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Western Carolinian Volume 78 Number 03

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  • Page 3 - WESTERN CAROLINIAN March 2, 2012 NEWS Western alum and wife to open bakery in downtown Sylva : Tyler Auffhammer, Staff Writer: For Sylva residents yearn- ing for the smell of fresh - baked baguettes and crois- sants, they will have the op- portunity to indulge in their ? pastry of choice soon enough. Chad and Heather Kindy are -hard at work on Sylvas new- ~ est business, the Mainstreet Bakery and Caf. After Annie and Joe Ri- Stota decided to close the retail portion of Annies Naturally Bakery last November to fo- cus on their wholesale busi- ness, downtown Sylva lacked the familiar smell of hot Reu- ben sandwiches and biscotti. Luckily for residents. and visitors, the Kindys, both for- mer Annies employees, have "purchased the business space. They intend to build on the solid foundation that Annies created. We didnt flat out pur- - chase the store from Joe and Annie, buteAnnies Bakery - is definitely our inspiration, : said Heather Kindy, who started at the local bakery in 2005, working virtually ev- t ery department except for the actual baking of the bread. When Heather hurt her leg skiing, Chad covered for WCU construction taking shape Lauren Gray, Staff Writer Western Carolina Univer- sity is one of the only uni- _versities in the UNC system that has toom for growth and_ expansion. WCU has numer- -.Qus construction projects go- : Ing on, two of them being for renovations on Harrill Hall _and the newly constructed _ _ Health and Human Sciences _ plans to be available for the _fallsemester. According to Wiley Harris, _ WCUs engineering supervi- C sor, Facilities Management _and Residential Living are _ working with the contrac- tor and designer to bring this . Project in on time. Contrac- . tors are fully aware of the im- _ portance of meeting the Aug. 2 completion date. ., The Harrill project has . been impacted with the weather to some degree, but _the majority of the work is _within the building, so they are able to work no matter the _ weather. Harris also noted that the new Geo Thermal wells have been also been impacted to some degree. With the un- _ usual weather this winter, the contractor and employees are . working around the impact it _ has caused. WCU is still within bud- vet for both projects. While a portion of the budget and tu- ition increases will go to con- struction, the contractors and WCU intend to remain within : budget. WCU expects to get LEED

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