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Laura Kephart to Leonard Kephart, March 14, 1934, page 2

items 2 of 6 items
  • wcu_kephart-2112.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Andrew D. White. It was written long ago but dealt with the inflation question, as if written today. I would like a copy of the reprint published by this “literary executor”, Prof. Burr, but it costs $.60. Can’t even write so large a sum correctly! No S.O.S. was sent my from W. Plains as has been usual when things went wrong. We are out just now & the Maisch’s are in. Poor George, it makes our hearts ache to look at him. We had a days visit from Julia & a few minutes of Howard. He had to be in N.Y. for a meeting & left J. with us. They were here two nights. Their auto was stuffed to the limit with potatos etc. from them & pie, dresses for B. & P., and other things from the Fernow. Everything was in pairs – one lot here, one for George. A letter from Cornelia yesterday. She says that politics and the possible presence of Dillinger in their neighborhood is of no interest compared to the School Play. “All of Bailey School is in it.” Jeanette was a fairy and Susie the “second tinkling water.” The Supt. of the Chappagua schools gave Marny’s room an “experience test.” Her teacher told B. that no report was made of these tests, “but I must tell you how remarably Margaret did. I knew she would do well, but Mr. Bell & I were amazed. She was easily the best. Roy had work at the Girl Scout Camp for several months. Then money got short and the Supt. (a German) let R. go, but kept a nephew-in-law who

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).