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Western Carolinian Volume 75 Number 03

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  • Page 5 WESTERN CAROLINIAN February 28, 2009 WCU to Host Gunman Emer From Staff Reports Western Carolina University and several regional emergency response agencies will conduct a disaster preparedness drill on the Cullowhee campus Tuesday, March ay The drill, which will involve a simulated active shooter incident in a campus residence hall, is the result of a $40,000 federal homeland security grant to the Jackson County Emergency Management Office to help law enforcement agencies, emergency responders and university officials evaluate existing crisis response Western Carolina Universitys summer commencement ceremony scheduled for Aug. 7 has been suspended in preparation for projected cuts in state-appropriated funding for the 2009-10 fiscal year. The temporary discontinuation of the smallest of the universitys three annual commencement exercises is among cost-cutting measures designed to produce efficiencies and trim expenses while preserving mission-critical services and protecting faculty and staff positions during the ongoing economic downturn, WCU Chancellor John Bardo said. About 350 candidates for degrees took part in last years August commencement event. The number of participants ballooned to about 700 in December and approximately 1,150 in May. _ We certainly understand that this step will affect a number of our students and their families, Bardo said. This decision in no way diminishes the hard work, the determination, and the hours of study that have enabled these students to complete their degree requirements. It simply is a sign of our turbulent economic times. The decision, recommended. by the universitys commencement committee and endorsed by the Student Government Association, comes after serious discussions and with considerable input from all campus constituencies, he said. plans, policies and procedures. The full-scale drill follows a tabletop exercise held in January. The purpose of the drill is to test our response to a mass casualty incident, said Lt. Kent Davis of the University Police Department. The drill is designed to be educational and provide opportunities to improve our responses and develop policies for various emergencies. The March 3 scenario will be the first full-scale exercise the university has conducted since May 2004, when a campuswide emergency drill involved a mock explosion in a chemistry lab. Live exercises use role-players The move will not affect spring commencement ceremonies, set for May 8-9, or fall exercises, to be held Dec. 19. Although we will be unable to hold a ceremony this August, those students who complete their degree requirements this summer certainly will be graduates of the university, Bardo said. They will receive their diplomas as they normally would, and we invite them to return to campus to paea in our December ceremony. Regardless of the number of participants in the ceremony and the size of the audience on hand to watch the expense of mounting such events remains fairly constant, said Fred Hinson, senior associate vice chancellor for academic affairs and chair of the commencement committee. There are costs incurred in staffing the event, setting up and taking down the stage, providing - traffic and parking control, and printing the programs, Hinson said. In addition to considering the relatively small size of the summer ceremony, university administrators also took into account the fact that reductions in the work force and employee furloughs may affect the number of employees available to do the work necessary to stage the event. Furloughs, if approved by the General Assembly as a way to deal with the budget situation, would probably occur during the summer months, when fewer students are on campus, Bardo said. involved in simulated incidents that occur in real time and require an actual reaction from emergency responders and university officials. Equipment and human resources are activated and deployed as if the emergency really is happening. The tabletop exercise and upcoming drill are part of Western Carolinas commitment to ensure the safety of students, faculty and staff, said Tom Johnson, WCU chief of police. In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shootings of 2007, when a gunman killed 32 people, colleges and universities across the nation are taking a serious look at emergency preparedness. Photo Courtesy of Mark Haskett/WCU Budget Cuts Cause WCU to Suspend Summer Commencement By Justin Caudell Editor-in-Chief Temporary suspension of the summer commencement ceremony is one of several steps Western Carolina is taking to deal with the budgetcrisis. All University of North Carolina campuses and all state agencies already have experienced significant appropriation reversions during the current fiscal year. Along with all other UNC system campuses,, WCU is developing plans to address possible budget reductions of 3 percent, 5 percent and 7 percent in permanent state funding for the 2009-10 fiscal year WCU administrators also are developing a budget reduction scenario of 8 percent, in case economic conditions continue to worsen. Officials at Western Carolina are attempting to find ways to reduce costs while having a minimal impact on faculty, staff and services to students, Bardo said. We are determined to maintain the long- established quality of a Western Carolina education, he said. In addition to the temporary suspension of summer commencement, other steps taken to trim expenses and improve. efficiencies include a freeze on hiring for most campus positions, reorganization of some university offices, postponement of a Chancellors Speaker Series event, cancellation of an annual holiday gathering, restrictions on travel and purchases, and transformation of a printed faculty-staff newsletter into an online publication. The University of North Carolina system has created a campus safety task force and is requiring UNC campuses to conduct regular assessments of their policies and procedures, This drill will serve as a valuable learning experience for all of us, Johnson said. It is important that we understand how ready we are to respond to a life-threatening situation. We know that we wont get everything right during the drill, but the point is to learn from any , mistakes and correct them so that if _we do face a real emergency, we are better prepared to deal with it. In addition to WCU, the March gency Drill on March 3 3 exercise will involve the Jackson County Sheriff's Office, Sylva Police Department, Cullowhee Fire Department, WestCare Emergency Medical Service, and Asheville Fire and Rescue. The exercise will be facilitated by EnviroSafe Consulting, a Graham-based company specializing in helping organizations in their preparedness, emergency response and regulatory compliance programs. A large portion of campus will be closed during the day of the exercise, which is being held during WCUs spring break week. English and Business Departments Announce Curriculum Changes Note from the moles of Business Starting this fall there will be sig- nificant changes to the BSBA (Col- a of Business). eee A you i By labo shusiness major 6 who will subBTS VB ine SPS SHIMON, 0, complete. your, major eclare SS UT be complgiing a0 hour by | of this summer) or intend ee | your major in any business disci- pline, please meet with your advisor | as soon as possible and declare your major. Your advisor will be able to tell you how you may be affected by these changes. You can find a com- parison of the current Foundation of Knowledge for Business and the new Pre-Core and Core courses if you go to and click on the link (Comparison of current Foundation of knowl- edge....) at the bottom right hand corer, Note from the College of English Changes are in the works for English core requirements. English 261, 262, 251, and 252 are being replaced with three surveys, num- bered, 240, 241, and 242. There have been holdups in the curriculum process, but we expect these chang- : es to be approved shortly. Thenwe : can put them into Banner. UG ORE A a df You, ne ced one of the older _ your advisor will help you choose which of the new courses will best | mA fit your needs, but until the courses can be put into Banner, it will not be possible to register for them. We can let you know when this is ready. Meanwhile, you need to know where they fit in the schedule so you can schedule other courses - - around them, Here they are: 240.01 will be taught by Dr. Fenton at 9:05 MWE. 241.01 will be taught by Dr. Clax- ton at 2:05 TR. 242.01 will be taught by Dr. Wright at 11:15 MWE. New majors coming into the pro- gram will also take a one-hour course, English 200, with Dr. Debo. Addictions Program R.U. is a free program that meets at Victory Baptist Church every Friday from 7-9pm. Food and drinks are provided at no cost. Victory Baptist is located halfway between Sylva and Franklin on | Highway 441. Call Director Buddy Driggers at 828- 586-2120 for more information. Reformers instance! is the largest faith based addictions program in the US.A. We have a national success rate of 74% and have recommer by U.S. Congressmen, Mayors, Councilmen, Social workers, and ry

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