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Western Carolinian letter to the editor by C. Mark Knecht

  • hl-westerncarolinianclipping-1985-09-26-vol50-no07-05-01.jpg
  • This September 26, 1985 Western Carolinian letter to the editor by C. Mark Knecht in support of Lavender Bridges is in response to the previous week's columns by Robb Schrof and Billy Graham. Lavender Bridges, an anonymously founded student organization open to all individuals, aimed to promote awareness of lesbian and gay lifestyle, provide lesbian and gay resources, and increase communication with all students and community members. The first organizational meeting took place October 10, 1985 and was officially recognized by the office of Student Development on December 13, 1985. The last mention of the group appeared in the October 10, 1991 issue of the Western Carolinian.
  • LETTERS Dear Editor: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Three thoughts: 1. Stereotypes were designed to be shattered. Billy Graham's closing two paragraphs in the last edition of the Carolinian did more to change my stereotype of "frat boys" than anything else in my previous 28 years of living. (19 isn't an end in gets better yet). If what he said could be seen as representing a sort of collective conscience of fraternity members then I can do more than just tolerate them. I can respect them and be glad for their presence. 2. Robb Schrof is correct. There aren't enough jobs between Murphy and Asheville to support all the heterosexuals graduating from WCU each year. Being an alien to this conservative's heaven myself, I can assure you that the rest of the world is not like Cullowhee. Out there homosexuality is not met with giggles, dropped iaws or explicatives. You do that and people look at you like Nerdsville. Besides, what better place to start adjusting to the realities of the world than the relatively safe environment of school? Let's grow a little as human being while we're here. Let's show our support for the Lavender Bridges group. 3. Putting Billy Graham and Robb Schrof side by side was a master stroke. Together they're the best read in the paper. C. Mark Knecht