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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 14

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  • Page 5 WESTERN CAROLINIAN November 11th, 2011 FEATURES Former student's broadcasting career began at Western Carolina Asia Buss, Contributing Writer Paul Turner, a UNC Asheville graduate who got his start at Western Carolina University, now thrives as a television broadcaster in Philadelphia, Pa. Before transferring to UNC Asheville, Turner at- tended. WCU from 1986 to 1988 and majored in Radio Television. While reminisc- ing on his time in Cullo- whee, Turner said it was hard to move away from the university. I grew up in the area and I thought it was just a beautiful part of the coun- try, Turner said. I thought it was an amazing place that had everything you need. He added that he misses living in a place that allowed him to experierice the small town feel, yet still have ac- cess to a city as big as Ashe- ville. _ While Turner felt the area had a positive effect on his college experience, he - also recalls professors who helped him realize his dream of being a television broad- caster. Turner mentioned Richard Gainey who was - head of radio TV depart- * ment, J.C. Alexander who taught broadcast ethics, and - John Williams who worked with him in the radio pro- gram as influential figures while at WCU. Although his professors - directed him, Turner said the experience with the college radio station (Power 90.5) PHOTO SUBMITTED Paul Turner Sib attended WCU spain 1986-1988 and winked at the university s radio station, has worked across the U.S. as a hrbiidoasten fbiped nin hes most with his current career. He was given the opportunity to learn about his career even before graduating college. The hands-on experi- ence they offer really puts the college above and be- yond, Turner said. After + speaking with many college students around the country who were not given the oppor- tunity to work hands-on, Turner praises WCU for their unique programs and encourages students to take advantage of them. While Turner currently resides in Philadelphia, he - has returned to his home- town near, WCU and. is sur- prised at all of the changes that have taken place on campus over the years. The last time he returned to the WCU atea was in 2007 for a high school reunion. IT was blown away by all of the changes I saw on campus, he said. I think the changes will attract more ee and: make it devel- - op. into a major university. Before settling into his current career, Turner jumped from different jobs such as a disc jockey on a radio station and doing voiceovers for Fox Sports. Turner began an image work company in 1991 and has since lived inj cities such as Detroit and Tampa . He con- siders himself, lucky to have been successful in his new career early on. I met the right people Turner said. and was able to latch onto a career in the beginning, a As he remains with his own company, Turner also receives exciting and some- times odd audition proposals from his agent in New York. TJ get to audition for things Ive never done be- fore, such as a cartoon, Turner said. One of the most excit- ing jobs he had was being the voice announcer for the Howard Stern Show. He en- Tuesday is WCU L Da fudents and Facu ty fee Offer only valid at this location: 284 E. Main St. Sylva + 828.631. ranchising, Inc, Zoxby's iso registered trademark of Zaxbys Franchising, Inc. i service, The hotspot is provided free of charge and as joys all of the diversity his job exposes him to. He, adds that other than the constantly changing opportunities, his job allows him to have a flexible schedule that he can adjust to his needs. After discussing all of the positive aspects of his, career, Turner said that ery job has a con if you look hard enough. He says that the hardest part of a performance career is that you have to put on a happy face at all times. Even if you feel sick or some- thing, Turner said that you have to act like everything is alright when you perform. While Turner was forced to move for his career, he says advancements in tech- nologies now allow broad- casters to work anywhere even their own basement. He was required to move to be successful and adds that he had to be next to a met- ropolitan city at the time in order to have the technology ' to work. Now, broadcast- ers can obtain the necessary equipment such as a micro- phone and a computer to hold a successful career. Wanting to advise stu- dents who are leaning to- wards a career in television broadcasting, Turner said the best thing to do is to get some experience, you, need to have a sense of what the job requires of you. He also encourages students to be strong and. patient in the beginning as they are jump- ing from job to job. 3100 LAXBY'S are c corporate user, please check with your IT department before changing any settings on company-owned computers. This restaurant is licensed by Zoxbys Franchising, Inc, f or implied, for any damages that may occur, now or in the future, fo ony consumer's computer using this Wi-F

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).