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Western Carolina University (20) View all

Laura Kephart to Leonard Kephart, March 14, 1934, page 1

items 1 of 6 items
  • wcu_kephart-2111.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Dear Leonard, If you have any letters from Bryson, about your father’s affairs, will you please send them to me. If no letters, let me have any information that may have come to you. Please tend to this at once. We have been hearing rather regularly lately from George Mack. He feels that he won’t use his tool very much from now on, & wants you children to have what you want, if you will pay the freight. I have asked him to make an inventory, send it to me & I would type carbon copys, so you could mark what you would like, if anything. He hopes you or the Rileys can get out his way. Fritz Fernows wife died about ten days ago; cancer of the spleen; it pressed on the stomach so she could not swallow. We here have all kept well except for a small snuffle now & then. Roy & Horace have just had intestinal flu. The Birds were there yesterday; R. was back in school but H. was pretty miserable yet. They seem to be very susceptible to this trouble. Too much German cooking? Guess anything German is too much these days. Perhaps it is not necessary to go so far afield to find dubious conditions. The Sun Herald Tribune had a review of a pamphlet by

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).