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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Bob Becker to Horace Kephart, March 14, 1925

  • wcu_kephart-2023.jpg
  • In a letter to Horace Kephart on March 14, 1925, Bob Becker thanks Kephart for complimenting his “Field and Stream” story on yarn. Mr. Becker read Kephart’s article on the Great Smoky Mountains and makes inquiries about the national park plans. He supports Kephart’s promotional work and wishes he will win the civic service award for his efforts. Mr. Becker also discusses his winter vacation to Louisiana, Florida and Georgia, and regrets not being able to visit North Carolina.
  • THE WORLD'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER TRIBUNE SQUARE CHICAGO Ma roil 14th .''■' •' : £J Desr Friend Kephart l appreciated your kind note the Field and Stream yarn . It was very ni to say such nice things about such a simple I thought it rather orderly of the editors to effort so soon as your complete, informative about the ~>mokeys . I read that with a great interest and how it did gi&e me the "urge " about e of you story. run my article deal of T How are the plans for the "park: coming along ? ^e hear discouraging reports up here , You have done a wonderful piece of promotional work and I sincerely hope that it will be crowned with complete success. Incidentally, I am pulling for you to win the civic service award . You deserve it . Mrs. Becker and I speak many times of our delightful days in Bryson City when we were exploring. This winter we visited Louisiana and Florida as -well as Georgia hut lack of time prevented our original plans from working out so that we didn't come home by way of ITorth Carolina , worse luck:. Slnd regards £o yourself and say hello for us to our friends.