""oak oorrlt l' 32 pole~ J . thenoe with s~14 li!lt 3 poles to a stake 1n aaid ,_ines; thenee south ·& poles to tbe branoh to a stake; thenoe w1 th 88.14 baok up to said line tho begll'U1ina1 oontai!'d,ng one and touvths e.ores, more .·a _1ess, . ~-~::::];-: Shut B .. 'i; (NORTH CAROLINA) 1. Kind of instrument... ... J)8e,4 ... ~ ... ~lJ.I.'l ...... ..... . c • s • HAJJIAH an4 wU'e JIAE 2. Date of instrumenL .... l,.i..l0•1.9-19 ...................................... .. 3. Consideration $ ... .2100 •. 00 ........................................................ . Mortgagor 4. Maturity date ...... l ... lO•.li2S ................................................. . to 5. Is it properly executed? ··· ···¥ ·••····························· ·········· ·········· ·· 6. Date acknowledged ...... .. 1.•10•.1919 .............................. : ....... . R. A. HALL 7. Before what officer acknowledged ? ....... · .. J .•... .P .•....................... 8. Was privy examination of wife held? ·····················1'·88············· Mortgagee L. lf. HALL 9. Date of filing for record .... ··2"'a5.-I.9·19···········--············--····· 10. Recorded in Book. ......... . J ...................... Page ... ~.-2.88 . ............ .. for ...................... ~ywoo4, ................................... County. NOTE:-ln deeds of trust give name of third party. , 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title? ...... .. ' . ................................. ..... yea ....................................... : ....................... . DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY A&lOIIING tbe l anda ot .K11 · w. H..tU"tN.AR, W • D. MESSER elld O~IOif LUJmlil\ COIDPANY• FIRST. !'R.AC !' .t.. . . . · BEGidiBG on a chestnut on the side of a ridae Md It 61 west 12'1 poles to a black ou tn· the Garner line, 3 poles trom his southeast oorne:J:; thence south 46. west 64 poles to a &take m1t.waJ betw&en 2 leoust poUwttat t .benoe south 61 Baa' 12'1 polea to a smell oheat.tJ;ut in R. llallnah's line& thence lh •6 Jllaat. paeains Hannah's corner • 64 poles to tbe b·eg1.M1ng, oontaintng 50 acn:es more or less, s.rooNl> m.m .~h· . . ' . · :UIGIHbiG on 8 stake • the z.r,.w. o~rne1' ot 31 -of th'e H8.*'t aurveJ •4 :rune wee'ta f)O :poles to l o. 291 thea, . with line Of uo. 29 19 East zo poles to . .wo., 28; ~ben_ oe with .tTo• 281 East 50 .PO_les to No• z:L; wtth the line. of ICh 5 south 4'1 weat .64 poles to the beginning. c ontai.ninr; eo aoree, mo:re or leea • All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sl1cet C BfNlB OF N'ORitl Ct>J«>LINA HAYWOOD OOtll'm ~ Kt-5 . L :R LI?J er , being duly sworn, Aepo~s anti ea.;res Tbat he ts .:t.:J.. 18&1!8 ot ace and hOe been • olt1zen and resident ot Haywood Ootmtw for~I'SJ that be 662 te wtU aoqualntea wlth tbe owner&htp end poaaeeslon of e oa­tat. n traot of lan4 nov1 .owned b'3' I. v. i!ann&'• on4 more parttou­lulr 4escr1 be·4 as follows: BEtl lffll NG s . At . Ooftler 1, a 4n maple blazed end sox· . • n., Cornel* s, a.how11 a.s oorne~ by l• v. tiamlob1 a oornQr ot the, 11• F.. T"~ Tract (25'1) tl1onoe s. 0'1•39 1~ . 12t42 cornor e, a point 1n a line o~ tho J. 'V• Wootly Retre Trao' (~a)j then wttb the ~r . '?• wccer Retn Tra.crt (23&-a) s. G-M E. e.40 comer Sa a 4" chestnut post 1n a mound ot . 8. tO.nEU'It $0~1bid. !i':• lift C~rner 4!.. - bv G&nO Com~:;.. . S . Of t he J• v .• t•OOdJ heirs Tract (255-a); N"t ft•04 Ih 1..•'' coww '• n polni) sn ~ line ot tb' ~r. v. W004J netrs Trnct ( 235-a) 1 thenoe lea Vine; t he 1. v • woo~ Haire Trtlot }236-a) s. 1•45 w. 8,.46 002-ne~ •• a 4" ohe3etnut po at iti . a moutul ot eton.EJe st:rl be4 L. t-r. Cotner at betng cem~r . 4 ot the t.. Itt llall Traot (255) A aot• oheetnut bleMd ana aor1b&4 B. T. t• n. aorner 1•. be&Jta w •. as-oo . Et ~~ ohaia 41stant 1 then wltb the 1.• Nt l!ell Trf1ot (266) s. ~ w. l•BG oorn•n• o, a 4 ·n looust poet ins mound or atqne• 011 t bo !?aat bank or . a branoh &Orl. bG4 t. rr, corn. .o. r . :&t. t llenoe up and W1 th t h& •axul~l'tt . of. the .t+~ an4 ~'<) wt th · tl:l& L.. n, Unll Traot ( 255) u. a&-51 vt. ,.,,o A 'Po1nta N• . 68•50 " • 1,.90 A 'Point; N• 68-46 w. n.s'1 .Colrner· '• a point on th$ North benk of tbe bftnoh &boft a.e oomer i>··.f· t.• u, tit1ll 1 belng .oornoJ< 0 or. the t . Ih ttall 'h'ao'C 255) Sctt a 4" tiswooa poat ln a nwuntl ot atonea .&0!'1 bed Ltlle Oorn(\1* 4, 1 tbeiJOe lea,_ 1ne the b~h an4 leaving the 1., Iq., H4lJ. 11re.Ot ( 25&) w1 th the, J'ttturow ~ !root ( 188) JJ.. 4MG w. De ?6 Ci)l'nOt e, • . pctlnt olt tho Bo)'th '** ,ot a branch $howtl es corner by I •· v. Iionnah1 n ooljler ot t he w, a. am­Mh Tnt.ot· (25') ana of the .-tl)»ow Hannah Tract (288)J t hence leaVing the . .rethrow 'Rf111nab T... re.ot ( 1358) L u1 th t he w. R. Hannah Tre.ol t 257) t1. 3-19 J;. 9•18 The plaoo ot beginn1ng1 oontaln1ns 2lt27 Aoree. :r.v.Hannah At't1ant ~ther eut.ea that :;~, e.n4 t.hoae undp ' --he olaU.t to 'rita t-. N.• Ball* Ct. S~ Hannah, Charl• 0~ . Robe~••l WJ.Uleutl 11'• J'ohlleo-.. ·;r· o,. Carrell• w ~. ~· Hannah1 ~· I• Harmah1 w, o~ Hennah1 H~ lh ~indatatt and .Hanlaoa li~ Caln1•~• have been 1h ·the optn, oonttauou• ·aave~ae and ~­t( JJ'~oua posa•ss1on ot aai ct lana, . under known .and vta1 ble *""'• and beun&t. tor a ptr1o4· ot thirty rear• an4 mo:re1 :eulttvating aame, teldns t.lmber and tS.:rewoo a thel'etrom,. pa.stUl"1ng se~mtt and mekiag such othu usee ot aai-d land as they are . susceptible ot; att1e.nt turther statos t hat he has never heard ot aay OA• t .rowl'.,. as to the t1 tle or to the po&sess1on ot • r por'101\ ot the above described land* ' ~'k·~, 'f' swo~ to and subscribed befol'e me this/ o . iay ot Ootobelr.-,1929 \ \ J i I .! My,n Expires May 27, 1931 1: ·:' " ·j ... ~A!E OF NORTU CAROLitiA ltAYWOOD oomm Aa ~ d: • "u.s flul.y 8t>~O:rn, ;lt)poseEJ f'ri\4 SG¥8 * That bti ie cSK.. ,.e~e Qt e~ and has beon a oltiMn ani ffilidont ot t~otl Court.ty for~lll that ho S.o ·well QOqus.1n.te4 \11th th~ Ot;ttOJ'ahip sna poasss•ion or a oe,. tdn thot ot land now omQ4 ·'b7· I. v. :Hannah, ana more ·Pfll'tlou­lal." lr deco.ri bed as follow~; I.V.Hannah Atf1Jm.t hll'-'heJ- states tl\at 1 aoo tbose nn4e:r whom ho 4l.a1ma, to wit: Lt N, Iiall, c. s . IIrumch, Chal"lea c, Robena, William r • .robllson, :r. e. Cnftell, w. Mt nannah, a. n1 . •1• I ' ·',, Helmah, w, c. Hannah• lit R .. artn4atatt an4 ~t.oa •• n•, haY• ·'-• b the op•u• •••ttliliolls, .,.,._. .. ~4 notol"lOWJ »•••••t• ot aa14 lena, e4et tmowa aatt 'Viable Jnetes u4 l»\Ul411 t• a ptnot .ot th1rtr ~us a.._ MOHJ otdttvattU. .-.. Mld.aa tt..'bet •1'14 ttl'ewoo« theretrosa• pastur11J1 ...,,. atld l'Jialf:­tnc noh Other uet ot M14 ,1an4 u they ·-" a'Qoept'lble OtJ attiut f'a.rther •tate• that he ha$ nevq hear& ot anr ooatl"'V'er•J •• to the t 1 tle Ol' to the po:Qeseion · « m7 portlon ·~ the abOYe desert bel land• STATE OF NORTH CAROLL'l'A HAYWOOD COUNTY ·, I., v. Imnnah~ being duly sv;orn, deposes and says.; That he 1s.f2.£..J Je~s of age, and has been a oi t1zen ~d resident of Haywood County fer /qtJ ye~rs; that he 1t~J weU ao­quail; lted with the ownership and possession or a certain tract o-r l :and purchased by him trom w.. ~~. Hannah and L• Ni Hall, more put1oularly described e.s follows: BEGINl~ING At corner 1 a 4" maple blazed eAd scribed I. H. Cot"'!e:r ~ Shown as o<>rner'' by; I. v. Hannah, . a corner ot the w. Rt Hannah Tract . (257): thence. s, 87•39 E• 12.42 Corn~r. 2 a l(01n:t in the line or the :r, v. Woody Heirs 'l.Te.ct { 235•a) : 'thED oe wt th the :r. v. Woody Heirs ~ct ( 235•«) S·• 6.•34 E' •. 6,40 Corner 3 a 4" chestnut post in e. ltiOund ot stones scribeA w. lh Ool'ner 4. b.eir.1g Corner 2 ot the :r, v • Woody Heirs '.'J,'raot ( l35•a} J thenoe North 71•04 Et 1•9'1 corner 4 . a po:tnt in a lina ot tb.e s • v. Woody Heirs Tract pae~a); thel\¥Je l~Vlng the J• v., Woody Heirs Tract (235-a) s. 1•45 w._ 8.4& cor-ner 5, a 4" chestnut post in a JllGund ot stone·s sor·ibod L. H. comer 21 being corner 4 of the L. llf• Hall, . 'l'raot (255} A. 20" ohef'tnut bl.o.zed EU1d$or1bed lf•T•L•H• Corner 2, bears Jt• 8Z-i!:OO E. •28 ebain distant; thenee with the L. ~r. Hall Tract (255) s. 2•04 VI• lt28 cor-ner 6 . a 4" locust post in a mound of stones on the . "East tank or . a branch soribed L • . H., corner 31 thEme! up and w1 th the meandere or the br.anch . and continuing Vlith the L• N., Hall TPaot (255) 1-h 8$!01151 w.., ~,?o A Point; l'h 68•50 w •.. 1.90 A Point; N. 58•46 w., ta.2'1 corner '1, a point on the North bank ot the branch shown as oor-ner by L. }f. liE.\111 b31ns cot-nor G or the r.. rr. Hall Tract ( 255) set a 4" t1swooa post in a mound or stones .scribed t. B,. Col'%).~r 41 thence leaving the branch and leaVing the L .. N'<t nal.l ~act (25~) with the .rothl'Ow ltannah Traot '(258) N~ :'7~06 w. g:t'l6 Corne:r at a po:tnt on the north bank ot a. bl"tUlC:h shown a.s corner b¥ I • v • J:Iannah, a comer ot t he. w. n._ Hannah i'raot (251') .end of the :rethrot~ Hannah T)-aot (258)• thsoe leaving the .Tethrow Hannah Traet ( 200) w:lth the. lh R• Hannah Tract ( 257) . ~h. 3•18 E • .9 .18 The pl.e.ce or ba~1nn1ng• contain .. ing 21.27 Aores. :£1· I .. \ i ; .' ;f:-' Attlant ~heli' atat•• tha._ he and thoae unt;~e~ Whom he olaims• .t~ wtt, -L~ · N~ · ~11 1 o~ s~ H~nah, o~arlee c., R~borta, WtlUam F~· J'Gbrlat&!J1 I• ~" . O~n1lt --~~- Mi Hannah, G~ H1. Hannah1 ' . .' '.' . "), ' ·. Vi~ c, Hannah.a H;t; il~t Geltute~Ett~ ~dl!a:n-1son H~ Gerner• have been . . . ' ~~ the open• oontuuoua, a4V'erse and notorious possession or said 1an4 \lndGJi ktlovn and vl.slbl$ aetee and bomtda tor a period ot 30 7Gal-~· and mot:ft"J o\11 tl?ating same .• . taklll8 t1mber anci t~nteoocl the!' .. t:rosa, pasturing eame, ud JJ&kitsa aueh othfU" uses of said land aa they 1\ft:·eu.,eeptible ot; affiant turiher states that he has never heU4 Uf e~ntrevers7 at~ to the title or to tho posseu~1~ of any portion ot the abOv$ desorib~d t:rao-. .er·1and,. .;u: {1, ' ., .~~~ My Commissbr. Expires May 27, 1931 . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ---------~~_Q~---------COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ... ct.~ ____ Yt .. ~AlL~-~---w;tt~---~~-~----~------------- __ R~t---D-~.e.1.sna~~-a ___ 11l ..$ VY:_._ _u ______ _ ·---~~q~--~!~---~~--------------------------·-------------------- AFFIDAVIT. ·--------~-~---Q-'~---WI~~L _______________________________________ , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed · for which is registered in the Office of Register of 'Deeds of ... ~~~:~H~·-------------------County, in Book ...... ~l _____________ , Page ___ 5fJ ________________ . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract . hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present tim~ as to the boundaries of said tract of land. -----------M---~---------------------------- • .I Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ft;~~~ My commission expires .. ~P~1 __ ~_Q_,J,_~30 NORTH CAROLINA PARK·COMMISSION -; TAXES - · . _(Fill in ail blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid;'' The use of ditto marks is not permissible). _. ~':~;'he property in question is asse-ssed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ , in the name .................................................................... and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 .. 21.. . ........................... llot .. PatA--------·····--·-··············· 1926... . ................... P.e.1f. ..................................................... . 19 .. 2$. . ........................................········-···········-··· 192l\... . ................... Pa14 ..................................................... . 19 . .2f.. . ................ : ....................... ]? ... , ................................ . 1928... . .................. J! ..................................................... . 19 . .21:. . ........................................ l?att ................................ . 1981... . ................... Pt\l4 ..................................................... . 19 . .!8.. .. ....................................... 1?&14 ................................. . 198)..... . ................... Patel ...................................................... . ASSESSMENTS NONI LES PENDENS NONE MECHANICS LIENS 11 0 lf B JUDGMENTS NONE ii' ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE 'AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title t~ the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ________________ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, . subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. · 2 .. ENCUMBRANCES Dee4. in 'fJ'\llt tl-om c,. 5• .:aennah and wlte . to it. .A. Ha~, · tt"UJ~Jt-t.t. gtvtn ~ secur• tb $Ulll of tal oo.oo. ·•mbl1aoea a portion ot <tUa tract, ud .re-oQrcle·ci t~ ~4 .ot 'h.'ust Book z, J>$8& .288 .. not Q-antele4 or :reol)rct. This ........ :24 ......... day of _____ __ __ Septem'l)e~----·------------------ -----• 1929 .. . Address .... ·------ ---- ---- ---- ----- -----·-------'·--------·-··---- --·--·············-·-··--···· Attorney. 249 251 252 253 264 ;/ 265 / ( J. ·s. Woody 3 room log houne Gld Mill -a-cultivated land (.~30.00 l49.l9 --- -- 100.00 25.00 100.00 900.00 Old Barn / 30 acres 30 acres 4 acres 11 II lit65.0Q Orchard .. @ 100.00 1950.00 ~ ~u. JJ,-1'~,·- 400.0~0~' --·34~7~5~·~0~0-)7 1 -. ,. Jas. 11. hannuh o..> 32.44 - ~ . <~ -' '.: :1 room ·log house ~~~- 100.00 .,.- · Shed 10.00 21 acreo cultivatt>d fields C60.00 1260.00 12·~ acres wo dland C:10.00 125.00 1495.00 ~ov ·. '),._~· j::~~~ ~- ~/~ ~( ~-~ ~- nd C::GO.O . "-..l320.00 . · --~ !;;lo. o o ~.ocr 1835';oo ,0 l!.nck ,; • Ho.nnah CjJ t/;; ' 152.06 110 aaron cultivated land <'60.00 .. . 42 f)orc:s woodland (ao.oo 5 room :frame house ~stall tam 7150.00 420.00 aoo.oo 500.00 loo·.oo lO'J .OO 100.00 100.00 -==:::.;;)mall 1, . rn utld smoke house 2 BL'lall log houses Small :lllrn ~ room boxed hotU:e Apnlo Jio· se and Smoke House 75.00 9345.00 , .,., ;,:eescr v 5:3.96 ·lo -'~• X ., room l oi; houne 100.00 ; . ' "' ,. ~ · ap!Jle house 100.00 Smoke house am1 spring house 50. ;() 10 !l.O!.'<lB tllearcll land ( ~100.00 1000.00 20 ac~cs II " C40.00 soo.oo 14 aoree woodlann . 12.00' 168.0:) ;s room bo:xcd house 1BO.o ~; 2368.00 L. N. Hall 66.42 IX 2 room ooxud house 100.00 3 room loc house 100.00 Apple hoUBe & apr in,-: house 125,00 4 stall <:am 300.00 7 room f:;.·ar:~ ed holllle 1000.00 65 acr ~ e <:ultivated land ,·65.00 4226.00 5850 • .QQ__ 2~y 257 ' I I. v. Hannah x ;:,; room lJ oxed house .• \ Darn 21 norce cmltlvntocl l Hnd ' W. H. }{annah ""..·- · ~ room_ lug house .. , .:.>;1all Jam 7 acres cultivated land 4 aarus uoodlaml. 10.00 Jethrow ~ ~ annuh 2 room boxed houoe l arn uud apple house 21.27 i 'i·, J . · ;jQ,OO 11.19 / I ; 60.00 /J i I I 12.24 • 12 ncrca cultivated hnd · GO.OO 150.00 50.00 6:30.00 100.00 50.00 420.00 40.00 100.00 &u.OO 720.00 1 : ' 8:.>o.oo 610.00 870.00 IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> •

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).