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Western Carolinian Volume 78 Number 03

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  • THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN SERVING LAE .@ULuUOW HEE AREA SEN CE Volume 78, Issue 3 WCU students to see 13 percent tuition increase Caleb Gray, Staff Writer Governors met in Chapel Hill amongst angry. rioting university students to determine the tu ition increase for the UNC System. Western Carolina Universitys Board o Trustees, accompanied with Student Govern ment Association Student Body President TJ . Eaves, attended the meeting to propose the plan to raise tuition by 13 percent for West- erns 2012/2013 academic year. The proposed proposed percentage because of the sea stu- dent voice at WCU. ( _. The President of the University of North Carolina, Tom Ross, adopted the plan. WCUs proposal was the only proposal adopted as is by Ross. Not all universities in the UNC System re- _ took each university individually and recom- mended an increase percentage based on the ' universitys unique situation. At the meeting Eaves and UNC Chapel Hill : SGA Student Body President, Mary Cooper, quality of education given to UNC System stu- _ dents. Cooper spoke about the importance of | financial aid. the board will not be sent to North Carolina legislature for final approval. WCU students should be aware of by fol lowing: The eH opesed 13 a Portfolio of teaching materials and then we Dairy Queen coming, gas Stations being remodeled Read more on Page 2 For Up-To-Date News, visit Previews on the golf and track teams ? Read more on Page 8 Ce 3s March 2, 2012 ERS oe fs Phncns aaeahs'ehad viedo dadAs seeped Wiaathanstan mQsiay Cat ants ducth Shiao hes asian i Aa CARmR vanes ins aOR ANS EARLS ONG vin Leesan sock NaVedvs Nea edang EPR ES RARE Se UR ROY ACAI Ss ASSEN CRN Regn bec Prag 1a) Ra ay be (20 | Uke ara daa lA eR aR Soha Cg Sa VOR ie NE OR SCti ) New tailgating policy at WCU drafted Read more on bas 6 Lex Menz, News Editor Five Western Carolina University profes- sors have been announced as finalists for the . _Chancellors Distinguished Professor Award. Jeanne Dulworth, Rebecca Lasher, Don Liv- ' ington, Alvin Malesky and Wes Stone were _ nominated by students for their outstanding ns sealer ; teaching in and outside the classroom. tuition hike was 4 percent lower than the initial | Laura Cruz, who leads the award commit- _ tee for this year, said the voting was different _ this time because it was online, which made _ Student participation higher. | We had record numbers of students par- : _ ticipating in the nomination process with the | _ new integrated awards voting system, Cruz | ' said. We received 1376 student nominations ceived the same tuition and fees increase. Ross ' for the awards this year. To put this in context, ' it is rare for any university teaching award to _ reach even 200 nominations. ' Mimi Fenton, who is the chair of the com- | mittee and: received the award in 2003, said _ that finalists must not only be nominated, by _ both spoke to the trustees and Ross. Eaves students but also have a nomination from fac- | emphasized the importance of protecting the _ ulty, Its a really prestigious award, Fenton said. Its wonderful to get, I always learn a lot. i _ doing this. It makes me a better teacher. The Board of Governors voted in favor of Rosss recommendations. The proposal from _ Cruz explained that the committee created to determine the receiver of the award is made up of both students and faculty. To determine _ the winner, said Cruz, Finalists must submit percentage was proposed by Eave: after hold- es ing several student forums on the issue. In-state undergraduate tuition will be increasing 13 percent ($399), and manda. tory fees will be increasing 5 percent ($139). Therefore, in total, tuitien and fees will be in- creased 9 percent ($538). need based financial aid, and 5 percent of the increases will go to merit based financial aid. ition increases, I wish that tuition would not ition and fees increases are necessary to pro- lature are forcing these tuition increases and bodys wallets. Education should be a bigger Western Carolinian earns state college press honors priority for the State of North Carolina. Dance scholar to discuss book March 15 WCU News Services 1D. tion to the primitive in her choreography, ac- cording to the Yale University Press website. Womens Radio has posted part one and part two of an interview with Schwartz and her co- _ author Murry Schwartz. The Commonwealth Journal also posted online an interview with | the authors conducted by Rachel Rubin. _ For more information, contact Karyn Tome- : zak, director of the dance program, at 828-227- 3672 or ktomezak@weu. edu. SSS Join the Conversation: NWNMNNAHHMMEEAAENEALAHAAANH HEE NEENEEEEER IN pdErdd 0) SSASAAAAGOG NGG Nv dy PNA 07 and public affairs. ' Dulworth is a ee in the social work: department and has been at WCU since 2000. After I received my masters degree in so- cial work, said Dulworth, I came to WCU : : - to see about teaching adjunct. I was able to Also, 25 percent of the increases will go to qo that for two years, and then was hired on - full time in 2000. Teaching has always been a, love of mine. Both of my parents retired from) Eaves commented on his personal feelings | teaching so you can say its in my blood. about the Board of Governors meeting and tu- - Dulworth, whose inspirational teacher was _-wcu professor Dr. Mwaniki, said that there increase one dollar. But the facts are that our jase THRs important skills she wants her ve university has been cut over $30 million over Pdensetacake away from her classes. the last three years by the state legislature. Tu- - Improved communication skills, the abil- ' ity to think critically and have a better under- - tect the quality of education that we receive standing of who they are a person, here at Western due to these cuts. The problem = pp. most important lesson students have - is the cuts that are being made by state legis- she said) taught me is to stay passionate. Even when I am having an off day, I can get a pick-me-up taking the money directly out of the student | A aes : Jeanne Dulworth Lasher also teaches in the social work de- partment. She became a ane professor in August 2008. Twas absolutely humbled and honored to receive the news, Lasher said, It is a thrill for me to be nominated. | : College students in social work are so mo- tivated and excited about changing the world, she added. I believe that teaching students to join this profession is the one way I can have an overwhelming impact on the future of soci- ety for many generations to come. Lasher said her goal in the classroom to get across to her students how much she cares for their success. See AWARD, Page 2 touch me with their inquisitive nature and re- mind me to love life and laugh often! 5 Five professors recognized for top-notch teaching On Feb. 17, the North Carolina Board of - Wes Stone Rebecca Lasher From Wire Reports The Western Carolinian was honored with five press awards from the North Caro- _ lina College Media Association at their an- _ nual conference in Winston Salem on Feb. 18. The newspaper received an honorable _ mention in the associations best of show Visiting scholar Peggy Schwartz, an award- . winning professor of dance and former direc- tor of the Dance Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, will discuss a book she co-authored, The Dance Claimed Me: A | Biography of Pearl Primus, in Niggli Theater from 12:35 to 1:50 p.m. on Thursday, March newspaper category in the large school divi- sion ~ universities with 6000 or more stu- dents. Four Western Carolinian staff mem- bers also took home individual awards for work completed in the 2011 calendar year. The state college media association rec- ognizing the newspapers work is very re- . - warding and is an outside validation of the The biography chronicles the life of Pri- | mus, who entered the dance scene in 1943 with works that incorporated social and racial protest into the dance aesthetic. The dancer | presented authentic African dance to Ameri- can audiences, married a white Jewish man during a time of segregation and faced opposi- _ quality of work I already know my staff can do, Western Carolinian Editor-in-Chief Justin Caudell said. Contests such as these are very competitive, and we are always up against universities with newspapers that are often bigger in staff and funding. The Western Carolinian competes in the same contest division as UNC Chapel Hill, N.C. State University and Duke, to name a few. Katherine Duff Smith, WCUs assistant director of student. media and marketing, said she could not be happier with the news- . papers recent success. 1m very proud to see the Western Caro- linians hard work recognized, Smith said. J think its especially noteworthy that the staffs work is recognized nationally and at our state level and Im pleased that the North Carolina College Media Association has seen fit to honor them. Western Carolinian staff members recog- nized with individual awards were: Tyler Auffhammer, a freshman major- ing in secondary English, received a feature writing award for articles in the newspapers Before They Were Educators series. Caudell, a senior majoring in journalism and political science, received an opinion writing award for a series of editorials and a news writing award for coverage on voting irregularities in a campus election. Caleb Gray, a junior majoring in English with a concentration in professional writing, received a news writing award for coverage on Western Carolina Universitys finances. Alexa Menz, a junior majoring in English with a concentration in literature, received a news writing award for coverage on voting irregularities in a campus election. The state press awards continue a three- year streak of honors for the Western Caro- linian. The newspaper received two national . Associated Collegiate Press awards in fall 2010 (their first national honor), a national College Media Association award in spring _ 2011 and has been a finalist and honorable mention for five different awards by the two associations since spring 2009. os NAME: ADDRESS: _. ESS. CITY: =. STATE: fees =PHONE: A al v SS Twitter: @WCUsNewspaper meaty ammnmsnn wane iain anaheim in ean anoint iiehnin) ? ih * SCAND Subscribe Today! ZIP: Facebook: shiw Gcehook eoranucuneNds. SAAN AHHWHN 7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES $30 for North Carolina addresses _ $45 for other addresses MAIL PAYMENT TO The Western Carolinian PO Box 66, Cullowhee NC 28723 i SS SS Website: if

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