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William W. Stringfield to President Andrew Johnson, June, 1866, page 1

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  • wcu_highlights-270.jp2

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  • [June, 1866] To His Excellency, Andrew Johnson President of the United States. Your petitioner, a citizen of the county of Jefferson, state of Tennessee,would respectfully ask the interposition of Executive Clemency in his behalf, in so much as he is excluded from the benefits of the Proclamation of Amnesty of May 29th 1865, by reason of being at that time under an indictment for treason and being under bonds to appear before the United States Court for the Eastern district of Tennessee. Your petitioner would like to say that he was not excluded from the benefits of the Amnesty Proclamation upon an other grounds, or by any other clause beside the one above noticed , having held the “inferior position” of Lieut. Col. in the late Southern or Rebel army, and not having done anything while in said army that would exclude him from the benefits of said amnesty. Your petitioner would further beg leave to say that he applied for Pardon on the 30th day of June 1865, having previously taken the Oath of Amnesty as required, a copy of which is herewith enclosed, never having heard from said application, he now renews it, hoping for an early an answer as circumstance will approve. Finally your petitioner will say that since his release from arrest he has been quietly pursuing his business

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).