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Western Carolinian letter to the editor by Lavender Bridges co-chair

  • hl-westerncarolinianclipping-1986-01-30-vol51-no02-04-01.jpg
  • This January 30, 1986 letter to the editor signed "Co-Chair, Lavender Bridges" addresses the front-page article in the Western Carolinian from January 23 titled "Addressing gay concerns: Lavender Bridges recognized." The author was misquoted in the article and wishes to set the record straight. Lavender Bridges, an anonymously founded student organization open to all individuals, aimed to promote awareness of lesbian and gay lifestyle, provide lesbian and gay resources, and increase communication with all students and community members. The first organizational meeting took place October 10, 1985 and was officially recognized by the office of Student Development on December 13, 1985. The last mention of the group appeared in the October 10, 1991 issue of the Western Carolinian.
  • Dear Mr. Editor, I'd like to calf your attention to the significance of language and the importance of the use of particular words to convey the intended meanings of one person (or group) to another. Specifically, I refer to the article about Lavender Bridges in your January 23 issue. The only quotation in the article was carefully planned and the words were carefully selected with the intention to convey clearly that this orgainzation would NOT address "specific concerns of sexual orientation" more than broader concerns affecting all individuals in a society regardless of one's sexuality. I am adamant that if you are to quote an individual (and in this particular case you were able to copy from a written quote) their specific selection of words must be considered and carefully conveyed. On behalf of Lavender Bridges, I will reiterate the specific and correct quote that was Western Carolinian (704) 227 7267 Western Carolina University PO Box 66Culiowhee, North Carolina 28723 The WESTERN CAROLINIAN is published weekly by the Publication Board of Western Carolina University. It is an independent student publication intended for the article: "While Lavender Bridges specifically addresses the concerns of lesbian and gay students, attendance is not a reflection of sexual orientation. The group wishes to extend an invitation to any individual who is interested in learning more about the issues surrounding a lesbian or gay lifestyle. In addition, sexual orientation is not the only area of one's lifestyle. We assume labels only to begin defining and clarifying for ourselves and others who it is that we really are. For gay people, this mea ns eve n creati ng new words or using old words for newer concepts. We are no more strictly sexual beings than bisexuals or heterosexuals. What we are though, has been overshadowed by the labels which have been used to create frightening myths about us. Sincerely, Co-Chair, Lavender Bridges