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Cataloochee tract 217: Cataloochee School

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ::. · ~ .·. . .~· .. . ~- .·. SMoK yN/rN.PARI< . CA.TALODCHEFSCHoot. Lor /.2SACRE~ uCALE t•=20CHA/N.S @ ... ,. \ .)I -, SUHYLY o,/!118 · 8Y W.N.S~OAN . . , NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION . ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of .......................................... C .. A .. !: .. A .. .L .. O ... o. .. o: .. a .. Jl-&---·-S···G·ll··-E>-~-0-·L················ ······················································ {217) ······' ··········-····--·························-······-·········:························· Township ········---B--A-.--f--W--0···0··1>-······-·······--·····:·.·············· County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION · DOS& A-11 ••11111 Ia tot• daJIOJ'lp\IQil __... ~4 ~~- .. . ._ rUlGA u4 aD. 411 04101- Ale ._. • · a Gbal,. at 61 Nt. Dmlalla a\ .,,.., a, a 'bee$ pot$ 1a a t.mDftll ot •to••• •n• s. OOP • bei~Vj mn.t 6 ot•• -,.a. Jtall , ,.., CA14) a• ao.-. 6 ot tb1 ~ celclMtU 1li'Mt (fl12-a) . . ~noe \'r.\11 tM J . a. Hall tno\ (216) a. Ol.-60 &. Ooftllll a, • lQ1 .tJa Ole Cldllter u• td 1a1la c...-. ~••• a 01 ~· .1.a. BaU - ' (aa). A it• •~• ~ w1 Ul o14 oo•r •-. on h ,.,, •• of Ittlllan c..-. tlMGA lll ~t•t fl. n.oor .. e. "•• ~h 11-10 VI • • mOb n Clllltaat. ... Oo•t n, a PJl,_ tn tbe Vl3rlte.r 11. r4 1UU. a 0.._ •'- Ua 1*"" •tttt.oa vim o ~ u. ot •• D. 'f. 0.~-.11 ftllo' ,.,_., .-. Wlt J. &. bll · · .,. (BlG). •1· eo ... ., 1 ot the J. a. Ball ~' a . .,.,.., ttae ». w. c:.1 . u ,__., • . A ~~" . •• c llilllltlot .•t.o- •• . ta~~- #gl, _ tct:l'l1!t4 _ -~-,.--· ----------·---.. --------­ ». o. G<W• s. •' co t .uJC, i10&.J8 s. a>-l8 m.. .24 o~:~~&a . ••••• A. 30"' ,,.., ~Ja 'bl:atiGCt • acu•ibJ& n. t . J).o. o_.. J., -. .. ~'• lt-00 • du!la 4ls*' tnt» \hta pea'• :"'"' . . -. ... lo1Wll8 • J. a. Ball ,,.. ' (UiJ• ooaui•sua with u -~ ot bill• o•••• wa• •• ».w. Oa»w.U ~-- (a:JY...a). a. 7a.u L l.ll Oona• •• a PJlfl\ u -. : ter 11• of tall · C"*l t lte 1aM,._ ., .. Wltti a ~- llJO ot au . ·' ~· calAitU ._,., C.~h klq ••• I 01 a• -... 0~11 '*' •& _...I ol t · ». W. OdA.well 1!ao\ (IO?..a), O.Dilt lM.t'f. • _.. alll •• ».w. o.t4•11 ti"&Ot eu1 with . .., til~ 0144\'~Jll bact (21&.a) Shut A •.ara Co.• •r 0. a •• -... ••• ' "•.· ... · *' w a ..,.. o1 ....... ..... . D. O.t a. o~-.. .._., c.u. .. n .,.., taa..J ••••• ·- u.aaw. 708 O.A.TALOOCUE SOHOOL Le'l',. Tract No~ 21.'7 • · · FrQil .the Love eetate down through D. L• ealdwe1l;~ the tl tl.e to th1s Tract ta 'th.e .,.. aa that ot Traot 212-..a;, ThCl1i$$ Caldwe,_l, :r:t will not• theretcwe, be ~epeatod helroin but may be ••en by reference to pages ,;j &,! to ;; '.S ot this Abstract,. The title is ~s~a in the Beard o:r Eduoatton of Haywood O.o'lhlty by Decree of tna Court,t i.n the oase ot 1asa1e QaldweU, et e.J,., and J,s ot RecQrd in ltaywood Co·unt~r., in Peed Book 25,, page 32&~ It CQ11t'1~ SAd apprc>vee .aU p~C)eJtdiJJ.Se leaai~ up to ~e saltt ot th.e tl' herein and declares the Boal'd ot Eduoation ~sted with the tee simple title to the Iaad• hel'etn. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION "l ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed AR Acknowledged EDUOATI ON ot Hayw o()d County • 1. Kind of Conveyance .. P..~-~-;"~~L .. Qt ... O.Ourt ......... . 3. Is it properly executed ..... .¥~-~- ----·· ···· ··························· 2. Date of Conveyance ..U......•...l..4....-..l..9..·. .0....'..1.... .......................... . .4. Date of Entry and No ................................................. ....... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .............. ................... . 6. Acknowledgements, l'egular ·············-----'---······ ·· ···············- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .. ... ......... ..... : ........... ... . 8. Did all gr ant ors a cknowledge .................................. ......... . 9. Date of acknowledgement.. ..... .. : ....... ........... ................. .... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ......... .................. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ......................... ........ .... ... .' ... ... ........ . 13. Does COJlVeyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ··'············-·······-········-····-····-· ·---· -···· ·········--···-- ·· (b) power t o convey ..... ...................... ............ ................ .... . 12. Was order .of probate confr•Iv!!eo, ..... ........... .. 14. Date 25 filmg for record .................... : ... 3~;fi:f· ·· · · ·· ·· -·- ·-· · 15. :0:o~ __ :::::::::::~eyj§:9.4::::::::: .. ~:~~:::::::::c~-~~~;:······· (c) against encumbrances ············-············-··-·············· ····- 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ................................... .... . or restrictions ······ ·····-······-······-···-····-···-··-····-·-····················- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully ) ......... ......... ...................... . Exact Description of Property This cause coming on to oo baa;rd upon tw Pet! tion ot Plaintiffs and the- Rep~t ot A-. M, Richards, M. V • Hannah and John Hall• Commissioners, appointed to l.Qoa~ a solu,)ol s'-te by metes and bouM.s in Cataloochee Townsh!Pt on the lands of the de• fendantst and assess the vel.ue tbereott and the ~eport of said Commissioners show in@ that they led located the scmool site by metes and bounds as dictated b1 an order f'l'om this Court• as tel-lows, to-.:wit:~· · ·- BE1Gnn'IING at a bi}ek:e"ye_-- fiii .tiie- ':f3ank of I D,dlan Creek* at'" ___ ------·--- ~ -~--·- t be tor d and :runs Sooth ~4 degs • w • 17 pc>le e to a stake ; thence North 38 degs• w. lli poles to a sycamore; Thence North ~ degs. West l2i :Pf)les to a stake in Thone a PaJ.mer•·s line; thence; with said 11~ North 81' degs, Eaet 5 poles to a spruce on Indian CreEde~- thence down said Creek 1&! poles to the beginning; oonte.in1tl8 l acl"e 2 rods and S poles_. mare or less, bei ns a p:1rt or the Doctor Caldwell plaoe; And 1:h at they assessed the value of said land at $15.00 per acre, making the entit>e value $25.,25, ..t\nd the said report having been filed in this Court for twenty days, and no e:x:oeption or objeotion having been filed thereto; and it appearing to the Court that the said sum. ot $28.25 is a just and equitable oompetulation tor .said lands as located and COndemned fOr Said SChOOl Ai.tA! ~nil T.h"" a10-fA .,,...,. .,..p ~ Oilt or:,._ __ .. __ Slu~l B •• bf)tn :pa~ d 1n'to CQUlr't 'by the said Beal\'l ot Edueatil!lll ot Haywood oountrt . . .· . . X'l' IS ~It~FOlU&, Ce>n$14e)*ed •· q:rctere4 i A4Ju4$ed ead · ;DeoJte~d' by 1lbe C~t . tha._ the $a;d Repol?t .or eQ!d Appl."a1.ase~e _be • aua tbe. s8Itl• 1J llereby in all :reepeots . :rat1ti•d., app1'0vecl and oon­f~ 1 . an~ $11.4 •t:b,•1 . •~ ~~ a• above Q.e;sol."S:be4 ·is b.e.lfeby cteola:nd ftat-ed 1n tee Simple' 1n eai.d Boa:rd or Education. lT IS FtJ'flrHER cRDERED • .ADJUDGED and DEOHEED . by the Cow.-t that the QQSts .c;t this ac\ion be paid by the Pla:tnttft1 Tbe Bea:td ot Educa'tton t>t Haywr><x\ coun~. · 1'bis the 14th dey ot November, A .. D. 1907. R" A,. L* HYATT t Clerk ot the Superiolt Oowtt ot Haywood County • N • c • NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, } ____H__A__Y__W___O__O__D ;_ _____________ COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO _______ ()_Ql.IlftY __ J:lQARJl __ QF_J®UCAT!-ON ______ , ___________ _ D.ES..lGNA.TED __ Ill _ SJJRVEI __ AS __ ------------~91~9-Q~---~-~---~~---~-~-'--------------------- AFFIDAVIT. ---------~-tg_!_!!~~~----------------------------------------------• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission _ as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds oL ____ ~YW-~.9..~---------------County, in Book _____ ~~----------------• Page _ ~,QQ ________________ . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the- chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made a~ between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or c,ontroversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. ___________ ;¥_:~:--0~------------ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this My commission expires __ p_~~.t_l.,~h_._l_950 " ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION -;.--~ ,~~ ~ - ' . ,CA!fALOOCBI amlotl; • ~. ltft·•llf . . . IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of haa been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : .... ~ ..... .la ... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed he.reon. ENCUMBRANCES This ....... ,lft ....... day of ····---~---·······································• 19 ..• Attorney. Address ....................................................................................... . .· 215 216 . / 217 218 _.,.. Bl4re4ge ~clwe~ U•¥• 9 rooa :tr&llled ),J!Duae 122.98 10 stall bup . .44 x 4.6 2 stall barn ' \ 2 room loe )lo\lSe \ ···.· , 1' 70 aores bottom land ~ ' 33 aoros woodlaDd < 10. ;O Geor,.:e H. aldwell 6 room framed l,ouse ''>arn 150.58 ,./ .~ pp le house t! crib 10 acres cultivated land '· .;}).00 40 aores 'p ·:er fields •.'4 b.OO 100 acres woodland ~10.00 \./ J. H. Hall 121.44 ., . \ (alrea il.y purchased) \ ' Cntaloochee School 3G x 48 f'.r·ancd house Lot 1.25 1.47 / Palmers Chapel Church 30 x 40 fram ed hoUEe lot 219 220 221 / \ /). Jl q I "' Mrs. ;·:. "' . Pn l1~er 145. 66 35 acres bottom laud Gl25.00 1:) acres pasture C; 25.00 99 acres woodlandCl5. 00 20 x 40 ~d store house ,box r.ara.(;esnnd 2 8 room f r rurw(i l1ouse .r.i. h t plal!t house ~3,1c,kc J!o,:s e and Spring h ouse :lor: l:: ap]lle house 50 x 65 barn ::ov. barn . . ~ ~ •, ' 0"·'~ , . H. "• ''' ·lr:Jer . . · · _... IJd"'"' 163.29 ;;u acres b ottoll)..··Iand l l2b.OO 49 acr·as uple,rfd c4o.o .. 4 :•ores u,p:t)cr flat land ' 50.00 60 ucr ·.~ l}-1ioodland - ~": ; 24~- ~tore bldg. old ' arn. <\_ shed ol bux ho~e ;·1. II. Pnlmer 59.15 6 room f 1•aned house 5 s tall bnrn s , ri1l{~ House E.. apple house 54 acres cultivated land ··;:;o.oo 5 acres woodlandl' lO.OO l"l . H • I 'fll m l' 52.06 · r,o,-; house r:. tl hod · J Smoke house am' crib .' ·· , 20 norco oul\ivated fields / ·, 34 acres wood.l aml lilO. :.JQ · bO. OO $1500.00 aoo.oo 100.00 100.00 7500, 00 330, 00 600.00 300.00 71>.00 300.00 1000.00 1000.00 L~· . $10, 330.00 32'15.00 4000.00 4000.00 1200.00 ,/ 125.00 1325.00 1000.00 ... 150.00 1150.00 4375,00 ,, 32!)e00 F ' 1650.00 300.00 50.00 1200.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 1000.00 300.00 9,600.00 3750.00 j 1960.00 200.00 ~0 .0') ~oo.oo ·· 200.00 . 580.oo '7St;o.oo 600.00 .... 300.00 7o.oo 2700.00 50.00 160.00 50.00 1000.00 340.00 3725.00 1540.00 Bryson Cipy,H.C. Oct.~d,I928. .. s.hevillc, ]l oG. Mr.Sloan asked ne to mail you list of ·r... • .. .•.i. .'·. t \ (I Catalo~ohee . \ h .ve bern c.O!'lputed.The \'71th e.rel.1.S :f'ollJWf!:- I • • x~ ..,.. ..! .-_:.:·.:-..-. J .r.~.C a lch'H•ll. o o •.••.•••••.• o • . • 0:· . 75 .nci'f'!'l · · C T 8 94 ,.~ n · ' · · · • • J.J 0 Il£: • . . • • • • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " .. -,-~ ~; ~ .. · ~ ald w All ~cho~l Lot ••• o••·······-2.!6 ~ \ = .. : '/. I.:.(;\<.tton Heirs •••••••••••••• oi7.4! '' · : _.·_.. 1\:e.ri. :::.h J.~. ;_>alJner •.• o • o •••••• o • • 6 7. 24 : ~rs.Lou King tract ~ ! •... ~.o•• 9~.02 II If tt f! }! 2 o o o o o o • o 23 • 5 7 . •I:."i.(~a.ldwcll tr:..:; t T (hOI~.e) ••• I8.GO ·. n " ' ' · 2 • •••..••• 50.~~8 ~·- ·: .. , Jomes Caldwell ................ o ••• !55. 82 _ · · · Jo r~nathan :.voody ,.: I ••........ o 92.-II ' · ! n t~ ••••••••••• 59.,38 ~~ · .... i".~rs. ~-~ . J. /ooc1y !lei.ra •••••• ._ ••• i •• 74 .. ......... ~, • .'1 • ::·.· o '' d;,r • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • •• a. I I 6. I 8 ·.-.. .. h os • C'. a ,.1. ~.· ;·t .·; ..J. ~_.!. . .tI I .-t. (.. :·!••~ n. Jt ,.;- c" "L } • 4. 7 .,5 8 . ... - ... · ·r ·. ': • •, •. •. •. • ••• 46.~7 ,f7o. c·l.,. 'fr....! ~'"\'.; n~· l " !: 1 ~·/' f: ll . !99 00 ""--~::--'' H . .... ..._. e • <,. • .,"1 · '-""' .L\. ' I • . • • •• • • • .. t .. • • • (jt4- Eldrf'ur-e Cc ld7Tell ••••.•.••••• I22. 98 ··~~·~~· Geo. H.Ca.lti\'lelJ. . ....... ... .. ... !50.58 ... . J .F. .. Hall ..• o .• o •• o .• ••••••••• !2I.44 Inc~~ D.i'l C re(• k ~c ho ol lot ••• ·• • • • ! • :.: j :-. ·~·p<:.~ lr~e r s 'Chapel Church lot • . • • • I.i7 . . ~ar~· ·;:.i~. r?ulner •• ~- ••••. o o ••••• I45 •• 6 . . . · '· t'/.1" • .. almer • tr~ot - I ••.•• o •• . •• 52.~0 .Linton Pulrr.or •••.••••••••••• o 47.55 Yourn v~ry t ~ 1 l y, ., It ,, ., W"I :.·•· .• . It ,, If " If II ., " rt !I " " If )( It It traota that -......

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).