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Western Carolinian Volume 75 Number 03

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  • February 28, 2009 WESTERN CAROLINIAN Page 4 EDITORIAL 7 Summer Commencement Should Not Have Been Canceled - Ina reflection seminar with students, which was among a slate of * Martin Luther King Jr. events held at WCU in late January, Chancellor John Bardo made a call to students to become involved with community ' service. He added that community service should be a requirement of * every major at Western Carolina. As the Chancellor put it, its one thing to serve soup; its another to know why. No immediate changes in curriculums are planned right now, and current students would not be required to perform the community service if it was added to their major, but if community service is added in the _ future, it would take the heart of the meaning out. Although community service is a valuable experience to provide students, there is a contradiction involved with making volunteer work mandatory. Making service a requirement to graduate may negate the spirit that such work should be done in. Students would be volunteering out of obligation and not out of any humanitarian intention. ve Chancellor Bardo may very well force students to serve soup and not know why. Required Community Service Is A Bad Idea Last week, WCU officials cancelled Western Carolina Universitys summer commencement ceremony scheduled for Aug. 7. It was suspended in preparation for projected cuts in state-appropriated funding for the 2009-10 fiscal year. The move will not affect spring commencement ceremonies, set for May 8-9, or fall exercises, to be held Dec. 19. In a statement to the media, Chancellor John Bardo said the seniors who would have graduated in August will receive their diplomas as they normally would, and would be invited to return to campus to participate in Decembers ceremony. Regardless, the summer commencement should not have been canceled. Graduation has never been about a sheet of paper, but rather a rite of passage; a culmination of years of work. Graduates may be invited to walk in December, but the fact that these graduates may move away from Cullowhee, may move back to their hometown, or relocate from the area for employment reasonsmust not have been thought about by WCU officials. , There are costs incurred in staffing the summer commencement, setting up and taking down the stage, providing traffic and parking control, and printing the programsbut these costs should not have been slashed by WCU. Other measures could have been taken to aid in preparing for budget cuts in the 2009-10 fiscal year. me" Graduates already pay graduation fees to help c their graduation. They should not hav to ndure more costs, such as to _ pay for gas or hotels, if they were to return to graduate in December. SG erento 4 SBOE SS RC aa ee oe te Sarr are! SRR Taare om ae eS ps Editor-in-Chief: Justin Caudell 103 Student Media Center Cullowhee, NC 28723 E-Mail: Office Phone: 828-227-2694 Advisor: Katherine Duff Smith 109A Student Media Center Cullowhee, NC 28723 E-Mail: Office Phone: 828-227-2195 News Editor: Tiffany Barnwell Features Editor: Michael OShea Sports Editor: Justin Caudell Arts & Entertainment Editor: Jennifer Toledo Photo Editor: Danielle Lightner Layout & Design: Amanda LeGaux Maegan Zigarevich Distribution: Jay Strong Mailing Address: Western Carolinian Post Office Box 66 Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 NTeN MoS yy er the costs of | pc P : 5 1'M Sorey, 1 WAS WRonG, . I'M Soeey, AL WAS So very VERY WRONG, oe bumper stickers that say Compost Happens? I know, it sounds like some deep guano, but none the less _ it is completely true. You cant stop compost; it is going on continuously, everywhere. Just last week, I was walking with a fellow student down from Moore to get some food at the Mad Batter and she pointed out a little black and white dog laying on top of the leaf pile by the old Brown cafeteria. Why was he chillin there? The answer is simply heat. Anything decomposing produces energy, usually given off as heat. If you get enough of the decaying medium together, like a leaf pile, then you have an enormous amount of energy production for your work invested. This energy- producing. metabolic activity reduces the size of the waste material, eventually eliminating it as it once was. This is composting. Every person in North Carolina throws away 1.24 tons of trash annually*. First off, most of this trash is compostable. It is comprised of wet, biodegradable matter such as food waste, wet paper, yard refuse, etc. Secondly, where exactly is away? In Sylva it is not anywhere around here. We send our entire trash amount to someone elses backyard, but it isnt away. There is no away in trash disposal; it does not exist, somewhere people must deal with it, either now, or in the future. And with an exponentially increasing population, how will we handle the tons of unnecessary garbage in the future? So who knows how much trash is actually compostable in the average trash can? For myself I know that reen Light Compost Your Troubles Away! Have you ever seen those +/ I'M Sorry, LI was Soveey VERY VERY WRONG, I FORGWE You Too, the"trash bags I used to, whiclr Saves me money and peace of * mind. I also never worry about a trash bag bursting, or animals dragging it all over the street. The bags are super light weight, and the critters dont want it because! there is nothing in it to desir Compost also offers youg usable product when _ it has finished its job: soil. Not dirt mind you, but the richest, darkest, dankest, and super-grow soil ever! You would pay over ten dollars a bag for something temotely comparable at the nursery. Spread it in your garden, or put it in your pots, ot just lay it around your bushes and trees; it works its magic all for free. Could you imagine a compost pile at every house? The savings in gas and people and time for the county | waste disposal service would be worth it alone..And how awesome to grow your own goodies in it! Why every year I have multiple plants start in the pile from thrown out refuse: avocados, tomatoes, squash. Not only free soil; free plants too. So how easy is it to set up and maintain a compost pile? The answer is extremely easy folks. Get some % inch hardware mesh fence, about 12 feet in length by 3 feet width, 5 rebar stakes 4 feet in length, and a pitchfork. Pound the rebar poles into the ground in a circle and set the mesh inside. Begin by dumping a few rake-fulls of leaves in there and start adding your wet-waste. Continue alternating wet with dry matter, blending it periodically with a pitchfork, until the compost is 1/3 to the top and is producing good heat. You might also need to add little water if it gets dry. Then stop adding fresh waste and let Quotable This decision in no way diminishes the hard work, the determination, and the hours of study that have enabled these students to complete their de- gree requirements. - Chancellor John Bardo on Summer Commencement at WCU being can- celled and its impact on students. ee. GeeevinG I'm Sorey, I WAS So veey VY TI was So very VERY very VERY WRONG, \ C/ ion WO ) es what is already in there break down until it is dark, fluffy and sweet smelling. Viola! You are done. If the compost is working well, exchanging matter for energy, then it will not smell bad and wont attract animals. I even put.a road- kill possum in one time and it was completely decomposed in a two weeks! Whole pumpkins are gone in days! Its like you have your own little world of life at your fingertips, all happening at a phenomenal rate. You can also do lazy composting and not turn it; it will still work, just on a much longer time span. So there it is earthlings. You may not be able to compost all your troubles away, but you can definitely compost the trash out of your life. Of course dont forget about recycling too, by blending it with composting you will produce very little waste. And if you have kids composting is a great, fun teaching tool for many aspects of physics, soil science and horticulture, Or you can just use the knowledge for benefiting yourself and society as a whole. * (For more information, visit the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Annual Report at swhome/AR07_08/ARO7_08.pdf) Dr. Know i (Editor's Note: The following is the beginning of what hopes to be a Srequently published column in the Western Carolinian.) Dear Dr. Know, Who are you?! -Nosey in Norton Dear Nosey, I am just a student at WCU, just like you. I live the dorm life and I do the college thing every day. I have no formal training in advice giving, but I have plenty of real-world experience just living in a dorm surrounded by people who trust my opinion. I enjoy researching questions which I dont already know the answer to, and I strive to give the best advice possible with little or no bias. Hope that answers your question! Signed, Dr. Know (Anyone with a question can contact Dr. Know. All questions will be answered, with the best included in the most recent issue of the Western Carolinian. The next time you dont know who to ask, ask Dr. Know at ene eae Oren AT nae POS We NA SAP) ORIE gO Tes SUTS. _- RNOMEED EV WY IS Ae Segre OI OS SS PN, IE NBIES DN ae". ts a is aia

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