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Western Carolinian Volume 78 Number 03

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  • WESTERN CAROLINIAN March 2, 2012 Heather Crawford Contributing Writer A forum for students to meet with Western Carolina Universitys dining staff for a discussion regarding the food services currently of- fered on campus was held on Feb. 23 in the A.K. Hinds University Centers Multi- -purpose Room. -. The forum gave students a chance to voice their opin- ions and concerns about the food services. { I want to develop a re- lationship with the students so that they feel comfortable -confronting us, said John Crowe, senior food service director at WCU. We want to hear what students have to ; say about what they like, and *were very concerned about what they dislike. Several students noted ithat Zoca was their least fa- vorite, and they believe it -would be best to replace it. * We are currently ex- ploring alternate options for Zoca, Crowe said, When junior Caleb Gray mentioned that the salads that are offered in the Uni- *versity Center are delicious but too expensive, Crowe re- sponded with a proposal that he felt was even better. ' Just last week myself and a few staff members went to view an entirely new salad concept. Were looking for a new addition, and feel that a Chop Salad might even replace the salads all: When using the Zay, Loxby's Franchising, Inc, doe locations. Must prese | oo NEWS ee NEWS 8 a et Food Services dining forum appeases students appetites . PHOTO BY RALEN QUINN a, Students were able to voice concerns about current food services offered at WCU on Feb. 23. Upcoming dining changes were also announced. together, Crowe said. It will be similar to the restau- rant called Chops. We are currently looking for a po- tential partner to franchise with over this. In addition to the replace- ment for Zoca, the dining service staff aims to install a milkshake machine called FReal by the end of this school year. The machine will be located downstairs in the University Center. Offer only valid at this location: 284 E. Main St. Sylva 828.631 onal firewall soft ram and has no liabil e. Ifyou are a corporate user, please check with your IT department before changing a Students were also able to ask questions at the forum. Why doesnt Aramark create a deal with Mad Bat- ter and Subway so that we can use our CatCards there too? asked Andy Miller, a senior at WCU. According to Crowe, state law prohibits Aramark from allowing students to use their meal plan at a private busi- ness, unless that business is affiliated with campus din- ing services. The legislator and attorney general make the decision of who dining services can partner with and because WCU is holding the money purchased for meal plans, it is against regulatory statutes to use a CatCard at other businesses. - When students began dis- cussing the inconvenience of going off campus for a late- night meal, Resident District Manager Todd Littrell stated that the dining staff has be- gun discussing fall hours of operation for the dining hall upstairs. - The hours will be Thurs- day, Friday, and Saturday from 11 p.m, - 2 a.m., Lit- trell said. A proposal has been made to keep Einstein Bros Bagels open until 6 p.m. for the fall, and after Gray asked if Einstein Bros. could stay open for lunch on Saturdays next year, the response was that it would be taken into consideration. Hunter Ford, a junior at WCU, commented on how he disliked the taste of the sauce that is sometimes on the burgers upstairs in the dining hall. One of the cool things about upstairs is that the food is being prepared in front of everybody, and those em- ployees take great pride in working for the University, replied Crowe. They want to keep you happy, so call them out by name and let them know what you are looking for, and they will do their best to serve your spe- cific needs. Aside from suggestions and complaints, there were also many compliments that the dining staff received. T really appreciate the ladies at the cash registers in the dining hall. They re- ally make that extra effort to make your day, Gray said, ' . A second upcoming op- portunity to speak with the dining service staff will be held during the next advi- sory council meeting, : We are so open to ex- ploring options for new products. Make friends with the folks from dining ser- vices, ask for the manager on duty, and express your concerns on a comment card. We do actually read the cards and respond to them, Crowe said. ae 3100 LAXBY'S ny settings on company-owned compute express or implied, for any damages that may occur, now orin the future, to any consumer's computer using this Vi er offe by's Franchising, Inc. Zaxbys is a registered trademark of Zaxbys Franchising, Inc.

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