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Y. M. C. A. and its work in Canton and the community

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  • THIS PAPER MADE IN CANTON, N. C. THEYJ.C.A. (Continued from page 1) townsfolk who rely on the V. M. C. A. for leadership and privelcge. For some proof of its workings and accomplishments let us study- its activities by departments with due consideration and respect for those in charge of the different fiields of activity. The Religious It is quite surprising to learn that 214,812 persons took part in V. M. C A. activities here during I lie last ten months. These figures have just been given out by the association secretary and proves in a more substantial way the place the Y holds in this community, Taking the activities by department and glimpsing at some of the inner-workings we find that approximately 2000 people attended religious gatherings that were held under the supervision of the Y during the last ten months. Perhaps the most important series of n%-etings conducted during that period were the weekly, and sometimes daily, shop meetings held in the plant. Ministers of the town co-operated earnestly in this field of work and the influence and teachings therein were beneficial and lasting. The young men's Y club, a christian organization of young men, which held weekly meetings at the Y is another instrument for good in the community. The club was organized two years ago by W. E. Jones, then secretary of the association. Its Front and side view of the residence of Harley E. Wright, publisher of llie Canton Enterprise, built of native stone secured from the hillsides along Pigeon River, Canton, N C. Choicest Meat Cuts COST LESS HERE THAN ELSEWHERE Delicious, always fresh and tender, the best quality meats at the very lowest prices is our policy. Compare our prices MEDFORD'S MARKET motto, "Friends of Youth Thru Christianity," is proof enough of its worth. A bible class for boys of 1(1 to 16 years of age. is held each Sal- unlay morning in the building The record of the Y .shows 'JO'JT boys having attended these Sat- urday Bible classes since Mr. Brown took charge of activities. The Physical Under the leadership of Earl Price who became acting physical director when Walter Brown moved into the secretorial job last July, the physical department has been very active and one of the biggest indoor programs ever staged here was promoted under Price's supervision. The departments records show 98,572 persons taking part in and witnessing athletic contests of the Y. M. Q. A. The program for the past ten months included baseball basketball, volley ball, gym classes, horseshoes, swimming and bowling. The V baseball team won the industrial League flag last season under the management of physical director Price. The basketball teams won a wide reputation during the past winter months for being strong and clean teams. The men had one of the fastest and best quints in the state. The Y girls won added fame by running their string of of consecutive Twins to HO out of 91. Only one game has been lost by the wonder sextet in four years. Educational The educational department of the Y. M. C. A. reported an attendance of 9,250 at all vocational and misccllneous classes held in the class rooms of the building. The vocational education classes are conducted thru the co-opcra- I tion of the Champion fibre Company in order itlhat their employees may be better trained in their jobs. This department is under the direction of J. ,\. Spawn. Social One of the most important activities of the Champion Y is its social department. The attendance at social gatherings and entertainments for the ten months period has been approximate 50,000. The Friday night movies, mill parties, banquets, public and private gatherings arc all included in this statement. Wonder what these 50,000 persons would have done if the Y. M. C. A. had not been here to grant them these privileges? Boy's Work The boys work division saw 2027 boys, under 18 years of age, meeting in Bible study and Boy Scout meetings. Many of these youngsters are practically developed and trained physically, mentally and morally through the efforts of the Y workers. This division takes care of several under privileged youths and no boy is ever neglected or deprived of exercise and teaching because of his social rank oi privelege in life. A welcome awaits them all and much good is done therein. The writer feels safe in saying tliat the Champion Y has put more boys on the right track and made more young lives happy than any other organization in the town and county. Y Thus an institution lives in Can- .ton and community that ranks foremost among the state and nation. And of this fact every citizen should be proud and should support the Y whole-heartedly at al ltimes.

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