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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 04

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  • ar og) AS RRR ny Meteo EOS \ oa Page 3 WESTERN CAROLINIAN March 25th, 2011 COMEPUS: LIER Tuckaseigee River Cleanup to be held Saturday, April 16 Claire Karriker, Contributing Writer Western Carolina Univer- sitys Base Camp Cullowhee will present the 27th annual Tuckaseigee River Cleanup on Saturday, April 16, and is looking for volunteers to help remove trash from part of the river in Jackson County. Registration for groups will be on the A.K. Hinds University Center lawn from 11 am. to 1 p.m. After regis- ~ tering, volunteers will be is- sued a life jacket and paddle. Base Camp Cullowhee will *provide transportation to the river, where participants will ' listen to a safety talk and re- _ ceive trash bags. Volunteers must weight at least 40 pounds to be allowed in a raft. Walking trails are available for those who do not meet the requirements or who do not want to raft. Rafts are self-guided. After working to clean up the river, volunteers are in- vited back to the University Center lawn for a free cook- out, live entertainment and the chance to win prizes donated by local businesses. The first 600 volunteers to register will receive free T- shirts. Volunteers should wear old clothing and shoes that will not come off in the water. No prior rafting experience is required for those working in contact the river. i The Tuckaseigee River Cleanup is the largest single- day effort to clean up a river in the country. The event drew more than 600 volunteers in 2010 who removed about five tons of garbage from 27 miles of the river. The event was originally organized 27 years ago by the students and staff of WCUs Outdoor Programs and consisted of concerned volunteers who recognized the need to clean up the river. _ For more information, Jennifer Bennett, Tuckaseigee River Cleanup coordinator, at 828-227-3625 or visit the Web site at base- oe ae FILE PHOTO Hundreds of Western Carolina University students volunteered to help re remove trash and debris from the _ waters and Pave of the Tuckaseigee River at last years cleanup. WCU graduate students write, update Wikip edia public policy articles Erik Freitas, Contributing Writer Western Carolina Univer- sity students in a graduate- - level policy analysis course - are researching and writing articles for Wikipedia as part ' of an initiative to improve the - quality of public policy con- tent on the free online ency- clopedia that anyone can edit. Like it or not, the lay- mans and the experts dis- course alike ily from online sources like Wikipedia, said Billy Sch- weig, a student in the course -and WCUs masters degree program in public affairs. I think its pretty forward- thinking of our program to _nhot only acknowledge that, but also to join efforts like the Wikimedia Policy Project that seek to improve everyones | access to good information. Wikimedia, a nonprofit or- ganization that runs Wikipe- i in: ga 5 oT : eae education to medi as draw heav- dia, received a grant from the write articles on public policy topics, citing reliable sources such as scholarly articles or books. Chris Cooper, associate professor of political science -and public affairs and direc- tor of WCUs Public Policy Institute, contacted Wikime- dia about possible participa- tion. WCU became one of 21 universities selected to par-_ ticipate when Coopers Pol- icy Analysis graduate course was. chosen for inclusion. Students in the course learn to understand, analyze and communicate public pol- icy and strategy, and incorpo- rating the Wikipedia project offered a hands-on way to communicate about policy with the broader public, said Cooper. Also, when students post something on Wikipedia, people will respond, said Cooper. The students have to defend their position and craft ers on. sWilipedia: It ais up being a laboratory for demo- cratic debate. Supporting this semesters Wikimedia Foundation Public Policy Project participants are a range of Wikipedia experts, including 62 online ambassa- dors and 51 campus ambas- sadors, one of whom is Laura Cruz, interim director of the WCU Coulter Faculty Com- mons. Cruz is currently work- ing with Coopers students as the Wikipedia expert, while Cooper serves as the content expert. Frank Schulenburg, head of public outreach for the Wi- kimedia Foundation, said he was excited to have Western Carolina University on board. We look forward to seeing how Professor Coopers pub- lic policy students contribute to freely shared knowledge for the world by writing content on Wikipedia, said Schulenburg. - WCU students have: se- lected a range of topics: to study. and. update on Wiki- -pedia. Anne Cortes, a breast PHOTO SUBMITTED Chris Gooper (center), associate professor of political science and public affairs and director of the Public published on Wikipedia. Policy Institute, works with students Josh Purdy and Anne Cortes as they write public policy articles to be cancer survivor caring for a husband who has an inop- erable brain tumor, chose patient-centered outcomes to research and write about for Wikipedia. Schweig de- bated between! : 3-D. meee copyright issues and medical amnesty before settling on post-detection policy pro- cedures centered on how to respond in the event of con- tact with intelligent alien life. Tt isnt exactly the most per- tinent issue when it comes to contemporary policy debates, but if it were to happen, you can bet that about 6 billion people would want to know aaa policy. pretty oan ly, he ae WCU alternative spring break takes students to Washington, D.C. for is ig From Staff Reports Sixteen Western Caro- lina University students spent their spring break serving people in need in Washington, D.C., as part of WCUs Alter- : native Break Program. While in the nations Capi- =tol, students worked in soup kitchens, played games with at-risk youth, organized a | warehouse that provides sup- , plies for community service, and helped build a green- house and paint rooms for a nonprofit organization that helps people who have dis- abilities. Tve always wanted to make a difference within the * world by doing my little part to make life better for some- " one, whoever it may be, said - Aaron Marshall, a freshman from. Gastonia who helped plan the trip. I saw the al- ternative spring break trip as a chance to assist others and also enjoy some time away from Cullowhee while still being connected to the uni- versity. Marshall, an athletic train- ing major pursuing a minor in race, gender and ethnic rela- tions, said he was inspired to help organize the week-long experience after participating in the alternative fall break trip in Lexington, Ky. He advocated for incorporating more team-building activities and more service as a group to help WCU students truly immerse themselves in the shared alternative break ex- perience and form a deeper connection, he said. He also secured a $100 donation from Wal-Mart to purchese food from crackers to rice to offset the cost of the trip. Meanwhile, students as- sociated with Last Minute Productions, a trip sponsor along with the WCU Center for Service Learning, were in- strumental in securing hous- ing and setting up Capitol and White House tours for the group. Students are increasingly taking active roles in planning the Alternative Break Pro- gram trips, said Josh Lively, one of two staff members traveling with the group. The group includes eight inter- national students six from Saudi Arabia, one from China and one from South Korea. Alternative break trips _are a great way of promoting bonds between students from Mike Hill, Staff Writer Are you looking for something to pass the time - between studying and class? ' Take a look at whats playing at Sylvas own Quin Theater: The Lincoln Lawyer a Matthew McConaughey - film about a lawyer who is representing a Beverley Hills : client while living in the back of his Lincoln town car. It has - gained generally favorable reviews and is great for those who love dramas. Rango is an animated comedy about an ordinary chameleon that finds him- self in a not-so-ordinary des- ert town. The, film has been successful and stars Johnny Depp as the lead chameleon. Mars Needs Moms is a new movie based upon an alien abduction for the sole purpose of having a mom. The movie hasnt been overly successful in the box office, but it is sure to satisfy the family-friendly type. _ Red Riding Hood is a new image on a classic tale:'a young girl from a village ter- rorized by a wolf falls in love with a woodcutter. The film, _Whats playing at Quin Theaters sates which stars Amanda Sey- fried, has mixed reviews, but -is sure to be entertaining. _ No matter what youre do- ing these days in school, you should check out a film. It will help take your mind off those lower grades, and it will keep the stress in check. Lively, a Center for Service students application process diverse backgrounds i in order to address social issues, such - as poverty alleviation, said Learning program coordina- tor and NC Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA member. Brandon Tigue, a_ staff leader on the trip and an assis- tant director of undergraduate admission, has participated in three alternative spring break trips and particularly values the opportunity to visit dif- ferent communities and make connections. T love to serve in any ca- pacity, whether its during a or out in the community, said Tigue. I am not able to give money like I would like to, so time is the next best thing and sometimes the best thing. ARIES - Mar SI /ApE 20 Aries, a night out. on the town vith friends is just what you need right now. After a series of days where it has been work, work, work, some recreation is necessary. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, take a breather because you will need to rest up for the week ahead. A supervisor is atching you like a there will be no chance for goofing off. : GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, a momentary lapse of judgement could cause a ripple effect. Think through all of your choices quite thoroughly the line. CANCER = Jun.22/Jul 22 Cancer, nobody can Indecision will leave others confused, and you dont want that now. LEO - Jul'23/Aug 23 Leo, if only you could snap your effort to solve a problem. MIRGO'- Aug 24/Sept 22 not keep up with the mania. Its time for some quiet reflection and moments to yourself. the answer. to _javoid a potential problem down PHOTO COURTESY OF METRO GRAPHICS LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 A special.moment that you were ing if its ever going to happen. Dont worry, soon you will get SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, instead of focusing on all the things you. have to get done, figure out a way to help others. Tasks wont seem so monotonous if theyre for the greater good. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, be the bigger per- son and end an argument. Where is this confrontation get- ting you anyway? Once this occurs many other things will fall into place. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Matters of money are you utmost concern, Capricorn. With the tax filing deadline looming, you may realize some good news is coming your way that will fatten sede wallet. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Make the most of. a situation at work, Aquarius. Networking with the right people can open up opportunities in the future that may be. just what youre ore for. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 needs some urgent advice. a role you do well.

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