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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 14

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  • November 11th, 2011 WESTERN CAROLINIAN Page 4 CAMPUS VIEWS Our Take Think of those who served today Today, 93 years ago, fighting came to a halt on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in what was called the war to end all wars. Armistice Day, as it was known at the end of World War I, was proclaimed to rec- ognize the temporary end of fighting between the Allied: nations and Germany. After World War II and the Korean War, Congress changed the name of the observance to Veterans Day to honor American veterans of all wars. But the purpose remains much the same as President Woodrow Wilson intended when he issued the declara- tion for the observance. He said the day should be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the countrys service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and . because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations... Residents of Cullowhee, Jackson County and other _ _ Western North Carolina communities in a variety of ways recognize the sacrifice, courage and commitment of our veterans and that of service members still in harms way in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world. This recogni-_ tion serves as a salute, a gesture of appreciation that can never be fully adequate. In the last several years,.the efforts have included the contribution of tens of thousands of dollars to Honor - Flight to fly send hundreds of Word War II veterans to Washington, D.C., to see their war memorial. Likewise, contributions from the community over the years have built numerous monuments and memorials locally to honor veterans from around the area. Events are also held annually at area community centers to hon- or those who have served. ce In these ways and others we humbly acknowledge the debts we owe to those who came home, often severely wounded in body and spirit, and to those who left home, never to return. Whatever your schedule is today, take a moment to think of those who have srved and those who are still serving at home and abroad. Ours Justin Caudell, Editor-in-Chief 103 Old Student Union Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 828-227-2694 Katherine Duff Smith, Adviser 109A Old Student Union Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 _ 828-227-2195 | Ryan Alexander, Sports Editor Lauren Gray, Staff Writer Caleb Gray, Staff Writer Ryan Michaud, Staff Writer Mike Hill, Staff Writer Tyler Auffhammer, Staff Writer Allison Adkins, Contributing Writer Jared Gant, Contributing Writer Bayleigh Davis, Contributing Writer , Jared Ponton, Contributing Writer Asia Buss, Contributing Writer Carvan Craft, Contributing Writer David Myers, Designer Kalen Quinn, Photographer Ceillie Simkiss, Photographer Jeffery Wilson, Cartoonist Cory Radosevic, Distribution The Western Carolinian P.0. Box 66 Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 Cartoon WHEN YOU GO HOME, Quotable | We are just getting nervous with the lack of news and we dont want to move on without the university, but its taking a long time. - University Club President-elect Dr. Peter Tay. TELL THEM OF US AND SAY: "FOR YOUR TOMORROW _WE GAVE QUR TODAY, Ryan Michaud, Staff Writer On Monday, Oct. 24, Chancellor David Belcher announced that Chip Smith - would no longer be serving Western Carolina Univer- sity as its athletic director. On Oct. 31, interim. direc- tor of athletics Fred Cantler announced that Matt, Paw- lowski would no. longer be serving as the football teams assistant head coach and defensive coordinator. - With these changes in- fusing among the Western Carolina football team, we are simply left to wonder, is Coach Dennis Wagner next? The records and statistics speak for themselves; Wag- ner has not shown he has the abilities to lead WCU into a winning season and into the playoffs. Going into its home game against Wof- ford last weekend, the Cata- mounts were 1-7 overall and 0-6 in the Southern Confer- ence. If you think this is just a rough season, think again. Going into Wofford, the Catamounts are 8-41 overall (3-25 SoCon) under Wag- ner, who is now in his fourth year - not to mention they are ranked last in the SoCon standings. Wagner has yet to produce a winning season since he took control -. the Catamounts last winning season was in 2001. The numbers show that Wagner has not coached up to what is expected. With former athletic director Chip Smith granting Wag- ner a contract extension, he has two years and $390,000 -left on his contract. Firing Wagner now will give him _ With Smith and Pawlowski gone, Wagner should be next FILE PHOTOS Western Carolinas head football coach Dennis Wagner has not had a winning season since being hired. Pawlowski an immediate payday, but may also give the school another two years of losing football seasons. I realize I may seem bi- ased against Coach Wagner and J am aware of the other factors to take into con- sideration. Those include Smith player : training, assistant coaching, and perhaps one of the bigger ones, recruit- ing. However, the fact that since taking control he has produced four consecutive years of losing records tells me that he has not shown he has what it takes to make a LETTERS POLICY Belcher winning football team. Responsibility. starts at the top, and when there are no positive results being produced, someone must be accountable. It is time for a change in the Western Carolina University coach- - ing staff. j We weloome letters from our readers. We urge brevity, both for the sake of effectiveness and the demands of space; letters should be no longer than 500 words. All letters are subject to the same editing for clarity applied to our staff contributions. We will not publish anonymous letters; letters praising or cri ing personal attacks or personally hurt of letters to other publications. Because we want to provi be limited fo one letter every four weeks. All letters should be signe daytime phone numbers. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published reserve the right not to print any letter. ful statements; endorsements o ticizing professors by name; letters mak- f or letters from political candidates; or copies de access to a variety of viewpoints, each letter writer will d, and writers should enclose their addresses and but will be used to verify letters. We

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